
Včela sundská ( Czech )

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Včela sundská Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein, 1906, také červená včela z Bornea pro své nápadné červenohnědé zbarvení, je druh skupiny (poddruhu) Apis sensu stricto obývající Malajský poloostrov, Kalimantan, Sumatru a Jávu. Jako první tento druh popsal Buttel-Reepen v roce 1906. Jeho pojmenování nebylo však uznáno. Ve stejném roce včelu popsal také Enderlein. Odborná veřejnost prvenství přiřkla jemu s přihlédnutím k mezinárodním pravidlům zoologické nomenklatury.



ING. PŘIDAL, PH.D., Antonín. Nejen naše včela medonosná, ale i jiné…. Včelařství, časopis ČSV. 2004, roč. 57, čís. 4, s. 91. ISSN 0042-2924.

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Včela sundská: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Včela sundská Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein, 1906, také červená včela z Bornea pro své nápadné červenohnědé zbarvení, je druh skupiny (poddruhu) Apis sensu stricto obývající Malajský poloostrov, Kalimantan, Sumatru a Jávu. Jako první tento druh popsal Buttel-Reepen v roce 1906. Jeho pojmenování nebylo však uznáno. Ve stejném roce včelu popsal také Enderlein. Odborná veřejnost prvenství přiřkla jemu s přihlédnutím k mezinárodním pravidlům zoologické nomenklatury.

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Asiatische Rote Honigbiene ( German )

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Die Asiatische Rote Honigbiene (Apis koschevnikovi), auch Rote Honigbiene genannt, gehört zu den acht asiatischen Arten der Honigbienen (Apis). Sie kommt auf Borneo, Java, Sumatra, auf der Malaiischen Halbinsel und im Süden Thailands vor. Da sie auf intakte Regenwälder angewiesen ist, kommt sie heute vorwiegend noch auf Borneo vor.


Die Rote Honigbiene ähnelt stark der Östlichen Honigbiene (Apis cerana), ist aber etwa 10 bis 15 % größer. Arbeiterinnen erreichen eine Länge von etwa 7 bis 10 Millimetern. Die Grundfärbung ist rötlich, das Labrum, das Metanotum und die Unterseite des Abdomens sind bernstein- bis goldfarben. Die Beine sind gelblich. Die Flügel sind etwas rauchig gefärbt. Der Cubitalindex ist groß und sehr variabel. Die Drohnen weisen am Außenrand der Tibia und des basalen Tarsus einen haarigen Saum auf. Auch die Geschlechtsorgane sind anders gebaut als die der Östlichen Honigbiene.


Rote Honigbienen legen ihre Nester in Baumhöhlen im tropischen Tieflandregenwald an. Sie sammeln Nektar meist in Höhe des Kronendachs. Von den anderen äußerlich und genetisch sehr ähnlichen Arten sind sie durch die anders geformten Geschlechtsorgane, die unterschiedlichen Zeiten und Orte der Paarungsflüge und eine geringe Fruchtbarkeit von Hybriden getrennt.


  • Benjamin P. Oldroyd, Siriwat Wongsiri: Asian honey bees: biology, conservation, and human interactions. Harvard University Press, 2006, ISBN 978-0-674-02194-5.
  • Karl Weiss, Carlos H. Vergara: The little book of bees. Springer, 2002, ISBN 978-0-387-95252-9, S. 114.
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Asiatische Rote Honigbiene: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Asiatische Rote Honigbiene (Apis koschevnikovi), auch Rote Honigbiene genannt, gehört zu den acht asiatischen Arten der Honigbienen (Apis). Sie kommt auf Borneo, Java, Sumatra, auf der Malaiischen Halbinsel und im Süden Thailands vor. Da sie auf intakte Regenwälder angewiesen ist, kommt sie heute vorwiegend noch auf Borneo vor.

