Serranochromis is 'n genus van visse wat aan die familie Cichlidae behoort. Die genus is groot roofvisse wat voorkom in die riviere van tropiese Suider- en Sentraal-Afrika. Die genus het groot monde met koniese tande. Hulle is almal mondbroeiers.
Daar is tien spesies wat aan die genus behoort en sewe van die spesies kom in Suider-Afrika voor.
Serranochromis is 'n genus van visse wat aan die familie Cichlidae behoort. Die genus is groot roofvisse wat voorkom in die riviere van tropiese Suider- en Sentraal-Afrika. Die genus het groot monde met koniese tande. Hulle is almal mondbroeiers.
Daar is tien spesies wat aan die genus behoort en sewe van die spesies kom in Suider-Afrika voor.
Serranochromis és un gènere de peixos de la família dels cíclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes.[2]
Serranochromis ist eine Gattung aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im Süden Afrikas vorkommt (Bangweulu-, Mweru- und Upembasee, Cuanza, Kafue, Kasai, Komati, Kunene, Limpopo, Lualaba, Lulua, Luangwa, Luapula, Lufira, Malagarasi, Malawisee und oberer Shire, Okavango, im Sabie und im oberen und mittleren Flusssystem des Sambesi).[1][2]
Serranochromis-Arten werden 25 bis 56 cm lang und besitzen eine „bullige“, mehr oder weniger hochrückige Gestalt. Von der Gattung Sargochromis, die ursprünglich als Untergattung zu Serranochromis gezählt wurde, unterscheidet sich Serranochromis durch mehr Schuppen in der Seitenlinie (35–41 vs. 28–34), mehr Wirbel, mehr Weichstrahlen in der Rückenflosse und weniger Kiemenrechen. Das Maul der piscivoren Fische ist auffallend groß. Männchen werden größer, haben größere Flossen und besitzen Eiflecke in der Afterflosse. Sowohl adulte Exemplare als auch Jungfische haben einspitzige Zähne.[1]
Zwischen dem hinteren Rand der Orbita und dem aufsteigenden Ast des Präoperculums haben Serranochromis-Arten vier oder fünf Schuppenreihen. Die Kieferzähne sind einspitzig und stehen weit auseinander; die Kiemenreusendornen haben ebenfalls einen großen Abstand zueinander.[2]
Alle Serranochromis-Arten sind Maulbrüter, die sehr umfangreiche Gelege haben.
In der Gattung Serranochromis werden 15 Arten unterschieden:[3][2]
Serranochromis ist eine Gattung aus der Familie der Buntbarsche (Cichlidae), die im Süden Afrikas vorkommt (Bangweulu-, Mweru- und Upembasee, Cuanza, Kafue, Kasai, Komati, Kunene, Limpopo, Lualaba, Lulua, Luangwa, Luapula, Lufira, Malagarasi, Malawisee und oberer Shire, Okavango, im Sabie und im oberen und mittleren Flusssystem des Sambesi).
Serranochromis is a genus of relatively large, robust cichlids from freshwater habitats in mainland Southern Africa, ranging as far north as DR Congo and Tanzania, with the highest species richness in the upper Zambezi, Okavango and Congo basins.[1][2] They are typically known as largemouths or, especially among fishers, breams (although unrelated to other fish known as "bream").[1][3] Serranochromis are mostly piscivores and they are important in local fisheries.[2]
Serranochromis live in a wide variety of freshwater habitats, ranging from shallow, heavily vegetated waters to deep, open waters. This includes main river channels, backwaters, floodplains, lakes and lagoons, but only a few of the species have been recorded in fast-flowing waters.[2][4][5] Smaller Serranochromis tend to avoid open waters if common tigerfish are present,[6] but the largest Serranochromis are generally too large to be considered typical prey to common tigerfish and they co-exist in the same habitat.[2]
Depending on the exact species of Serranochromis, the maximum length is between 25 and 56 cm (10–22 in),[1] and the largest species can reach up to 7 kg (15 lb) in weight.[3]
They feed almost entirely on small fish, especially other cichlids, cyprinids, elephantfish and squeaker catfish, but some will also take invertebrates.[2][3] Although all will take most types of small fish, there is a level of specialisation: S. altus is nocturnal or crepuscular, similar to its main prey, the elephantfish. S. angusticeps is well-camouflaged among dense aquatic vegetation, which allows it to slowly approach its main prey, small cyprinids. S. jallae has a particularly robust mouth and teeth suitable for dealing with its main prey, the spiny and heavily armored squeaker catfish (however, young S. jallae mostly feed on small cyprinids and aquatic insects).[2]
Serranochromis are mouthbrooders and most—if not all—species are seasonal breeders that begin spawning around the end of the low water period. They generally reach maturity when two or three years old.[2]
