Diagnostic Description
provided by FAO species catalogs
Body oval and deep, more or less compressed, back elevated. Scales on cheeks and opercle. Mouth terminal, slightly protusible, lips thin In each jaw, 8 incisors (exceptionally 10 in upper one). Molars behind incisors and at back of jaws in several series, 3-4 (rarely 5) in upper, 2-3 (rarely 4) in lower. Gillrakers 9 to 12 lower, 6 to 9 upper. Dorsal fin with 11 or 12 spines (rarely 13) and 12 to 16 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spines and 12 to 14 soft rays. Caudal fin forked. Lateral line scales 58-68 to caudal base. Colour silvery grey, inter-ocular space and snout darker; 9 transverse stripes (crossbars) alternately very dark and paler or only darker or absents; dark saddle on caudal peduncle, just behind last dorsal rays; black spot at upper pectoral axil; dorsal and anal dusky, distally darker; hind caudal edge black; in juveniles, only the 5 darker stripes appear.
- Bauchot, M.-L. - 1987. Sparidae In: W. Fischer and M.-L. Bauchot and M. Schneider (eds). Fiches FAO d'Identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche (Révison 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol. II. Vértebrés: 761-1530 .
- Bauchot, M.-L. & J.-C. Hureau - 1986. Sparidae In: P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (eds). Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean (FNAM). Unesco, Paris. Vol. II: 883-907 .
- Bauchot, M.-L. & J.-C. Hureau - 1990. Sparidae In: J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds). Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA). JNICT-Portugal, SEI-France, Unesco. Vol. II: 790 - 812.
- Bauchot, M.-L., J.-C. Hureau & J.C. Miquel - 1981. Sparidae In: W. Fischer, G. Bianchi and W. Scott (eds). FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Central Atlantic; fishing areas 34, 47 (in part). Canada Funds-in-Trust. Ottawa, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Vol. IV : pag. var .
- Cadenat, J. - 1951. Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal. Inst. Francais d'Afrique Noire. 1-345 . 1950 on cover, apparently published in 1951.
- Cadenat, J. - 1964. Notes d'ichtyologie ouest-africaine. XLII. - Les "Sars" des genres Puntazzo et Diplodus des eaux tropicales ouest-africaines. Bull. Inst. Fr. Afr. Noire (Sér. A) Sci. Nat. v. 26 (no. 3): 944-988.
- de la Paz, R., M. L. Bauchot & J. Daget - 1974. Les Diplodus (Perciformes, Sparidae) du groupe Sargus: systématique et phylogénie. Ichthyologia . v. 5 (no. 1): 113-128.
- Linnaeus, C. - 1758. Systema Naturae, Ed. X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.) Holmiae. v. 1: i-ii + 1-824. Nantes and Pisces in Tom. 1, pp. 230-338.
- Sauvage, H. E. - 1879. Description de quelques poissons d'espèces nouvelles de la collection du Muséum d'histoire naturelle. Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris (Ser. 7) . v. 3: 204-209.
- Smith, A. - 1838-47. Pisces. In: Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa; consisting chiefly of figures and descriptions of the objects of natural history collected during an expedition into the interior of South Africa in 1834-36. v. 4: 77 unnumb. pp, accompanying Pls. 1-31 .
- Steindachner, F. - 1876. Ichthyologische Beiträge (V). [Subtitles i-v.] Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. v. 74 (1. Abth.): 49-240, Pls. 1-15 . Also as a separate, pp. 1-192, Pls. 1-15.
- Tortonese, E. & I. Cautis. - 1967. Révision des poissons de la famille des Sparidés vivant près des côtes de Roumanie. Annali Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Giacomo Doria. 77: 295-306, 4 fig.
- Valenciennes, A. - 1830. Historie naturelle des poissons. In: G. Cuvier and A. Valenciennes. Historie naturelle des poissons. Tome Sixième. Livre sixième. Partie I. Des Sparoïdes. 1-425., in Strasbourg ed.
provided by FAO species catalogs
Atlantic coast, from Bay Biscay to Cape Verde, southwards Angola, South Africa to Malagasy including the Madeira, Canaries, Cape Verde, Ascension and St. Helena Islands. Also present in the Mediterranean (common) and Black Sea (very rare Tortonese and Cautis, 1967).
provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum 45 cm; common to 25 cm.