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Apis koschevnikovi

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Apis koschevnikovi, Koschevnikov's honey bee, is a species of honey bee which inhabits Malaysian and Indonesian Borneo, where it lives sympatrically with other honey bee species such as Apis cerana (specifically A. c. nuluensis).[1]

The species was first described by Hugo Berthold von Buttel-Reepen, who dedicated it to Grigory Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov (1866–1933), a pioneer of honey bee morphology.[2] This was an invalid designation, however, and the name was first formally made available by Günther Enderlein that same year. Therefore, Buttel-Reepen is not the author of the name (following the ICZN).[2] The species was described again by Maa in 1953, this time with the name Apis vechti. It was finally rediscovered by Tingek and his colleagues in 1988.[2]

Taxonomy and phylogeny

Apis koschevnikovi is of the family Apidae and genus Apis.[2] A. koschevnikovi is known as one of the “Red Bees” of Borneo, described in 1988.[2] A. koschevnikovi appears together with A. cerana and A. mellifera, two other cavity-nesting species, in three separate phylogenic clusters without overlapping.[2] The phylogenetic cluster analysis of A. koschevnikovi is found directly in contact with a cluster of A. cerana and distant from A. mellifera.[2]

Description and identification

A. koschevnikovi is often referred to in the literature as the “red bee of Sabah;” however A. koschevnikovi is pale reddish in Sabah State, Borneo, Malaysia, but a dark, coppery color in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatera, Indonesia.[3]

Physical appearance

The workers, the queen, and the drones of A. koschevnikovi are all dark brown banded.[4] The workers, however, have light orange abdominal bands while the queen and the drones have light brown abdominal bands.[4] Ko is the gene responsible for the expression of body color type in A. koschevnikovi.[4] This gene is shown to be sex-linked, since experiments have shown that a cross between a brown, dark banded queen and a brown, dark banded drone results in orange, dark banded workers.[4]

A. koschevnikovi is very long-tongued (5.870 mm) and slender, with narrow tomenta.[2] Apis koschevnikovi is larger than its sympatric A. cerana, consistently being 10 to 15% larger linearly.[5] Apis koschevnikovi also has two distinct characteristics which are species specific – its drones have a secondary sex characteristic of a hairy fringe on the margin of the tibia of the hind leg, and worker bee forewing venation shows a cubital index which is large and varied.[5]

Distribution and habitat

The habitat of A. koschevnikovi is limited to the tropical evergreen forests of the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, and Sumatra.[3] They do not live in tropical evergreen rain forests which extend into Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam.[3] This area is associated with a change from wet seasonal evergreen rain forests to mixed moist deciduous forests.[3] Its altitudinal distributions extend from sea level to about 1600 meters.[3]

The range for A. koschevnikovi is diminishing because it is now either poorly represented or absent in the several areas where it had been previously located.[3] This has been attributed to habitat changes resulting from deforestation and the establishment of tea, oil palm, rubber, and coconut plantations.[3]

Not much is known about the nest structure of Apis koschevnikovi. They live in small colonies making a few combs within small tree cavities in the rain forest.[6]


Mating behavior

The drones for Apis koschevnikovi have a specific mating time that is species-specific.[1] Regardless of whether or not they were in a conspecific or other species’ colony, the drones will fly at their species specific mating time.[1] The queens also follow their own internal clock.[1] This allows for a reproductive isolation mechanism that is based on individual behavior of the sexual castes.[1]

Costs and benefits of sociality

Apis koschevnikovi have a very small colony size of a thousand bees or so.[6] This small colony size allows them to survive in a rain forest habitat.[6] Despite their small colony size, they are still able to harvest resources very quickly and reproduce at a fast pace during the general flowering period.[6]

