Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Prochilodus vimboides Kner, 1859
Prochilodus nigricans [not of Agassiz, 1829].—Kner, 1859:146 [Brazil, Ypanema].—Nomura, 1984:54 [Brazil, common name].
Prochilodus vimboides Kner, 1859:148 (page 12 of separate), pl. 2: fig. 4 [type locality: Ypanema, Brazil, restricted herein to São Paulo, Ipanema (Varnhagen), Rio Sorocaba basin].—Günther, 1864:294 [based upon Kner 1859].—Steindachner, 1874:533 [description; Brazil, Rio Parahyba (=Paraíba), Rio Mucuri, Rio Doce],—Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1891:48 [in listing of South American fishes].—Ulrey, 1895:259 [Brazil].—Fowler, 1906:311 [relationship with Prochilodus steindachneri]; 1950:225 [literature compilation]; 1975:360 [literature compilation].—Eigenmann, 1907b:768 [lateral-line scale count]; 1910:424 [in listing of South American fishes].—Eigenmann and Ogle, 1907:5 [Brazil].—Pellegrin 1909a:148 [Brazil, Rio Grande],—Mago-Leccia, 1972:47 [use of caudal-fin pigmentation to distinguish species groups].—Britski, 1972:83 [Brazil, Rio Paraná and Rio Paraíba basins].—Godoy, 1975:810 [Brazil, Rio Mogi-Guassu basin; biology].—Ringuelet, 1975:59 [Rio Paraná].—Géry, 1977:219 [(Brazil), Rio Parahyba (= Paraíba)].—Böhlke, 1984:148 [as possible senior synonym of P. steindachneri, evidently following Géry, 1977].—Britski et al., 1984:59 [Brazil, Rio São Francisco].—Nomura, 1984:54 [Brazil, common name].—Pauls and Bertollo, 1984:787 [karyotype].—Northcote et al., 1985:2707 [effects of impoundment on populations of species].—Bertollo et al., 1986:156, table 1 [karyotype].—Britski et al., 1986:59 [Brazil, Rio São Francisco].—Sato and Godinho, 1999:411, table 17.3 [Brazil, Rio São Francisco].—[Not Campos, 1945:450.]
Salmo corimbata Kner, 1859:146 [page 10 of separate], fig. 4a [type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Varnhagen (= Ypanema), Rio Sorocaba basin].
Prochilodus oligolepis Günther, 1864:295 [type locality: Brazil, restricted herein to Brazil, São Paulo, Ipanema (Varnhagen), Rio Sorocaba basin; based upon specimens collected by Natterer that were cited as Prochilodus nigricans by Kner, 1859, but not conspecific with Prochilodus nigricans of Agassiz, 1829].—Steindachner, 1881:133 [redescription of species based upon Natterer specimens].—Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1891:48 [in listing of South American fishes].—Eigenmann, 1907b:768 [lateral-line scale count]; 1910:424 [in listing of South American fishes].
(?) Prochilodus hartii.—Steindachner, 1874:533 [in part; Brazil, Rio Parahyba (= Paraíba)].—Fowler, 1975:359 [literature compilation; in part, only citation of occurrence of species in Rio Parahyba (= Paraíba), Brazil].
Prochilodus steindachneri Fowler, 1906:309, fig. 11 [type locality: Parahyba (= Paraíba), Brazil), restricted herein to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Paraíba do Sul; Chilomyzon Fowler proposed as subgenus of Prochilodus with P. steindachneri as type species]; 1911:497 [comparison with Prochilodus stigmaturus]; 1950:224 [literature compilation, in part; not cited occurrence of species in states of Ceará and Pernambuco, Brazil]; 1975:360 [literature compilation].—Eigenmann, 1910:424 [in listing of South American fishes].—Ahl, 1937:136 [noted that Prochilodus steindachneri Fowler, 1906, had priority over Prochilodus steindachneri Eigenmann, 1922].—Mago-Leccia, 1972:47 [use of caudal-fin pigmentation to distinguish species groups].—Géry, 1977:219 [(Brazil), Rio Parahyba (=Paraíba); as possible synonym of P. vimboides].—Böhlke, 1984:148 [holotype depository; as possible senior synonym of P. steindachneri].—[Not Fowler, 1941:171.]
