Gabriel Mejdalani, Roberta Santos Silva, Cláudia Garcia
Figure 1. The two species treated in this paper, body in dorsal view (antennae and legs not depicted). a Tacora johanni sp. n., male holotype b Tacora saturata Young, 1977, female (pinned specimen).
Gabriel Mejdalani, Roberta Santos Silva, Cláudia Garcia
Figure 3. Tacora johanni sp. n., genitalia of male holotype. a pygofer, valve and subgenital plate, lateral view b pygofer, dorsal view c subgenital plates, ventral view d styles and connective, dorsal view e aedeagus and anal tube, lateral view (Df: dorsal flange, Fp: projection formed by flanges, Go: gonoduct, Lf: lateral flange) f apical portion of aedeagus, ventral view.