Queen acceptance of different species

There is a strong tendency for preference of conspecific larvae in Apis koschevnikovi.[1] A. koschevnikovi is even more selective with regard to the acceptance of a young alien queen.[1] When too young of a queen of a different species is introduced into the colony of an Apis koschevnikovi, the alien queen uses a buzzing sound in response to the aggression from the worker bees.[1] This is successful at first until the aggressive behavior towards the queen increases with the age of the queen.[1] After the third or fourth day of emergence, the worker queens mutilate and expel the alien queen from the colony.[1] The current hypothesis for the observed worker bee aggression is thought to be from the wrong blend of queen pheromones released from the alien queen.[1]

Interaction with other species


Apis koschevnikovi is a honey bee nectar-feeder.[7] Apis koschevnikovi is a steady resident component of the rain forest and visits flowers during the entire year.[6] In Bornean primary forests, Apis dorsata and A. koschevnikovi are the only honeybees that appear frequently at flowering canopy trees or at baits.[6] At the Lambir Hills National Park in Malaysia, these two honeybees visited 29 flower species, making them visitors of 10% of the plant species and 22% of the plant families of the park.[6]

Defense of resources

Even though Apis koschevnikovi and Apis dorsata share mostly the same rain forest habitat and overlap spatially in using trees at all heights in the canopy, they are still able to coexist.[6] They differ in size and tongue length, which helps separate resource use.[6] Only half of the resources that Apis koschevnikovi uses are shared with Apis dorsata.[6]

However, in contrast to normal feeding behavior, Apis koschevnikovi and Apis dorsata fight at artificial feeding stations.[6] They displayed a displaced nest-defense behavior with grappling and attempted stinging.[6] Honey bees do not interact well with competing foragers when near a rich resource.[6] A. koschevnikovi has even shown aggression against conspecific foragers when competing for a resource.[7] Honey bees tend to dominate floral patches as individual colonies because of their competitive nature.[6]


A. koschevnikovi hosts a unique species of the honey bee parasitic mite genus Varroa, named Varroa rindereri.[8] Although this parasite species is quite similar to Varroa jacobsoni it is perfectly differentiable.[8] V. rindereri is larger (1 180 x 1 698 micrometers).[8] V.rindereri also has a fewer number of setae and pores on the sternal shield.[8] It has a long and wide-looped peritreme, and the trochanter of the palpus lacks a seta.[8] When pupae were removed from their cells, V. rindereri remained inside the cells.[8] It has only been reported in colonies of A. koschevnikovi in Borneo and seems to be specific to that species, as it has yet to be observed crossing over to colonies of A. cerana, even when they live in the same apiary.[8]

