Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cyphocharax magdalenae (Steindachner)
Curimatus Magdalenae Steindachner, 1879a:50 [type locality: Colombia: Río Magdalena]; 1879b:88 [abstract of 1879a species description]; 1879c:167 [Panama: Río Mamomi]; 1880:67 [Colombia: Río Cauca].—Vari, 1989a, tables 2, 3 [assignment to Cyphocharax].
Curimatus magdalenae.—Eigenmann and Eigenmann, 1889:424 [reference].—Steindachner, 1902:142 [Colombia: Baranquilla],—Eigenmann, 1905:19 [Panama]; 1910:421 [reference].—Cockerell, 1915:156 [scale anatomy].—Meek and Hildebrand, 1916:269 [Panama: Río Chorrera, Río Marte Arnade, Río Abaco, Río Juan Diaz, Río Bayano, Río Tuyra, Río Cituro, Río Setiganti, Río Grande],—Eigenmann, 1920a:15 (Panama: western drainages; Colombia: Río Atrato, Río Magdalena]; 1920b:ll [Colombia: Río Atrato drainage]; 1920c:15 [Pacific slopes of Panama, Río Chepo, Río Tuya; Colombia, Río Atrato]; 1920d:30 [Colombia: lower Río Magdalena]; 1922:104, pl. 17: fig. 2 [in part: Pacific slopes of Panama; Colombia: Río Magdalena, Soplaviento; Río Atrato, Boca de Certegui, Truando, Quibdo; not Venezuela: Lago Maracaibo basin].—Breder, 1925:143 [Panama: Río Tapia]; 1927:113 [Panama: Río Chucunaque].—Hildebrand, 1938:247 [Panama: Río Tapia, Río Cabra]. [Not Mago-Leccia, 1970:75.]
Curimata magdalenae.—Fowler, 1944:227 [Colombia: Río Juradó]; 1945b:l [Colombia: Mariquetal].—Dahl, 1955:17 [Colombia: Río Sinú].—Dahl et al., 1963:42 [Colombia: Río San Jorge].—Dahl and Medem, 1964:53 [Colombia: Río Sinú; common name],—Gosse, 1966:9 (Panama: Río Bayano].—Bussing, 1967:221 [Costa Rica: Pacific slope rivers of Puntarenas].—Dahl, 1971:104 [Colombia: Río Magdalena, lower Río Cauca, Río San Jorge, Río Sinú].—Alpirez, 1985:303 [Costa Rica: Puntarenas Province; common name]. [Not Schultz, 1944:250.]
Curimatella magdalenae.—Fernández-Yépez, 1948:25 [assignment to Curimatella],—Fowler, 1975:364 [reference]. [Not Ferández-Yépez and Martin, 1953:232.]
Pseudocurimata steindachneri Fernández-Yépez, 1948:48 [type locality: Colombia: Río Magdalena, Boca de Ceretegui (actual type locality probably Colombia: Truando, see under “Remarks” below for discussion of problem)].—Fowler, 1975:373 [reference].—Vari, 1989a, tables 2, 3 [assignment to Cyphocharax], [New synonymy.]
DIAGNOSIS.—Cyphocharax magdalenae is distinguished from all other Cyphocharax species with the exception of C. aspilos by the combination of the absence of multiple series of longitudinal patterns of dark pigmentation on the body, the absence of a large spot of pigmentation on the dorsal fin, the absence of a rotund spot or longitudinal stripe of dark pigmentation on the midlateral surface of the caudal peduncle, the presence of 34 to 38 lateral-line scales, and a depth of caudal peduncle of 0.13–0.15 of SL. Cyphocharax magdalenae can be discriminated from C. aspilos by differences in the relative width of the interorbital region (0.43–0.47 of HL versus 0.47–0.52, respectively; see also Figure 37), and less discretely by modal differences in the number of vertebrae (mode 32, range 31 to 33 in C. magdalenae versus mode 33, range 32 to 34 in C. aspilos; see also Table 7). Cyphocharax magdalenae is also the only member of the Curimatidae known from Panama and southern Costa Rica, and the only Cyphocharax species in the Río Magdalena system of northern Colombia.
