Martha Angélica Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas, Adrián Cervantes-Martínez
Figure 2.Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. A, C, D paratype B, E–L holotype from Laguna Tziscao, Chiapas. A Habitus, dorsal B Urosome C Genital double-somite, ventral D Anal somite and caudal ramus, dorsal E Antennule, segments 1–9 F Antennule, segments 10–12 G Antenna, caudal H Antenna, frontal I Mandible J Maxillule, caudal K Maxilla, frontal L Maxilliped, frontal. Scales bars: K = 20 µm; A, C, D, G, H, I, J, L = 50 µm; B, E, F = 100 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 7.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A fourth leg, anterior B fifth leg, dissected and flattened, anterior.
Samuel Gómez, Nicola K. Carrasco, Francisco Neptalí Morales-Serna
Figure 9.Nitocra taylori sp. n. Male. A antennule B fifth, sixth and seventh segments of the antennule, showing modified setae and blunt processes C eight segment of the antennule D P1 basis, anterior E P3ENP F P5, anterior G P6, anterior. Scale bar: A, E=50 µm; B, C=67 µm; D, F, G=35 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 7.Diacyclops brevifurcus Ishida, 2006, holotype female: A left caudal ramus, ventral view B copulatory pore, ventral view C mandibula, posterior view D maxillula, posterior view (palp broken off) E maxilla, anterior view F maxilliped, anterior view. Arabic numerals indicating sensilla and pores presumably homologous to those in Diacyclops ishidai sp. n. Arrows pointing most prominent specific features. Scale bar 100 μm.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 34–38.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n. Female: Confocal laser scanning microscopy maximum projections 34 urosome, dorsal 35 urosome lacking somite bearing P5, ventral 36 antenna and oral region 37 P1, anterior 38 P2-P4, anterior. Scale bars: 50 μm.
Martha Angélica Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas, Adrián Cervantes-Martínez
Figure 4.Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. A–B paratype C–G allotype from Laguna Tziscao, Chiapas. A Habitus, dorsal B P5, and P6 C Antennule, segments 1–14 D Antennule, segments 15–16 E Antenna, frontal F Antenna, caudal G P4, caudal. Scales bars: B–G = 50 µm; A = 100 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 7.Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978, line drawings, female 3: A fourth leg, anterior B fifth leg, dissected and flattened, anterior.
Daisuke Uyeno, Kaori Wakabayashi, Kazuya Nagasawa
Figure 1.Sarcotretes umitakae sp. n., female on Coelorinchus jordani Smith and Pope. A two specimens of Coelorinchus jordani (181.5 mm TL and 142.8 mm TL) carrying the type series of Sarcotretes sp. n. (arrowheads) B coloration in life of paratype NSMT–Cr 22254 attached to host’s body. Scale bars: A=20 mm; B=3 mm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 8.Diacyclops brevifurcus Ishida, 2006, holotype female: A third swimming leg, posterior view B fourth swimming leg, posterior view C fifth leg, anterior view. Arrows pointing most prominent specific features. Scale bars 100 μm.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 39–49.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n.: Scanning electron microscopy photos 39 metastomal area, male 40 detail of metastomal area, male 41 detail of metastomal area, male 42 P1, anterior, female 43 P1, anterior, male 44 detail of sucking disc of P1, male 45 detail of lobe with serrate margin and distal sucking disc of enp-3 of P1, female 46 detail of P1 enp-1 adhesive fringe, male 47 sucking discs of P2, female 48 detail of serrate spine with apical flagellum of P2, female 49 detail of sucking disc of P2, female. Scale bars: 39, 40, 47 = 25 μm; 41, 44–46 = 10 μm; 42 = 35 μm; 43 = 20 μm; 48 = 12.5 μm; 49 = 4 μm.
Martha Angélica Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas, Adrián Cervantes-Martínez
Figure 3.Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. Holotype from Laguna Tziscao, Chiapas. A P1, frontal B Intercoxal sclerite of P1, caudal C P2, frontal D Intercoxal sclerite of P2, caudal E P3, frontal, Exp and Enp separated F Intercoxal sclerite of P3, caudal G P4, caudal H Intercoxal sclerite of P4, frontal I Coxal spine P4 J P5. Scales bars: I= 25µm, J= 50 µm; A–H = 100 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 8.Stenhelia taiae Mu & Huys, 2002, scanning electron micrographs, female: A habitus, lateral B cephalothoracic shield, lateral C free thoracic somites, lateral D fifth pedigerous somite and genital double-somite, lateral E fourth and fifth urosomites, lateral F anal somite and caudal rami, lateral G posterior part of right caudal ramus, lateral H rostrum, lateral. Arrowheads indicate morphological characters different from those in Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978.
Daisuke Uyeno, Kaori Wakabayashi, Kazuya Nagasawa
Figure 2.Sarcotretes umitakae sp. n., female, holotype NSMT–Cr 22253. A habitus B anterior portion of body, dorsal, a1 = antennule, a2 = antenna C same, ventral, m1 = maxillule, m2 = maxilla, p1 = leg 1, p2 = leg 2, p3 = leg 3, p4 = vestige of leg 4 D vestige of dorsal cephalothoracic shield E tip of proboscis, lateral F posterior portion of body, ventral G same, lateral H rostral area and antennae, dorsal. Scale bars: A=3 mm; B, C, F, G=1 mm; D=500 μm; E=300 μm; H=150 μm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 9.Diacyclops parasuoensis sp. n., holotype female: A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, lateral view C antennula, ventral view D antenna, dorsal view. Arabic numerals indicating sensilla and pores presumably homologous to those in Diacyclops ishidai sp. n. Roman numerals indicating pores not present in Diacyclops ishidai sp. n. Arrows pointing most prominent specific features. Scale bars 100 μm.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 14–17.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n. Female: 14 P1, anterior (arrows indicating adhesive fringe) 15 detail of distal area of P1 endopod, posterior 16 P2, anterior 17 P3, anterior. Scale bars: 14 = 20 μm; 15 = 10 μm; 16, 17 = 50 μm.
Martha Angélica Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas, Adrián Cervantes-Martínez
Figure 5.Eucyclops angeli sp. n. A–C paratype D–F holotype from grassland in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. A Habitus, dorsal B Second to fourth prosomites, dorsal C Third and fourth prosomites, lateral D Urosome, ventral E Anal somite and one caudal ramus, dorsal F P5. Scale bars 50 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 9.Stenhelia taiae Mu & Huys, 2002, scanning electron micrographs, female: A rostrum and antennulae, lateral B antenna and mouth appendages, lateral C mandibular palp and labrum, lateral D maxilla and part of maxillular palp, lateral.
Daisuke Uyeno, Kaori Wakabayashi, Kazuya Nagasawa
Figure 3.Sarcotretes umitakae sp. n., female, holotype NSMT–Cr 22253. A left antennule, anterior B left antenna, anterior C left mandible D left maxillule E left maxilla, lateral F distal part of left maxilla G right leg 1, anterior. Scale bars: A, B, E, G=100 μm; C, D=70 μm; F=50μm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 10.Diacyclops parasuoensis sp. n., holotype female: A cephalothoracic shield, lateral view B cephalothorax, dorsal view C urosome, ventral view. Arabic numerals indicating sensilla and pores presumably homologous to those in Diacyclops ishidai sp. n. Arrows pointing most prominent specific features. Scale bars 100 μm.
Terue C. Kihara, Carlos E. F. Rocha
Figures 30–31.Clausidium rodriguesi sp. n. Male: 30 P4, anterior 31 P5 and P6. Scale bar: 20 μm.
Martha Angélica Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Nancy Fabiola Mercado-Salas, Adrián Cervantes-Martínez
Figure 9.Eucyclops angeli sp. n. Allotype from grassland in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. A Coxa, basis, and intercoxal sclerite of P1, caudal B Coxa, basis, and intercoxal sclerite of P2, caudal C Coxa, basis, and intercoxal sclerite of P3, caudal D Enp3P3 E Exp3P3 F Coxa, basis, and intercoxal sclerite of P4, caudal G Intercoxal sclerite of P4, frontal H Enp3P4 I Exp3P4 J Urosome, ventral. Scale bars 50 µm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Kichoon Kim, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 10.Stenhelia taiae Mu & Huys, 2002, line drawings, female: A urosome, dorsal B urosome, ventral (caudal rami armature omitted) C right caudal ramus, ventral D rostrum, dissected and compressed, dorsal. Arrowheads indicate morphological characters different from those in Stenhelia pubescens Chislenko, 1978.
Daisuke Uyeno, Kaori Wakabayashi, Kazuya Nagasawa
Figure 4.Sarcotretes umitakae sp. n., female, holotype NSMT–Cr 22253. A left leg 2, anterior B right leg 3, anterior C vestige of leg 4. Sarcotretes umitakae sp. n., female, paratype NSMT–Cr 22254 D habitus. Scale bars: A, B=100 μm; C=30 μm; D=3 mm.
Tomislav Karanovic, Mark J. Grygier, Wonchoel Lee
Figure 11.Diacyclops parasuoensis sp. n., holotype female: A labrum, anterior view B mandibula, anterior view C quadricuspidate ventralmost tooth of mandibula, posterior view D maxillula, posterior view E maxillular palp, anterior view F maxilla, anterior view G basis and endopod of maxilla, posterior view H maxilliped, posterior view I first swimming leg, anterior view J endopod of second swimming leg, anterior view K third swimming leg, anterior view. Arrows pointing most prominent specific features. Scale bar 100 μm.