Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 1.SEM photographs of radial shields of Asteroschema tubiferum (NSMT E-2110) (A) and Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., paratype(MV F-162658) (B). A multi-layered radial shield B single-layered radial shields. The left side of the images are towards the center of the disc and the right side towards the disc margin.
Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 3.Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., holotype (MV F162657). A aboral view B oral view. Arrows indicate the arm of another ophiuroid gripped by Squamophis albozosteres.
Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 4.Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., holotype (MV F162657). A aboral disc and basal portion of the arms B periphery of the disc and basal portion of the arm C aboral central disc D oral disc E oral central disc F jaws G oral periphery of the disc H lateral interradius of the disc. Abbreviations: GS - genital slit; O - oral papillae; T - teeth; Ten - Tentacles.
Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 5.Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., holotype (MV F162657). A, B aboral basal portion of the arm C oral basal portion of the arm D aboral middle portion of the arm, each arrow head indicates a row of white ossicles E oral middle portion of the arm F lateral middle portion of the arm, each arrow head indicates a row of white ossicles G oral distal portion of the arm H lateral distal portion of the arm. Abbreviations: - AS arm spine; LAP - lateral arm plate; Ten - tentacles.
Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 6. A–K Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., paratype(MV F162658). SEM photographs of internal ossicles. A, B polygonal plate-shaped epidermal ossicles at the aboral periphery of the disc, external (A) and lateral (B) views C, D domed plate-shaped epidermal ossicles at the periphery of the disc, external (C) and lateral (D) views E, F domed plate-shaped epidermal ossicles on the aboral middle portion of the arm, external (E) and lateral (F) views G, H granule-shaped epidermal ossicles on the oral middle portion of the arm, external (G) and lateral (H) views I–K arm spines from basal (I), middle (J) and distal (K) portion of the arm. Arrows indicate the orientation (B, D, F, H): ext - external side; int - internal side.
Masanori Okanishi, Timothy D. O’Hara, Toshihiko Fujita
Figure 7.Squamophis albozosteres sp. n., paratype(MV F162658). SEM photographs of internal ossicles. A lateral arm plate from middle portion of the arm B, C vertebrae from middle (B) and distal (C) portion of the arm, oral views. Abbreviations: MO - muscle opening; NO - nerve opening.