Image of Paridris atrox Talamas
Unresolved name

Paridris atrox Talamas


provided by Zookeys
Female body length: 2.73 mm (n=1). Color of head: reddish brown. Ventral clypeal margin: serrate. Sculpture of frons medially: smooth. Sculpture of frons immediately ventral of median ocellus: dorsoventrally strigose laterally. Microsculpture of frons: absent. Sculpture of posterior vertex: irregularly rugulose. Sculpture of gena: irregularly rugulose. Basiconic sensillum on A7: absent. Wings: macropterous, apex of forewing extending beyond posterior margin of T3. Length of R1: equal to r-rs. Notaulus: absent. Color of mesosoma: variably orange to brown. Sculpture of mesoscutum medially: areolate rugulose. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: areolate rugulose. Dark bristlelike setae along transverse pronotal carina: present. Sculpture ventral of transverse pronotal carina: rugulose posteriorly. Sculpture of femoral groove: striate below mesopleural pit. Sculpture of ventral half of posterior mesepimeral area: rugulose. Fine setigerous punctures on dorsal half of posterior mesepimeral area: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Setation of ventral metapleural area: absent in area immediately below metapleural sulcus. Setation of metapleural triangle: moderately dense. Color of legs: yellow throughout. Color of metasoma: reddish brown. Horn of T1: bulge smooth, at least anteriorly. Microsculpture of T2: absent. Microsculpture on T3: absent. Macrosculpture of T3 medially: weakly longitudinally strigose. Macrosculpture of T3 laterally: longitudinally strigose. Microsculpture of T4: absent. Macrosculpture of T4 laterally: weakly rugulose. Punctation of T4: moderately dense throughout. Macrosculpture of T5: absent. Punctation of T5: moderately dense throughout. Microsculpture of S3: absent. Macrosculpture of S3 laterally: weakly longitudinally strigose.
Elijah J. Talamas, Lubomír Masner, Norman F. Johnson
bibliographic citation
Talamas E, Masner L, Johnson N (2011) Revision of the Paridris nephtaspecies group (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae) ZooKeys 133: 49–94
Elijah J. Talamas
Lubomír Masner
Norman F. Johnson
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