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Male. 4.86 mm long; 1.37 mm wide at humeri.Color:Integument of head, pronotum, elytron, and legs mostly dark reddish brown with purple hue on apical two-thirds of elytron and legs; antenna dark reddish brown except for base of scape and antennomeres 3–5 which are lighter orange.Head:Matte, with micropunctation throughout and indistinct larger depressions; setae sparse, short, golden; gena short, produced anteriorly into acute tooth near base of mandible; frons short, broad, without evident frontal-genal ridge, anteclypeal sulcus, or interantennal groove or depression; eye with single small lobe present anteroventral to antennal tubercle; laterally as protuberant as pronotum; finely faceted; antennal tubercle weakly, gradually elevated; antenna 11-segmented, short, extending to middle of elytron; highly myrmecomorphic with elongate scape extending to nearly middle of pronotum; antennomere 2 short, angled, causing remaining antennomeres to be potentially articulated in opposing direction from scape; antennomeres 3–5 spinose apicomesally, lighter than remainder; antennomeres 6–11 abruptly shortened, shorter than scape; antennomeres 1–5 with sparse, elongate, golden setae; 6–11 with denser, appressed golden setae. Mandible yellow with piceous apex; terminal palpomeres broadly dilated.Pronotum:Matte, with uniform micropunctation throughout and interspersed, separate, shallow punctures; without calli or tubercles; distinctly longer than broad, 1.61 mm long, 1.04 mm wide (length/width = 1.55); anterior four-fifths abruptly elevated above constricted posterior fifth; base distinctly narrower than elytron; posteriorly produced into suprascutellar process at middle; sparsely pubescent with scattered, erect and appressed, short, golden setae, more dense at posterior margin of elevation.Prosternum:Densely, uniformly micropunctate, glabrous; prosternal process very narrow between procoxae; broadly expanded behind, closing procoxal cavities posteriorly; highly impressedanterior to procoxae; strongly downwardly curved anteriorly.Elytron:Matte, except for glossy, anterior epipleural region; uniformly micropunctate throughout; scattered, sparse, appressed, golden setae, mostly concentrated on basal third; dark reddish brown to piceous at basal third, separated from lighter purplish brown apical two thirds with oblique pale fascia that does not extend to suture; constricted and depressed near white fascia, gibbous at base and apex; elytral apex rounded to suture; 2.79 mm long, 0.67 mm wide (length/width = 4.16).Scutellum:Small, rounded posteriorly; short, golden setae present on middle.Legs:Femora short, stout, with strongly clavate apices on abruptly narrowed peduncles; metafemur not attaining elytral apex; tibiae straight, apically expanded, each with single, strong, curved tibial spine; sparsely pubescent with scattered golden setae.Venter:Mostly glossy, sparsely pubescent except on sides of posterior margin of metasternum and mesosternum which have dense, white pubescence, the former coinciding with white fascia of elytron; mesosternal intercoxal process about 3 times as broad as prosternal process, with small lateral projection into mesocoxa and middle notch receiving anterior projection of metasternum. Ventrite 1 most elongate; remaining ventrites successively shorter and elevated towards elytral apex; apex of fifth ventrite broadly rounded, without notch, sulcus, or other modification.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Steven W. Lingafelter
- bibliographic citation
- Lingafelter S (2011) New myrmecomorphous longhorned beetles from Haiti and the Dominican Republic with a key to Anaglyptini and Tillomorphini of Hispaniola (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) ZooKeys 106: 55–75
- author
- Steven W. Lingafelter