Interspecies broods

When a brood of A. cerana drones are hatched in a colony of A. koschevnikovi, they are fully taken care of and raised to maturity. Likewise when A. koschevnikovi drones are hatched in a colony of A. cerana they are completely integrated into the society of their host. However, it has been shown that despite the crossfostering of drones, each species will not change its mating time and flight habits, even if it is raised as an alien drone.[9]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Koeniger, N.; Koeniger, G.; Tingek, S.; Kelitu, A. (1996-01-01). "Interspecific rearing and acceptance of queens between Apis cerana Fabricius, 1793 and Apis koschevnikovi Buttel-Reepen, 1906". Apidologie. 27 (5): 371–380. doi:10.1051/apido:19960505.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Ruttner, F.; Kauhausen, D.; Koeniger, N. (1989-01-01). "Position of the Red Honey bee, Apis koschevnikovi (Buttel-Reepen 1906), within the Genus Apis" (PDF). Apidologie. 20 (5): 395–404. doi:10.1051/apido:19890504.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Hadisoesilo, S.; Raffiudin, Rika; Susanti, Wirian; Atmowidi, Tri; Hepburn, Colleen; Radloff, Sarah E.; Fuchs, Stefan; Hepburn, H. Randall (2008-09-01). "Morphometric analysis and biogeography of Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein (1906)". Apidologie. 39 (5): 495–503. doi:10.1051/apido:2008029. ISSN 0044-8435. S2CID 6605920.
  4. ^ a b c d Woyke, J (2008). Differences in Body Colour Expression Between European and Asian Honeybees. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. pp. 20–23. ISBN 978-81-204-1385-6.
  5. ^ a b Rinderer, T. E.; Koeniger, N.; Tingek, S.; Mardan, M.; Koeniger, G. (1989-01-01). "A morphological comparison of the cavity dwelling honeybees of Borneo Apis koschevnikovi (Buttel-Reepen, 1906) and Apis cerana (Fabricius, 1793)". Apidologie. 20 (5): 405–11. doi:10.1051/apido:19890505.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Roubik, David W. (2005-01-01). "Honeybees in Borneo". In Roubik, David W.; Sakai, Shoko; Karim, Abang A. Hamid (eds.). Pollination Ecology and the Rain Forest. Ecological Studies. Vol. 174. Springer New York. pp. 89–103. doi:10.1007/0-387-27161-9_8. ISBN 978-0-387-21309-5.
  7. ^ a b Nagamitsu, Teruyoshi; Inoue, Tamiji (1997-04-01). "Aggressive foraging of social bees as a mechanism of floral resource partitioning in an Asian tropical rainforest". Oecologia. 110 (3): 432–439. doi:10.1007/s004420050178. ISSN 0029-8549. PMID 28307233. S2CID 25883134.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g de Guzman, Lilia I.; Rinderer, Thomas E. (1999-01-01). "Identification and comparison of Varroa species infesting honey bees". Apidologie. 30 (2–3): 85–95. doi:10.1051/apido:19990201.
  9. ^ Koeniger, G.; Koeniger, N.; Tingek, S. (1994-03-01). "Crossfostered drones ofApis cerana (Fabricius, 1793) andApis koschevnikovi (Buttel-Reepen, 1906) fly at their species specific mating times". Insectes Sociaux. 41 (1): 73–78. doi:10.1007/BF01240574. ISSN 0020-1812. S2CID 21867439.
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Apis koschevnikovi: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Apis koschevnikovi, Koschevnikov's honey bee, is a species of honey bee which inhabits Malaysian and Indonesian Borneo, where it lives sympatrically with other honey bee species such as Apis cerana (specifically A. c. nuluensis).

The species was first described by Hugo Berthold von Buttel-Reepen, who dedicated it to Grigory Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov (1866–1933), a pioneer of honey bee morphology. This was an invalid designation, however, and the name was first formally made available by Günther Enderlein that same year. Therefore, Buttel-Reepen is not the author of the name (following the ICZN). The species was described again by Maa in 1953, this time with the name Apis vechti. It was finally rediscovered by Tingek and his colleagues in 1988.

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Apis koschevnikovi ( Spanish; Castilian )

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La abeja de Koschevnikov (Apis koschevnikovi) es una especie de himenóptero apócrito de la familia Apidae. Es una especie de abeja melífera descrita por Buttel-Reepen (Koeniger et ál., 1988; Maa, 1953; Tingek et ál., 1988), dedicada a Koschevnikov, quien a principios del siglo XX realizó uno de los primeros trabajos de morfometría de abejas. Fue redescrita posteriormente por Maa en 1953 como Apis vechti y redescubierta por Tinger et ál. en 1988. El área de distribución de esta especie es Malasia e Indonesia. En la isla de Borneo es simpátrica con Apis cerana y Apis nuluensis.

Apis koschevnikovi presenta, según Guzmán et ál. (1996), un ectoparásito específico: Varroa rindereri que es muy parecida a Varroa jacobsoni, es perfectamente diferenciable, y resulta de gran valor el hecho de que ha sido reportada exclusivamente en Apis koschevnikovi, en Borneo, y parece ser específica de esa abeja, ya que no se observaron infestaciones cruzadas en Apis cerana, en un mismo apiario.

