All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Common beneath rocks at low tide.
Category hierarchy: Animals | EchinodermsDescription: Ophiocoma aethiops.Capture device: Camera: Canon Powershot A75Original date: 20040000
The aboral side of the central disk looks inflated and has many scattered scales. The radial shields are paired at the base of each ray and in contact with each other for most of the length except for at the end nearest the center of the disk, where they are separated by a thin line of scales. Aboral view of arm. The aboral plates on the rays are oval and wider than long. The arm spines taper to a point and are nearly round. Tube feet can be seen projecting below arm.
Amphioidea urtica found intertidally in mud at Padilla Bay, June 2012 by Sarah Bewley and Melissa Moxey. Central disk is 9 mm diameter and total span is about 15 cm. Note that several arms are regenerating and others have recently broken but have not yet started regeneration. (Photo by: Dave Cowles, June 2012)
Closeup of the central disk (aboral side) of the individual above. The aboral side of the disk is covered with small, conical spines which are larger toward the margins. It has conspicuous lobes between the arms, and may appear inflated.
The "dorsal" (aboral) plates on the rays are separated by small secondary plates, as can be seen here. This is a view of the aboral side of a ray. The five spines projecting from the lateral plates can be seen to the sides. The yellow tube feet can be seen projecting from the other, oral side of the ray
The underside of the mouth and the rays are white..
Ophiopholis aculeata from a subtidal rock, Deception Pass, WA (Photo by: Dave Cowles, July 2006)
Ophiopteris papillosa from Royal Palm State Beach, Long Beach, CA (Photo by: Dave Cowles, April 1997)
Amphiura filiformis; Draadarmige slangster.
Common brittle star; brokkelster.