Brief Summary
provided by FAO species catalogs
Benthopelagic (demersal behaviour).Coastal, schooling species inhabiting rocky bottoms interspread with sand down to depths of 150 m, but especially abundant in the surf zone. The young occur in Zostera seagrass beds. Uses estuaries as nurseries.Omnivorous, feeding on seaweeds and benthic invertrebrates (mainly small crustaceans and molluscs; also seaweeds and corals. Probably protandric hermaphrodite (first male and then becoming female).
provided by FAO species catalogs
Throughout its range, mainly in artisanal fisheries. Caught mainly on line gear. Separate statistics are not reported for this species. Marketed fresh, the flesh is not highly esteemed.
Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Body with 5 black and 4 grey vertical bands. Snout is longer than the eye diameter (Ref. 35388).
- Recorder
- Arlene G. Sampang-Reyes
Life Cycle
provided by Fishbase
Sexes separate or protandrous (Ref. 4781). In some areas, this species occurs as a digynic hermaphrodite, that is, males and females developing from intermediate juveniles (Ref. 52202). However, protandry with possible digyny was later confirmed (Ref. 103751). Reaches sexual maturity at 2 years, with an approximate size of 17 cm. Spawning happens from January to March. Egg size 0.8-0.9 mm; larval length at hatching 2.6 mm. Also Ref. 28504.
provided by Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
provided by Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 11 - 12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 15; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 11 - 14
- Recorder
- Arlene G. Sampang-Reyes
Trophic Strategy
provided by Fishbase
Inhabits coastal rocky reef areas (Ref. 12460) and Posidonia oceanica beds. Like other sparids, it is very active and frequents the surf zone, primarily at dawn (Ref. 13780). Diurnal omnivore feeding on algae, sea-urchins, worms, gastropods and amphipods (Ref. 55064). Important predators of sea urchins in Azorean coastal habitats (Ref. 55064).Feeds on shellfish and other benthic invertebrates which it picks from the sediment (Ref. 5377).
provided by Fishbase
Inhabits coastal rocky reef areas (Ref. 12460) and Posidonia oceanica beds. Like other sparids, it is very active and frequents the surf zone, primarily at dawn (Ref. 13780). Feeds on shellfish and other benthic invertebrates which it picks from the sediment (Ref. 5377).
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
provided by Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; aquaculture: commercial; gamefish: yes; price category: very high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
- Recorder
- Crispina B. Binohlan
provided by wikipedia EN
The sargo or white seabream (Diplodus sargus) is a species of seabream native to the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans.[1] It is found from the Bay of Biscay southwards to South Africa, including Madeira and the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean and (rarely) the Black Sea. Occasionally individuals are found off the Indian Ocean coasts of South Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar, and they are very rarely found elsewhere in the Indian Ocean, such as off Oman. An active fish, they inhabit the surf zone, but they may be found down to 50 m.
They consume small crustaceans, mollusks and some seaweed and coral, using their strong jaws to crush shells. Individuals can reach 45 cm, but average 22 cm.
Diplodus sargus are protandrous hermaphrodites, with individuals starting out life as males, and some becoming female later on.
It is commercially fished, with 3,713 t taken in 2008.[1] Some are reared using aquacultural techniques. The catch is eaten immediately or marketed locally, as the flesh tastes good only when fresh.
Two US Navy submarines were named for this nimble fish, USS Sargo (SS-188) and USS Sargo (SSN-583).
The species has one accepted subspecies:[2]
Diplodus sargus cadenati (de la Paz, et al., 1974), occurs off the European and West African coasts, and off Madeira and the Canary Islands
Other former subspecies have been accepted as separate species:[2]
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Wikipedia authors and editors
Sargo: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
The sargo or white seabream (Diplodus sargus) is a species of seabream native to the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans. It is found from the Bay of Biscay southwards to South Africa, including Madeira and the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean and (rarely) the Black Sea. Occasionally individuals are found off the Indian Ocean coasts of South Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar, and they are very rarely found elsewhere in the Indian Ocean, such as off Oman. An active fish, they inhabit the surf zone, but they may be found down to 50 m.
They consume small crustaceans, mollusks and some seaweed and coral, using their strong jaws to crush shells. Individuals can reach 45 cm, but average 22 cm.
Diplodus sargus are protandrous hermaphrodites, with individuals starting out life as males, and some becoming female later on.
It is commercially fished, with 3,713 t taken in 2008. Some are reared using aquacultural techniques. The catch is eaten immediately or marketed locally, as the flesh tastes good only when fresh.
Two US Navy submarines were named for this nimble fish, USS Sargo (SS-188) and USS Sargo (SSN-583).
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Wikipedia authors and editors