Serranochromis support important commercial and subsistence fisheries,[2] and are also valued as game fish.[3] S. jallae has been introduced for fishing to some places in Southern Africa outside its original range and in these places it can have an adverse effect on small native fish, especially cyprinids.[7] Conversely, S. robustus has declined drastically in its native range due to overfishing, leading the IUCN to rate it as critically endangered. S. meridianus is considered endangered due to habitat degradation and the poorly known S. janus is considered data deficient (available information is insufficient for determining its conservation status), while the remaining species in the genus are least concern (not threatened).[8]
According to FishBase, there are currently 11 recognized species in this genus:[1]
A few other, possibly undescribed species are known from the genus.[10][11] Furthermore, the taxonomy of the S. macrocephalus and S. robustus complexes is not fully resolved. Based on mtDNA, both are polyphyletic.[10][11] A partial solution to the S. robustus complex has been to recognize jallae as its own species,[1][8] instead of the traditional treatment where it was considered a subspecies of S. robustus.[12]
Additionally, Sargochromis (the "smallmouths"; found in the same overall region and mostly feed on invertebrates) has been considered a subgenus of Serranochromis,[2] but today it is generally recognized as a separate genus.[13] These genera, along with Chetia, Pharyngochromis and others, form a group sometimes known as the serranochromines or Serranochromini.[10][14][15] How many other genera that are included varies, with some defining the group relatively narrowly and others broadly.[11] Genetic evidence indicates that several genera in this group, including Serranochromis, are not monophyletic.[10][11]
Serranochromis is a genus of relatively large, robust cichlids from freshwater habitats in mainland Southern Africa, ranging as far north as DR Congo and Tanzania, with the highest species richness in the upper Zambezi, Okavango and Congo basins. They are typically known as largemouths or, especially among fishers, breams (although unrelated to other fish known as "bream"). Serranochromis are mostly piscivores and they are important in local fisheries.
Serranochromis es un género de peces de la familia Cichlidae y de la orden de los Perciformes.
Serranochromis Cichlidae familiako arrain genero bat da.
Serranochromis est un genre de poissons du super-ordre des téléostéens.
Selon FishBase (3 fev. 2016)[1] :
Serranochromis est un genre de poissons du super-ordre des téléostéens.
Il genere Serranochromis comprende 11 specie di pesci d'acqua dolce, appartenenti alla famiglia Cichlidae, sottofamiglia Pseudocrenilabrinae.
Sono pesci dal corpo robusto, compresso ai fianchi, con testa allungata, bocca grande, fronte tendente al gibboso negli adulti. Le pinne sono ampie e forti, con bordi arrotondati. La livrea, differente per ogni specie, vede tuttavia colori simili, bruni, marroni, verdastri e rossi. La lunghezza varia dai 25 cm di Serranochromis stappersi ai 56 cm delle più grandi Serranochromis altus e S. robustus.
Attualmente (2013) il genere comprende le seguenti specie[1]:
Il genere Serranochromis comprende 11 specie di pesci d'acqua dolce, appartenenti alla famiglia Cichlidae, sottofamiglia Pseudocrenilabrinae.
Serranochromis est genus magnorum Perciformium praedatoriorum familiae Cichlidarum ex habitationibus aquae dulcis in Africa Austrina continentali, ad septentriones ad rem publicam democraticam Congensem et Tanzaniam attingens. Longitudo specierum inter 25 et 56 centimetra est.[1]
Hodie in hoc genere sunt undecim species descriptae:[1]
Serranochromis est genus magnorum Perciformium praedatoriorum familiae Cichlidarum ex habitationibus aquae dulcis in Africa Austrina continentali, ad septentriones ad rem publicam democraticam Congensem et Tanzaniam attingens. Longitudo specierum inter 25 et 56 centimetra est.
Serranochromis is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae).
Serranochromis is een geslacht van straalvinnige vissen uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae).
Serranochromis – rodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).
Gatunki zaliczane do tego rodzaju[2]:
Gatunkiem typowym rodzaju jest Chromys thumbergi.
Serranochromis – rodzaj słodkowodnych ryb okoniokształtnych z rodziny pielęgnicowatych (Cichlidae).
Serranochromis Güney Afrika'da tatlı sularda yaşayan büyük, avcı çiklitlerden oluşan bir balık cinsidir. Yetişkin halde kimi türlerin boyu 56 santime ulaşabilir.[1]
Bu cinste şu an 11 tanımlanmış tür vardır:[1]
Serranochromis Güney Afrika'da tatlı sularda yaşayan büyük, avcı çiklitlerden oluşan bir balık cinsidir. Yetişkin halde kimi türlerin boyu 56 santime ulaşabilir.