Prochilodus corimbata.—Fowler, 1906:311 [cited as closely related to Prochilodus steindachneri]; 1950:217 [literature compilation, in part; not cited occurrence of species in states of Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil]; 1975:358 [literature compilation].—Géry, 1972b:33 [compared with Curimatus (=Prochilodus) tigris]; 1977:218 [in part; not synonymy of P. cearensis].—Mago-Leccia, 1972:47 [use of caudal-fin pigmentation to distinguish species groups].
DIAGNOSIS.—Prochilodus vimboides differs from all other species of Prochilodus in the number of scales along the lateral line (34 to 39 versus range of 40 to 64 in all other congeners in combination). Prochilodus vimboides further differs from P. brevis, P. lacustris, P. mariae, P. nigricans, and P. rubrotaeniatus in having hyaline caudal-fin lobes rather than dark, irregular, wavy bar-like patterns on the caudal-fin lobes. Prochilodus vimboides can be further discriminated from the seven species of Prochilodus with which it shares hyaline caudal fins (P. argenteus, P. britskii, P. costatus, P. hartii, P. lineatus, P. magdalenae, P. reticulatus) by the number of vertebrae (36 to 39 versus 40 or greater in the group consisting of P. argenteus, P. britskii, P. costatus, P. lineatus), the number of horizontal rows of scales around the caudal peduncle (13 to 15 versus 16 to 22 in the group consisting of P. argenteus, P. costatus, P. lineatus, P. magdalenae, P. reticulatus), and the number of horizontal rows of scales between the dorsal-fin origin and the lateral line (5 to 7 versus 8 to 11 in the group consisting of P. argenteus, P. costatus, P. magdalenae).
DESCRIPTION.—Morphometric and meristic data for Prochilodus vimboides presented in Table 17. Body comparatively high, transversely compressed. Greatest body depth at dorsal-fin origin. Dorsal profile of head gently convex. Predorsal profile of body convex. Body posteroventrally inclined along dorsal-fin base; gently convex from posterior of dorsal-fin base to adipose-fin origin and concave along caudal peduncle. Predorsal portion of body with slight median ridge. Postdorsal portion of body obtusely rounded transversely. Ventral profile of body convex from tip of lower jaw to posterior of anal fin, concave along caudal peduncle. Prepelvic region transversely flattened proximate to pelvic-fin insertion. Distinct median keel present between pelvic-fin insertion and anus.
Head profile pointed. Mouth terminal. Snout length greater than horizontal width of orbit. Nares of each side of head close to each other; anterior nares circular, posterior nares crescent shaped. Adipose eyelid present but poorly developed; most developed anteriorly, but with greater part of eye uncovered. Lips fleshy, moderately developed relative to those in some other prochilodontids, and forming oral disk when protracted.
Functional teeth in two rows in each jaw. All teeth movably implanted in flesh that overlies jaws. All teeth of similar size, with exposed portion spoon shaped except when worn down. Inner tooth series in each jaw with 11 to 21 teeth on left side of upper jaw and 6 to 13 teeth on left side of lower jaw. Outer row of teeth in each jaw with approximately 45 teeth on each side of upper jaw and approximately 42 teeth on each side of lower jaw in lectotype. Upper and lower lips bordered by numerous globular, fleshy papillae.
Scales spinoid. Scales in middorsal series between posterior of dorsal-fin base and adipose-fin origin similar in form to those of adjoining regions of body. Lateral line with 34 to 39 (44.8% of specimens with 37) scales; 5 to 7 (86.6% of specimens with 6) horizontal rows of scales between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line; 5 to 7 (80.6% of specimens with 6) horizontal rows of scales between pelvic-fin insertion and lateral line; 4 to 6 (77.6% of specimens with 5) horizontal rows of scales between anal-fin origin and lateral line; 11 to 16 (43.3% of specimens with 13) median predorsal scales; 11 to 15 (38.8% of specimens with 12) scales in middorsal series between posterior of dorsal-fin base and adipose-fin origin; 13 to 15 (89.6% of specimens with 14) horizontal rows of scales around caudal peduncle.
Dorsal fin preceded by small, but well-developed, anteroventrally bifurcate, procumbent spine somewhat triangular in lateral view. Dorsal-fin rays (including procumbent spine) iii,9 or 10 (iii,10 most frequent) [iii,10]; anal-fin rays iii,7 to 9, or ii,8 (iii,8 most frequent) [iii,8]; pectoral-fin rays i,12 to 15 (i,14 most frequent) [?]; pelvic-fin rays i,8 or 9 (i,8 most frequent) [i,8]; principal caudal-fin rays 10/9 [10/9].
