Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cyphocharax modestus (Fernández-Yépez)
Curimata gilberti.—Amaral Campos, 1945:460 [Brazil: Rio Mogi-Guaçu].—Gomes and Monteiro, 1955:106 [Brazil: São Paulo, Pirassununga (= Piraçununga)].—Oliveira et al., 1988:594 [Brazil: São Paulo, Botucatu, Rio Mogi-Guaçu; karyotype].
Curimatorbis modestus Fernández-Yépez, 1948:43, fig. 21 [type locality: incorrectly given as Isla Victoria, São Paulo; author incorrectly listed as Amaral Campos (see Britski, 1969, for corrections)].—Britski, 1969:201, 203 [correction of authorship and locality: Curimatorbis modestus Fernández-Yépez, type locality: Brazil: São Paulo, Rio Batalha, tributary of Rio Tietê, near Bauru].—Fowler, 1975:370 [reference].—Vari, 1989a, tables 2, 3 [assignment to Cyphocharax].
Curimatus gilberti.—Britski, 1972:83 [in part, Rio Paraná basin].—Foresti et al., 1974:249 [karyotype].—Nomura and Hayashi, 1980:165 [meristics and biology; Brazil: São Paulo, Rio Morgado at Matão].
Pseudocurimata gilberti gilberti.—de Godoy, 1975:598, fig. 132, 133 [Brazil: São Paulo, Rio Mogi-Guassu (= Guaçu); life history].
Curimata modesta.—Venere and Galetti, 1985:681–687 [karyotypes, triploidy].—Castro and Arcifa, 1987:495–496, 498 [Brazil: São Paulo, Rio Tietê life history].—Oliveira et al., 1988:594 [Brazil: São Paulo, Aguas de São Paulo; karyotype].—Arefjev, 1990:298 [karyotype].
Curimata cf. modesta.—Géry et al., 1987:418–420, fig. 36 [Paraguay: Río Paraná, ? Río Paraguay].
DIAGNOSIS.—Cyphocharax modestus is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of 31 to 36 lateral-line scales to the hypural joint, the development of pores along the entire lateral line in all but juvenile specimens, the 32 to 34 vertebrae, the absence of multiple series of longitudinal dark stripes or small dark spots in multiple longitudinal rows on the body, the absence of a discrete patch of dark pigmentation on the dorsal fin, the presence of a patch of dark pigmentation on the midlateral surface of the caudal peduncle not preceded by 4 or 5 large midlateral dark spots on the body, the stripe of dark pigmentation across the middle rays of the caudal fin in moderate to large-sized specimens, and the possession of 9 branched dorsal-fin rays.
Cyphocharax modestus is very similar to and has been confused with C. gilbert, a species allopatrically distributed in rivers of coastal Brazil north of central São Paulo state. The two species differ, however, in various details of pigmentation and meristics (see “Remarks” under C. gilbert for a more detailed discussion).
DESCRIPTION.—Body moderately elongate, somewhat compressed laterally. Dorsal profile of head convex from tip of snout to vertical line through posterior nostril, straight or very slightly convex from that line to tip of supraoccipital spine. Dorsal profile of body smoothly curved from tip of supraoccipital spine to origin of dorsal fin; straight to slightly convex and posteroventrally slanted at base of dorsal fin, nearly straight from base of last dorsal-fin ray to caudal peduncle in smaller individuals, more often gently convex in adults. Dorsal surface of body with indistinct median keel anterior to dorsal fin, smoothly rounded transversely posterior to fin. Ventral profile of body gently curved from tip of lower jaw to caudal peduncle. Prepelvic region obtusely flattened transversely, with scales of that region not enlarged relative to those on adjoining portions of body. Obtuse median keel posterior to origin of pelvic fin. Secondary obtuse keel on each side of postpelvic portion of body about two scales dorsal of ventral midline.
Greatest body depth at origin of dorsal fin, depth 0.34–0.41 [0.40]; snout tip to origin of dorsal fin 0.48–0.53 [0.53]; snout tip to origin of anal fin 0.81–0.87 [0.82]; snout tip to origin of pelvic fin 0.53–0.59 [0.53]; snout tip to anus 0.76–0.81 [0.77]; origin of dorsal fin to hypural joint 0.54–0.61 [0.57]. Dorsal fin obtusely pointed in profile distally; last branched and first branched rays about two and three-quarters to three times length of ultimate ray. Pectoral fin obtusely pointed in profile distally, length of pectoral fin 0.17–0.21 [0.18], extends approximately one-half distance to vertical line through origin of pelvic fin. Pelvic fin obtusely pointed in profile distally; length of pelvic fin 0.18–0.22 [0.20], reaches somewhat over one-half distance to origin of anal fin. Caudal fin forked. Adipose fin well developed. Anal fin emarginate, anteriormost branched rays two and one-half to three times length of ultimate ray. Least depth of caudal peduncle 0.13–0.15 [0.14].
Head profile rounded anteriorly, obtusely pointed overall; head length 0.27–0.31 [0.30]; upper jaw slightly longer than lower, mouth barely subterminal; snout length 0.27–0.33 [0.28]; nostrils of each side very close, anterior circular, posterior crescent-shaped with aperture closed by thin flap of skin separating nares; orbital diameter 0.26–0.32 [0.29]; adipose eyelid present, with broad vertically ovoid opening over center of eye; length of postorbital portion of head 0.40–0.48 [0.44]; gape width 0.21–0.27 [0.24]; interorbital width 0.40–0.46 [0.40].
Pored lateral-line scales from supracleithrum to hypural joint 31 to 36 [33]; all scales of lateral line pored, canals in lateral-line scales straight; 3 to 5 series of pored scales extend beyond hypural joint onto caudal-fin base; 5 to 7 [6] scales in transverse series from origin of dorsal fin to lateral line; 4 to 6 [5] scales in transverse series from lateral line to origin of anal fin.
Dorsal-fin rays ii,9 or 10, iii,9 (when three unbranched rays present, first very small; see also discussion under “Remarks” below) [ii,9]; anal-fin rays ii,7 or iii,7 (iii,7 rare; when three unbranched rays present, first very small) [ii,7]; pectoral-fin rays 14 to 16 [14]; pelvic-fin rays i,8 or 9 (i,9 uncommon) [i,8].
Total vertebrae 32 (10), 33 (70), 34 (6).
Nomura and Hayashi (1980:168, table X) list 25 to 28 vertebrae in this species (identified by them as Curimatus gilberti) with 97.6% of the specimens having 28 to 30 vertebrae. Those authors apparently did not include the four vertebrae of the Weberian apparatus in their vertebral counts. If those elements are added, then 97.6% of their specimens had 32 to 34 vertebrae, the range of the specimens examined in this study. No specimens with 26 or 27 vertebrae (= 30 or 31 under the system used in this study) were listed by Nomura and Hayashi although they cited one specimen with 25 (= 29) vertebrae. Similarly, although no specimens with 32 (= 36) vertebrae were reported in that paper, they did list an individual with 33 (= 37) vertebrae. It is likely that the outlier counts of those authors (their 25 and 32 vertebrae; = 29 and 36 vertebrae in this study) were deformed or more likely misidentified specimens.
KARYOTYPES.—Foresti et al. (1974:249) reported that this species (listed by them as Curimatus gilberti) has 2n = 54 chromosomes with a fundamental number of 108. They did not find any indication of chromosomal heteromorphism in the species.