DESCRIPTION.—Body moderately elongate, somewhat more so in larger specimens, slightly compressed laterally. Dorsal profile of head convex from tip of snout to vertical line through anterior nostril, straight or very slightly convex from that line to tip of supraoccipital spine. Dorsal profile of body smoothly convex from tip of supraoccipital spine to origin of dorsal fin; straight and posteroventrally slanted at base of dorsal fin, typically straight or sometimes slightly convex from base of last dorsal-fin ray to caudal peduncle. Dorsal surface of body with indistinct median keel anterior to dorsal fin, smoothly rounded transversely posterior to fin. Ventral profile of body gently curved from tip of lower jaw to caudal peduncle. Prepelvic region very obtusely flattened proximate to origin of pelvic fin; scales of that area of same size as those on adjoining ventrolateral surfaces of body. Obtuse median keel posterior to pelvic-fin origin. Secondary obtuse keel on each side of postpelvic portion of body about two scales dorsal of ventral midline.
Greatest body depth at origin of dorsal fin, depth 0.36–0.44 [0.40]; snout tip to origin of dorsal fin 0.48–0.54 [0.50]; snout tip to origin of anal fin 0.80–0.88 [0.83]; snout tip to origin of pelvic fin 0.52–0.56 [0.54]; snout tip to anus 0.77–0.84 [0.78]; origin of dorsal fin to hypural joint 0.54–0.60 [0.56]. Dorsal fin somewhat pointed anteriorly in profile; last unbranched and first branched rays about three times length of ultimate ray. Pectoral fin obtusely pointed in profile distally; length of pectoral fin 0.19–0.22 [0.20], extends about two-thirds distance to vertical line through origin of pelvic fin. Pelvic fin obtusely pointed in profile distally, length of pelvic fin 0.22–0.26 [0.23], reaches about three-quarters distance to origin of anal fin. Caudal fin forked; with few series of scales extending onto base of caudal-fin rays. Adipose fin well developed. Anal fin border emarginate, anteriormost branched rays about three times length of ultimate ray. Least depth of caudal peduncle 0.13–0.15 [0.15].
Head profile rounded anteriorly, obtusely pointed overall, head length 0.28–0.33 [0.28]; upper jaw somewhat longer than lower, mouth barely subterminal; snout length 0.26–0.32 [0.28]; nostrils of each side very close, anterior circular, posterior crescent-shaped with aperture closed by thin flap of skin separating nares; orbital diameter 0.26–0.33 [0.26]; adipose eyelid moderately developed, with broad, vertically ovoid opening over center of eye; length of postorbital portion of head 0.43–0.49 [0.43]; gape width 0.24–0.31 [0.25]; interorbital width 0.43–0.47 [0.45].
Pored lateral-line scales from supracleithrum to hypural joint 34 to 38 [35]; all scales of lateral line pored, canals in lateral-line scales straight; 3 to 6 series of pored scales extending beyond hypural joint onto caudal-fin base; 6 to 7 [7] scales in transverse series from origin of dorsal fin to lateral line; 5 to 6 [6] scales in transverse series from lateral line to origin of anal fin.
Dorsal-fin rays ii,9 or 10, or iii,9 (ii,10 and iii,9 relatively rare; when three unbranched rays present, first very short) [ii,9]; anal-fin rays ii,7 or 8, or iii,7 (ii,8 relatively rare; when three unbranched rays present, first very short) [ii,7]; pectoral-fin rays 14 to 16 [14]; pelvic-fin rays i,8 [i,8].
Total vertebrae 31 (15), 32 (78), 33 (10).
COLOR IN ALCOHOL.—Overall ground coloration of specimens retaining guanine on scales silvery to silvery-golden, darker on dorsal portions of head and body. Overall coloration of specimens lacking guanine on scales tan in smaller specimens, olive or brown dorsally in larger specimens with ventral portions of head and body light tan to tan. No pronounced pigmentation pattern on head and body. Fin membranes, particularly of median fins, with numerous small dark chromatophores in larger specimens; paired fins of smaller specimens hyaline.
DISTRIBUTION.—Río Magdalena and Río Atrato basins of northwestern Colombia, rivers of Pacific versant of Panama and southwestern Costa Rica (Figure 40).
