Inner view of shoulder girdle of the Buffalo-fish, Ictiobus bubalus Rafinesque, snowing the mesocoracoid.
Ictiobus Cyprinella (Cuvier; Valenciennes). Common Buffalo-Fish; :Gourd-Head Buffaloes)&qu
Head of buffalofish, Ictiobus cyprinella, with operculum removed to show gills in late stages of the disease.
Buffalo-fish, Ictiobus cyprinella (Cub. & Va.). Normal, Ill..
Ictiobus Bubalus (Ravinesque). Small-mouthed Buffalo; esque)White Buffalo'
Fingerling buffalofish, Ictiobus bubalus, with caudal fins badly infected.
Fingerling buffalofish, Ictiobus bubalus, with caudal fins badly infected.
Head of buffalofish, Ictiobus bubalus, with operculum removed to show a somewhat larger lesion on gill....