Vertebrae 36 to 39 (40.9% of specimens with 38).
Dorsal fin truncate, slightly pointed distally; posterior unbranched rays and anterior branched rays longest and subequal. Dorsal-fin origin located closer to tip of snout than to caudal-fin base. Greatest length of adipose fin approximately equal to horizontal width of orbit. Adipose-fin origin located along vertical that passes through middle of anal-fin base. Pectoral fin distally pointed. Tip of adpressed pectoral fin reaching approximately two-thirds of distance between pectoral-fin and pelvic-fin insertions. Pelvic fin falcate. Pelvic-fin insertion located slightly posterior to vertical that passes through anterior one-third of dorsal-fin base. Tip of adpressed pelvic fin reaching posteriorly approximately three-fourths of distance between pelvic-fin insertion and anus. Axillary scale present, its length approximately one-third of greatest length of pelvic fin. Posterior unbranched and anterior branched anal-fin rays longest and subequal. Caudal fin bifurcate.
COLORATION IN ALCOHOL.—Ground coloration silvery yellow, with dorsal portions of body and head darker. Lateral surface of body with 6 to 15 dark, vertically elongate, diffuse and irregular patches of pigmentation between head and caudal fin. Patches with approximate overall form of narrow isosceles triangles, with apexes located along middle of ventrolateral portion of body and bases on dorsomedial region of body. Patches well developed in small specimens, but indistinct or absent in large individuals. Lateral surface of body lacking distinct, dark, wavy, horizontal stripes present in many congeneric species. Faint field of black or brown chromatophores forming patch of irregular dark pigmentation on upper one-half of opercle and on lateral exposed portion of pectoral girdle.
Dorsal fin with 3 to 8 (most frequently 5) dark, irregular stripes beginning at anterior margin and extending across fin approximately parallel to base of fin. Adipose fin with dorsal margin somewhat dusky. Pectoral, pelvic, anal, and caudal fins hyaline to slightly dusky. Iris yellowish silver, with diffuse dusky areas on dorsal and ventral portions.
COLORATION IN LIFE.—(based upon color transparencies of recently collected specimens from the Rio Jucurucu basin, Bahia, taken by the first author and from the Rio Doce system, Espírito Santo taken by Flavio A. Bockmann, LIRP). Ground coloration of head and body silvery. Dorsal portions of head and particularly body much darker. Dorsal fin dusky hyaline. Pectoral fin hyaline or slightly yellowish to reddish yellow. Pelvic fin with anterior region milky white and remaining portion reddish orange. Interradial membranes of anal and caudal fins dusky, with posterior margins bright red; width of marginal red pigmentation approximately equal to horizontal width of pupil. Iris golden yellow.
DISTRIBUTION.—Prochilodus vimboides is known from the coastal rivers of Brazil through the region from the Rio Jequitinhonha in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais to the Rio Paraíba do Sul in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the rivers of the eastern portions of the upper Rio Paraná basin in Brazil, and the Rio São Francisco near Três Marias (Figure 52, squares).
COMMON NAME.—Grumexa, grumecha, corimbatá, curimbatá, corimbatá-de-lagoa (Brazil).
COMPARISONS.—As noted in the “Diagnosis,” above, Prochilodus vimboides is readily distinguishable from all of its congeners on the basis of a series of meristic and/or pigmentary features.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—257 specimens (62, 57.7–328.6 mm SL).
