The Red-shoulder bug is a 'true bug.' Also known as Goldenrain Tree bugs. This female was crawling on a sidewalk next to a privet hedge.
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Nymph stage box elder bugs gather on the leaves of a hosta plant.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
Leptocoris chevreuxi adult. Dried specimen from London Museum.
J. antica adult. Dried collection specimen.
Red-shouldered bugs have red eyes and shoulders
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Adult, immature, and nymph stage box elder bugs gather on the leaves of a hosta plant growing at the base of a silver maple tree. Adults have fully formed, mainly black wings.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
Leptocoris affinis. Dried specimen from London Museum.
Male and female Red-shouldered bugs mating on the sidewalk. The female is larger than the male, with shorter wings.
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Adult, immature, and nymph stage box elder bugs gather on the leaves of a hosta plant growing at the base of a silver maple tree. Adults have fully formed, mainly black wings.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
Leptocoris abdominalis taprobanensis adult. Dried museum specimen from the University of Tsukuba.
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Adult, immature adult, and nymph state box elder bugs gather on the ground in a residential garden under a silver maple tree.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
L. augur adult. Dried specimen from the London Museum.
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Immature adult, and nymph state box elder bugs gather on the ground in a residential garden under a silver maple tree.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
L. productus adult in Uganda, Africa.
J. silbergliedi adult. Dried collection specimen.
True bugs like the Red-shouldered bug share the same type of mouth parts for sucking.
L. tagalicus adult feeding on Cardiospermum grandiflorum in Australia.
Category hierarchy: Animals | InsectsDescription: Adult and nymph stage box elder bugs gather on the leaves of a hosta plant growing at the base of a silver maple tree. Adults have fully formed, mainly black wings.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
L. mitellatus adult in Australia
L. teyrovskyi adult in Africa.
J. golbachi adult. Dried collection specimen.
Comparison of three male L. hexophthalmus from the ARC Plant Protection Research Institute of South Africa (identified by soapberrybug.org).
J. obscura adult. Dried collection specimen.
L. abdominalis abdominalis adult. Dried museum specimen from the University of Tsukuba.