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(only males known): Length 1.68-1.84. Body light orange-brown. Eyes with about 45 facets. Antennomeres V and VII slightly larger than those adjacent, V-VIII obconical, IX smaller than X. Abdomen with carinae of first ventrite extending from posteromesal margins of metacoxal cavities to ventrite apex. Males: Metasternum with broad shallow median longitudinal sulcus. Legs (Fig. 7B): profemora with blunt tooth near base on ventral margin; protibiae slightly swollen to point past middle, smooth on mesal margin; mesotibiae thickened and somewhat short, with two close rounded tubercles near apex on mesal maragin; metatibiae with curved apical spur on mesal margin. Abdomen (Fig. 7C) with second ventrite shallowly impressed in middle fourth to base; third ventrite 0.53 wide, with transverse impression in middle third anterior to recurved lamina, impression with irregular row of thickened setae, with row of setae posterior to lamina, lamina 0.15 wide, arising at point about two-thirds length of ventrite, apex nearly straight with lateral margins marked by small acute denticles, lamina angled at about 45°; fourth-fifth ventrites slightly impressed in middle third; sixth ventrite (Fig. 7D) flattened in middle third, setose area with posterior margin constricted toward middle. Aedeagus (Fig. 7A) 0.32 long; left paramere large, broadly rounded and with small indentation at apex; left paramere shorter and obscure; internal sac forming large tubular structure that is apically complex, with one large sinuate spine visible in lateral view.
Donald S. Chandler, Michael S. Caterino
bibliographic citation
Chandler D, Caterino M (2011) A taxonomic revision of the New World genus Oropodes Casey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) ZooKeys 147: 425–477
Donald S. Chandler
Michael S. Caterino
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