BRAZIL. Bahia: Santa Clara, Rio Mucuri, MCZ 20039, 6 (1, 199.4–240.7) [1R]; MCZ 20040, 3 (1, 180.5–229.6) [1R]; NMW 56719, 1 (1, 251.3); NMW 56722:1, 1 (1, 245.0). Mucuri (Porto Alegre), NMW 56722:2–3, 2 (1, 205.8). Rio Mucuri, approximately 6.6 km upriver of Mucuri (Porto Alegre), MCZ 20046, 5 (1, 198.7–218.3) [1R]. Rio Jucurucu, approximately 16 km from Itamaraju, MZUSP 42680, 3 (3, 166.9–193.3) [3R], MZUSP 42719, 1 (cleared and counterstained for bone and cartilage); USNM 319767, 2 (2, 180.9–186.7) [2R]. Rio Mucuri, upriver of Mucuri (Porto Alegre) and Santa Clara, NMW 56721, 2 (2, 219.8–245.2). Espirito Santo: Lagoa de Juparanã, Linhares, MZUSP 20783, 1 (1, 210.0); MZUSP 20856, 3 (3, 153.0–252.0). Rio São José das Torres, on highway BR-101, between Campos and Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, MZUSP 27572, 1 (1, 121.5). Rio do Frade e da Freira, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, MZUSP 20849, 1 (1, 57.7). Colatina, Rio Doce, MZUSP 20854, 1 (1, 240). Rio Doce, near Linhares and Lagoa de Juparanã, MZUSP 2010, 4 (4, 61.7–130.0). Rio Doce, between Linhares and Aimorés, MCZ 20033, 1 (1, 328.6). Minas Gerais: Lagoa Amarela, Rio Doce basin, MZUSP 36640, 6 (2, 223.4–230.5). Lago Jacaré, Rio Doce basin, MZUSP 36656, 6 (2, 185.8–231.7). Lagoa Jacaré, Rio Doce, MZUSP 2859, 1 (1, 194.0). Municipio de Joanésia, Rio Santo Antonio, Rio Doce basin, LIRP 274, 1. Lagoa da Prata, Rio São Francisco, MZUSP 28317, 1 (71.0). Riacho tributary to Rio Jequitai, along highway BR-135, between Buenópolis and Engenheiro Dolabela (latter locality at 17°30′S, 44°05′W), USNM 345752, 3 (82.0–128.8). Rio Mucuri, approximately 9 km W of Presidente Pena, Fazenda Gavião (Presidente Pena at 17°41′S, 40°55′W), USNM 318138, 3 (178.2–208.4); USNM 318169, 3 (191.9–287.0). Lago Don Helvécio, Rio Doce basin, MZUSP 36666, 1 (1, 302.1). Teófilo Otoni, MZUSP 1678, 1 (1, 123.3). Rio de Janeiro: Rio Paraiba (do Sul), ANSP 8207, 1 (1, 97.5, holotype of Prochilodus steindachneri) [1R]; MCZ 20167, 2 (1, 177.0) [1R]; MCZ 20168, 55 (70.2–127.1); MCZ 20169, 38 (85.2–128.0); MCZ 20170, 4 (81.6–110.0); MCZ 20351, 22 (75.1–173.1). Porto Real, BMNH 1891.6.16:58–9, 2 (1, 208.5–234.9) [2R]. Rio Paraiba (do Sul), Entre Rios, FMNH 76364 (formerly CM 4419), 1 (184.2). Rio Muriaé, in Muriaé, MCZ 20036, 2 (1, 230.4–238.1) [1R]. Rio Muriaé, Cardoso Moreira, MZUSP 20665, 1 (1, 96.4). Mendes, MCZ 20037, 6 (1, 117.2–143.4) [1R]; MCZ 20038, 1 (241.1); NMW 56721, 17 (2, 81.7–82.7). Lagoa Feia, MZUSP 1541, 1 (1, 242.0). MZUSP 2047, 1 (1, 225.0). Rio Paraiba (do Sul), near Rio de Janeiro, MCZ 20166, 1 (1, 222.1) [1R]. Campos, MCZ 20041, 2 (108.7–123.5). São Paulo: Varnhagen (=Ipanema), Rio Sorocaba basin NMW 56693, 1 (1, 137.4, paralectotype of Prochilodus oligolepis) [1R]; NMW 56694, 1 (1, 139.5, lectotype of Prochilodus oligolepis) [1R]; NMW 56695:1, 1 (1, 134.6, paralectotype of Prochilodus oligolepis) [1R]; NMW 56695:2, 1 (1, 137.0, paralectotype of Prochilodus oligolepis) [1R]; NMW 79464, 1 (1, 176.1, paralectotype of Prochilodus vimboides); NMW 79465, 1 (1, 176.6, paralectotype of Prochilodus vimboides); NMW 79466, 1 (1, 179.4, lectotype of Prochilodus vimboides). Emas, Pirassununga, MZUSP 20669, 1 (1, 205.6). Rio Mogi-Guacu, Pirassununga, MZUSP 2058, 1 (1, 155.8). Emas, Rio Mogi-Guacu, MZUSP 3434, 1 (1, 218.5). Piracicaba, MZUSP 1775, 1 (1, 125.2). Taubaté, MZUSP 1784, 3 (1, 99.7–132.9). Rio Aguapei, MZUSP 3047, 1 (1, 109.3). Piracicaba or Pirassununga, CAS 11829 (formerly MZUSP 2799), 1 (97.2); CAS 11902 (formerly MZUSP 1427), 1 (234.7). State of São Paulo, MZUSP 214600, 2 (149.0–160.0). Inexact Locality: Rio Grande, MNHN 09.203, 1 (1, 179.0); MNHN 09.204, 1 (1, 204.5); NMW 56723, 1 (178.6). Rio Doce, FMNH 78088, 1 (1, 22.6) [1R]; NMW 56716, 13 (3, 255.9–274.6) [1R]. Rio Doce, Fumaca, 2 mi (=3.2 km) upriver of Vila Rio Doce, FMNH 92303, 1 (1, 167.7) [1R].