Véase también


  • Maa T.C. (1953) An inquiry into the systematics of the tribus Apidini or honeybees (Hym), Treubia 21, 525–640.
  • Tingek S., Mardan M., Rinderer G., Koeniger N., Koeniger G. (1988) Rediscovery of Apis vechti (Maa, 1953): the Sabah honey bee, Apidologie 19, 97–102.
  • Rinderer, T. E.; Stelzer, J. A.; Oldroyd, B. P.; Tingek, S.. Levels of polyandry and intercolonial genetic relationships in Apis koschevnikovi. JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH, 1998 37 (4): 281-288.
  • Guzmán, L. I. DE Y M. Delfinado Baker. A new Species of Varroa (Acari: Varroidae) Associated with Apis koschevnikovi (Hymenoptera: Apidae)in Borneo, Int. J. Acarol, 22: 23-27, 1997.
  • Cameron, S. A. 1993. Multiple origins of advanced eusociality in bees inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 90: 8687-8691

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Apis koschevnikovi: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

La abeja de Koschevnikov (Apis koschevnikovi) es una especie de himenóptero apócrito de la familia Apidae. Es una especie de abeja melífera descrita por Buttel-Reepen (Koeniger et ál., 1988; Maa, 1953; Tingek et ál., 1988), dedicada a Koschevnikov, quien a principios del siglo XX realizó uno de los primeros trabajos de morfometría de abejas. Fue redescrita posteriormente por Maa en 1953 como Apis vechti y redescubierta por Tinger et ál. en 1988. El área de distribución de esta especie es Malasia e Indonesia. En la isla de Borneo es simpátrica con Apis cerana y Apis nuluensis.

Apis koschevnikovi presenta, según Guzmán et ál. (1996), un ectoparásito específico: Varroa rindereri que es muy parecida a Varroa jacobsoni, es perfectamente diferenciable, y resulta de gran valor el hecho de que ha sido reportada exclusivamente en Apis koschevnikovi, en Borneo, y parece ser específica de esa abeja, ya que no se observaron infestaciones cruzadas en Apis cerana, en un mismo apiario.

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Apis koschevnikovi ( French )

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Apis koschevnikovi est une espèce d'abeilles à miel indigène de la Malaisie et de Bornéo. Günther Enderlein, qui a identifié le premier cette espèce, l'a nommée en l'honneur de l'entomologiste Grigory Aleksandrovich Kozhevnikov, pionnier dans la morphologie des abeilles à miel.

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Apis koschevnikovi ( Italian )

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L'ape koschevnikovi (Apis koschevnikovi, Enderlein, 1906), è un'ape diffusa in Malaysia e in Indonesia.


Apis koschevnikovi è un'ape che si distingue per il colore rossiccio, che le ha valso anche il nome di "ape rossa". Questa specie fu dedicata dal suo scopritore a G.A. Koschevnikov, un entomologo russo autore di alcuni dei primi studi di morfometria delle api. Nel 1996, Guzman et al. hanno scoperto essere quest'ape parassitizzata da una specifica Varroa, la Varroa rindereri, la cui diffusione, come del resto quella del suo ospite, è limitata al solo Borneo. Nel 1999 Michael Engel ha definito quest'ape come una sottospecie dell'Apis cerana, assieme ad altre considerate specie a sé.


  • Maa T.C., An inquiry into the systematics of the tribus Apidini or honeybees (Hym), in Treubia 1953; 21, 525–640.
  • Tingek S., Mardan M., Rinderer G., Koeniger N., Koeniger G., Rediscovery of Apis vechti (Maa, 1953): the Sabah honey bee, in Apidologie 1988; 19: 97–102.
  • Rinderer, T. E.; Stelzer, J. A.; Oldroyd, B. P.; Tingek, S., Levels of polyandry and intercolonial genetic relationships in Apis koschevnikovi, in Journal of Apicultural Research 1998; 37(4): 281-288.
  • Guzmán, L. I. DE Y M. Delfinado Baker, A new species of Varroa (Acari: Varroidae) associated with Apis koschevnikovi (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Borneo, in Int. J. Acarol. 1997; 22: 23-27,.

