Ana M. Millanes, Paul Diederich, Martin Westberg, Tommy Knutsson, Mats Wedin
Figure 1.Photographs of new species or records for the Nordic countries, Norway, and Sweden. Macroscopic habit of Tremella rhizocarpicola on Rhizocarpon lavatum (holotype, BG: L-68612) (A), Tremella pertusariae on Pertusaria hymenea (S: F-131626) (B), Tremella protoparmeliae, asymptomatic on Protoparmelia badia (S: F-255342) (C), Tremella caloplacae on Caloplaca decipiens (S: F-253110) (D), Tremella caloplacae on Xanthoria parietina (S: F-253109) (E), and Tremella rinodinae on Rinodina gennarii (S: F-255341) (F). Basidium morphology in Tremella rhizocarpicola (G), Tremella pertusariae (H), Tremella protoparmeliae (I), Tremella caloplacae (S: F-255314) (J), and Tremella rinodinae (KâL). Scale bars: 1 mm (AâF) and 10 mm (GâL).