GEOGRAPHIC VARIATON.—Populations of Cyphocharax magdalenae from the Ríos Magdalena and Atrato of the Carribean versant of Colombia differ somewhat from samples from the rivers of the Pacific versant of Panama and southwestern Costa Rica in the modal values for various features. The most notable difference is the relative depth of the caudal peduncle. In populations from the Río Magdalena and Río Atrato the relative depth of the caudal peduncle is 0.14–0.15 of SL with an average of 0.147 (n = 38). The population sample examined in detail from Panama has a somewhat broader range in the relative depth of the caudal peduncle (0.13–0.15 of SL, 0.15 rare), with a distinctly lower average of 0.136 (n = 40). These differences do not, however, discriminate these populations.
COMMON NAME.—Capani (Costa Rica; Alpírez, 1985:303).
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—319 specimens (60, 49.5–151.0).
PANAMA. Chiriquí, 3 m W of San Juan on Inter-American Highway, USNM 220197, 9 (4, 63.5–77.5; 2 specimens cleared and counterstained for cartilage and bone). 8 m N of Puerto Armuelles, USNM 220159, 7 (76.5–115.3). Chiriquí, 24.2 km S of Pan American Highway on Conoas to Puerto Armulles Road, ANSP 151085, 1. Río Calobre, USNM 78572, 54 (5, 56.0–125.0). Río Calobre at Pacora, USNM 231487, 10 (5, 57.8–87.4). Río Bayano system, MCZ 54119, 5 (105.0–133.6). Río Marte Arnade, USNM 78588, 3 (112.1–118.7); USNM 78585, 13. Río Cupe, Boca de Cupe, USNM 78576, 5 (2, 105.2–151.0). Río Mamoni, El Capitan, USNM 78581, 8 (4, 80.5–122.0). Río Mamoni, Chepo, USNM 78582, 5. Río Seteganti, Cana, USNM 78583, 1; USNM 78587, 7. Río Seteganti, USNM 220157, 26. Río Aruza, Aruza, USNM 78573, 6; USNM 78579, 5. Río Tuira between Calle Larga and Pinogana above El Real, USNM 293122, 8. Río Tuira basin, Río Pirre, above El Real, USNM 293175, 24. Río Tuira, 0.5 km above Boca de Cupe, USNM 293195, 10. Río Tuira, Boca de Río Cupe, USNM 78584, 1; USNM 78586, 4. Río Tuira basin, Río Pirre at Pijibasal, USNM 293225, 1. Río Pucuro just above confluence with Río Tuira, USNM 293146, 3. Creek, 3 km W of Aguadulce on Inter-American Hìghway, USNM 220201, 12. Creek near Chorrera, USNM 78578, 2. Río Chorrera, USNM 78580, 3; USNM 78577, 1. Río Juan Diaz, USNM 78574, 2. Río Abaco, USNM 78571, 2. Rio Grande, Cana, USNM 78575, 3. Río Yape, USNM 78585, 17. Río Bayano basin, stream along Pan American Highway, 3.5 km E of Carti Road, USNM 293201, 1. Río Grande basin, Río Anton, at Anton along Pan American Highway, USNM 296173, 5. Darien, pool along Pan American Highway 140 km E of Bayano bridge, ANSP 151049, 1.
COLOMBIA. Río Magdalena, USNM 296258, 4. Río Magdalena, Ciénega, NMW 68873.1, 1 (127.0, lectotype of Curimatus Magdalenae); NMW 68873.2–3, 2 (121.5–124.8, paralectotypes of Curimatus Magdalenae). Chocó: Río Truandó, USNM 76949, 12 (6, 63.3–81.0); BMNH 1920.12.20:69–70, 2; BMNH 1924.3.3:52–54, 3; CAS 60623, 1 (88.0, holotype of Pseudocurimata steindachneri; formerly IU 13472, in part; locality incorrectly cited by Fernández-Yépez as Boca de Certegui); CAS 60624, 13 (4, 63.5–111.8; formerly IU 13472, in part); USNM 296258, 4; USNM 83645, 1. Río Salado near Teresita, USNM 220006, 6 (68.0–92.8). Bolívar: Río San Jorge, San Marcos, USNM 175321, 2 (49.5–49.7). Calamar, USNM 79194, 3 (90.3–103.4).
- bibliographic citation
- Vari, