This plant shows the male parts of the flower with yellow pollen and the female parts - 3 long white fluffy styles, all within the flower head. Growing to approx 100 mm in laterite pebble soil. Photo: Jean3 March 2020: ID Schoenus minutulus Thanks Michael Hislop WA Herbarium
Schoenus minutulusThis plant has the male parts of the flower with yellow pollen and the female parts - 3 long white fluffy styles, all within the flower head. Growing to approx 100 mm in laterite pebble soil. Photo: Jean3 March 2020: ID Schoenus minutulus Thanks Michael Hislop WA Herbarium
This plant shows the male parts of the flower with yellow pollen and the female parts - 3 long white fluffy styles, all within the flower head. Growing to approx 100 mm in laterite pebble soil. Photo: Jean3 March 2020: ID Schoenus minutulus Thanks Michael Hislop WA Herbarium
This plant shows the male parts of the flower with yellow pollen and the female parts - 3 long white fluffy styles, all within the flower head. Growing to approx 100 mm in sandy laterite pebble soil. Photo: Fred3 March 2020: ID Schoenus minutulus Thanks Michael Hislop WA Herbarium