QUESTIONABLE LOCALITIES.—BRAZIL. “Amazon,” USNM 26696, 1 (76.8; see under “Remarks,” above, concerning this locality). Bahia: Rio São Francisco, MZUSP 3800, 1 (156.1; see under “Remarks,” above, concerning this locality). Rio Grande do Sul: Itaqui, MZUSP 1688, 1 (116.2; see under “Remarks,” above, concerning this locality).
Semaprochilodus Fowler, 1941:171 [type species: Prochilodus squamilentus Fowler, 1941 (type species cited as Semaprochilodus squamilentus in accompanying species description (Fowler, 1941:172)) by original designation and monotypy (=Semaprochilodus brama (Valenciennes, 1850))]. Gender masculine.
DIAGNOSIS.—Semaprochilodus is a monophyletic group delimited by the characters discussed under “Monophyly of Semaprochilodus,” above. The genus can be differentiated from Ichthyoelephas and Prochilodus, the two other genera of the Prochilodontidae, by the following combination of characters: the dorsal fin is preceded by an anteriorly bifurcate procumbent spine; the fleshy lips are less developed than in Ichthyoelephas and Prochilodus, albeit much more pronounced than the lips in other characiforms; the teeth are short and spoon shaped in frontal view; there are 7 to 16 teeth in the inner tooth row on each side of the upper jaw and 4 to 11 teeth on the inner tooth row of the lower jaw; the scales are cycloid, with smooth borders and membranous margins; the scales in the middorsal series between the posterior of the dorsal-fin base and the adipose-fin origin have a relatively well-developed spatulate process along the posterior margin of each scale in that series; the dorsal fin is distally pointed, with 2 to 5 dark, irregular stripes beginning along the anterior of the dorsal-fin margin and extending across the fin approximately parallel to the fin base; the anal fin is falcate, with up to 5 oblique, irregular, dark stripes; the caudal fin is moderately bifurcate, with a total of 5 to 15 dark stripes composed of a horizontal stripe extending along the middle caudal-fin rays and 2 to 7 oblique stripes on each lobe of the caudal fin; and the membranous border of the opercle and lateral exposed portion of pectoral girdle are darkly pigmented to different degrees of duskiness.
In addition, Semaprochilodus has 39 to 77 pored scales along the lateral line; 8 to 14 horizontal rows of scales between the dorsal-fin origin and the lateral line; 7 to 14 horizontal rows of scales from the pelvic-fin insertion to the lateral line; 6 to 12 horizontal rows of scales between the anal-fin origin and the lateral line; 10 to 22 median predorsal scales; 11 to 26 scales in the middorsal series between the posterior of the dorsal-fin base and the adipose-fin origin; 16 to 27 horizontal rows of scales around the caudal peduncle; and 35 to 43 vertebrae.
Semaprochilodus includes six species according to the results of this study, with the members of the genus being limited to the Rio Amazonas, Rio Orinoco, and Marowijne River- Fleuve Maroni basins; this is a significantly more restricted geographic distribution than that of the family as a whole. Interspecific variation within Semaprochilodus, albeit moderate, is more pronounced than in the other genera in the Prochilodontidae, with the maximum known lengths of the included species
- bibliographic citation
- Castro, Ricardo M. C. and Vari, Richard P. 2004. "Detritivores of the South American fish family Prochilodontidae (Teleostei:Ostariophysi:Characiformes) : a phylogenetic and revisionary study." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-189.