COLOR IN ALCOHOL.—Overall coloration of specimens retaining guanine on scales silvery-golden, darker on dorsal portions of head and body. Individuals lacking guanine on scales with ground coloration tan to light brown. Head darker dorsally but without any pronounced pigmentation pattern at any age. Juveniles under 20 mm SL with very dark midlateral spot on rear of caudal peduncle. Spot extends dorsally and ventrally to margins of caudal peduncle and posteriorly onto bases of middle rays of caudal fin. Caudal peduncle spot more elongate in specimens above 30 mm SL (Figure 60), extending posteriorly onto middle rays of caudal fin, often to tips of rays. Fields of faint chromatophores extending dorsally and ventrally from darker central spot to margins of peduncle in specimens of 30 to 50 mm SL; those chromatophore fields absent in larger individuals (Figure 61). Midlateral peduncle spot more elongate in larger individuals, forming an anteriorly obscure stripe extending forward to vertical line through anterior of base of adipose fin. Some individuals of all sizes with scattered dark spots on lateral surface of body. Pigmentation on middle caudal-fin rays most pronounced proximally, sometimes forming discrete dark spot, and continuing posteriorly as a band of faint pigmentation on middle caudal-fin rays. Fins predominantly hyaline in juveniles, somewhat dusky in adults.
DISTRIBUTION.—Upper Rio Paraná system of Brazil and Paraguay above Sete Quedas Falls (Figure 58).
COMMON NAME.—“Saguiru” (de Godoy, 1975:600).
ECOLOGY.—According to de Godoy (1975:602) Cyphocharax modestus (identified by him as Pseudocurimata gilberti gilberti) is a member of the “piracema,” the seasonal migration of fishes at Cachoeira de Emas on the Rio Mogi-Guaçu, São Paulo state, Brazil. Spawning of the species in that river system occurs from November to January. Nomura and Hayashi (1980:174) identified twelve genera of algae in the stomach contents of this species in addition to unidentifiable algal remains. Those authors also provided detailed information on the life history of the species.
DISTRIBUTION.—Coastal drainages of eastern Brazil from Bahia to Rio de Janeiro and eastern São Paulo (Figure 67).
GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION.—The single feature with the most notable intra-specific variation in Cyphocharax gilbert involves the degree of development of dark pigmentation on the caudal peduncle. This pigmented patch is typically diffuse in most adults (Figures 64, 65), but a few individuals from northern portions of the species range (Figure 66) have a distinct, very dark stripe on the midlateral surface of the posterior portion of the body. Contrary to the condition in other populations the caudal peduncle pigmentation in such specimens continues posteriorly onto the middle rays of the caudal fin. Otherwise these individuals agree in all examined meristic and morphometric features with typical specimens of C. gilbert. As a consequence of the limited available material from the northern limits of the species range, it is not possible to determine the significance of this intraspecific variation in pigmentation. Those samples are tentatively considered conspecific with C. gilbert.
Limited data are available on the life coloration of the species. Specimens from the northern portion of the range (Rio de Contas system, state of Bahia) have darker fins with the midlateral stripe on the caudal peduncle less obvious than in recently preserved specimens from the central portions of the species range (Rio Mucuri, state of Espírito Santo). Further information on water conditions and data on the state of the features in populations in intermediate drainages is required before we can evaluate whether the differences justify the further division of the species.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—338 specimens (90, 49.3–126.0).
BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: No specific locality, USNM 295901, 3 (2, 86.5–93.7); MZUSP 1572, 2. Rio Paraíba do Sul, São Jo~o da Barra, MZUSP 20822, 2; MZUSP 20775, 7; USNM 295938, 4 (3, 80.5–109.8); MZUSP 20774, 6 (3, 50.2–69.4); MZUSP 20806, 6 (3, 93.4–105.4); MZUSP 1600, 3. Rio Paraíba, NMW 66948, 3; NMW 68769, 1; NMW 68770, 1; NMW 68771, 4. Córrego da Atafona, MZUSP 21438, 6 (3, 108.5–110.3). Pontal, Atafona, MZUSP 20812, 1. Atafona, Trapiche, MZUSP 20808, 1. Ilha do Lima, Atafona, MZUSP 20811, 1. Lagoa Feia, MNRJ 11216, 2; MZUSP 2092, 1; MZUSP 2052, 8. Rio Magé, MNRJ 10907, 3. Rio Guapimirim, Magé, MZUSP 20847, 14 (85.4–116.0). Rio Guandu, MZUSP 21494, 1 (102.4). Município de Itaguaí, MZUSP 28271, 1. Rio Macacu (tributary of Bahia da Guanabara), MNHN 5430, 1 (81.0, holotype of Curimata Gilbert). Cabeceiras do Rio Guapiaçu, Cachoeira de Macacu, MZUSP 26861, 1 (98.9). Município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio Rabelo, MNRJ 11212, 5 (2, 106.3–106.4). Paraíso, Barra de Itabapoana, MNRJ 11216, 6 (4, 78.1–88.2). Córrego Pedra d'dgua, São Fidelis, MZUSP 20848, 2. Campos [= Rio Muriae at Campos], ANSP 8200, 1. São Paulo: Taubaté, CAS 11577, 1 (78.3; formerly IU 9287). Rio Paraíba, Represa de Paraibuna, MZUSP 35813, 5. Rio Paraíba, Santa Branca, MZUSP 20730, 14 (9, 67.5–119.7); MZUSP 20686, 5 (2, 83.0–86.7); MZUSP 20728, 2. Rio Paraíba, Santa Branca, Córrego do Rogero, MZUSP 20687, 1; MZUSP 20729, 2. Rio Paraibuna, Paraibuna, MZUSP 21668, 4 (2, 84.0–102.4). Minas Gerais: Lagoa Santa, ZMUC 52, 1 (81.7, lectotype of Curimatus albula), ZMUC 57, 1 (70.0, paralectotype of Curimatus albula); ZMUC 51, 1 (paralectotype of Curimatus albula); ZMUC 56, 1 (paralectotype of Curimatus albula); ZMUC 59, 1 (paralectotype of Curimatus albula); ZMUC 67, 1 (paralectotype of Curimatus albula); ZMUC 68, 1 (paralectotype of Curimatus albula); MNHN 9588, 2 (53.9–61.3, paralectotypes of Curimatus albula); BMNH 1876.1.10:24 and BMNH 1876.1.10:70–71, 3 (57.9–80.6, evidently collected with type series of Curimatus albula); USNM 44956, 1 (73.2, evidently collected with type series of Curimatus albula); NMW 62691, 1 (evidently collected with type series of Curimatus albula). Ribeira das Pedras, Rio Mucuri basin, USNM 295936, 38; MZUSP uncat., 37. Muriaé, NMW 68775, 2; NMW 66958, 2; NMW 79564, 2. Rio Mucuri, approx. 26 km SE of Nanuque, USNM 298249, 10. Rio São Francisco, Pirapora, MZUSP 1890, 1. Espírito Santo: Lagoa Juparanã, Linhares, USNM 296896, 5 (4, 49.3–126.0; 1 specimen cleared and counterstained for cartilage and bone); MZUSP 20857, 11 (4, 97.0–114.3); MNRJ 5338, 4 (3, 94.2–110.3). Vicinity of Linhares and Lagoa Juparaña, CAS 20352, 1 (80.6, holotype of Pseudocurimata grandocule; see Britski (1969:203) with respect to type locality); MZUSP 1958, 1 (116.3, paratype of Pseudocurimata grandocule). Linhares, Lagoa Nova, MZUSP 20855, 1. Rio Itapemirim between Coutinho and Pocotula, W of Cachoeira do Itapemirim, USNM 295934, 1 (102.0). Rio Doce, MZUSP 1958, 15. Rio São José des Torres at crossing of BR 101, USNM 295940, 3 (2, 78.0–85.8). Bahia: North branch of Rio Jucuruçu at Itamaraju, USNM 298253, 1. North branch of Rio Jucuruçu, Itamaraju and downstream of town, USNM 298247, 20 (12, 92.7–104.7); MZUSP uncat., 15. Rio de Una, 3.6 km E of BR-101, Una, UFPB 1696, 1. Rio Buranhém near Vale Verde, USNM 298252, 1. Rio de Contas basin, Rio Gongoji, 5 km from Dario Meira, USNM 298254, 4. Rio de Contas basin, Rio Gongoji, 4 km from Dario Meira, USNM 298250, 5 (3, 92.0–96.6). Rio São Francisco, MZUSP 1358, 8; MZUSP 3797, 4.
- bibliographic citation
- Vari, Richard P. 1992. "Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces:Ostariophysi)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-137.