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Apis koschevnikovi: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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L'ape koschevnikovi (Apis koschevnikovi, Enderlein, 1906), è un'ape diffusa in Malaysia e in Indonesia.

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Apis koschevnikovi ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Apis koschevnikovi is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1906 door Enderlein.[1]

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Rött honungsbi ( Swedish )

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Rött honungsbi (Apis koschevnikovi) är en art i insektsordningen steklar som tillhör familjen långtungebin, och en nära släkting till östasiatiskt bi och det vanliga honungsbiet.


Arten påminner om det östasiatiska biet, men är längre, mer som det vanliga honungsbiet.[2] och de svarta ränderna hos de båda föregående arterna går mer i rött.[3]


Arten är social precis som det vanliga honungsbiet, det vill säga den lever i kolonier som är indelade i tre kaster, drottningar (som lägger ägg), hanar, även kallade drönare (könsdjur som befruktar drottningarna) och arbetare (parningsodugliga honor, som utför det vardagliga arbetet i bikolonin).

Arten har samma vanor som det östasiatiska biet, och bygger sitt bo i ihåliga stammar, trädhål och klippskrevor. Liksom hos honungsbiet och det östasiatiska biet har bona flera parallella vaxkakor[4]. Till skillnad från dessa hålls inte det röda honungsbiet som tamdjur, utan utnyttjas endast för honungsjakt[5].


Det röda honungsbiet är en sydöstasiatisk art som finns på Borneo, Malaysia, Java och Sumatra.[2]


  1. ^ ”Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein, 1906” (på engelska). American Museum of Natural History. http://www.discoverlife.org/mp/20q?search=Apis+koschevnikovi. Läst 27 maj 2010.
  2. ^ [a b] S. Hadisoesilo et al. (26 juli 1989). ”Morphometric analysis and biogeography of Apis koschevnikovi Enderlein (1906)” (på engelska) (PDF, 1,06 MB). Apidologie (2008) 39. doi:10.1051/apido:2008029. http://www.institut-fuer-bienenkunde.de/_Bienenkunde/publikationen/eecc3e9e-02d9-4739-8557-c9984bbc1724.pdf. Läst 27 maj 2010.
  3. ^ T. E. Rinderer, N. Koeniger, S. Tingek, M. Mardan och G. Koeniger (26 juli 1989). ”A morphological comparison of the cavity dwelling honeybees of Borneo Apis koschevnikovi (Buttel-Reepen, 1906) and Apis cerana (Fabricius, 1793)” (på engelska) (PDF, 361 kB). Apidologie (1989) 20, s. 405-411. http://www.apidologie.org/articles/apido/pdf/1989/05/Apidologie_0044-8435_1989_20_5_ART0005.pdf. Läst 27 maj 2010.
  4. ^ ”SPECIES WHOSE NESTS HAVE PARALLEL COMBS” (på engelska). Bees for Development Journal #25. Arkiverad från originalet den 14 april 2010. https://web.archive.org/web/20100414015055/http://www.beesfordevelopment.org/info/info/species/honey-bee-species.shtml. Läst 27 maj 2010.
  5. ^ Rune Hedberg. ”Biraser - Apini - Verkliga honungsbin”. Alingsåstraktens Biodlareförening. http://kupan.se/?page_id=49. Läst 29 juli 2017.
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Rött honungsbi: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Rött honungsbi (Apis koschevnikovi) är en art i insektsordningen steklar som tillhör familjen långtungebin, och en nära släkting till östasiatiskt bi och det vanliga honungsbiet.

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Apis koschevnikovi ( Vietnamese )

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Apis koschevnikovi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Apidae. Loài này được Enderlein mô tả khoa học năm 1906.[2]

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Apis koschevnikovi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Apis koschevnikovi là một loài Hymenoptera trong họ Apidae. Loài này được Enderlein mô tả khoa học năm 1906.

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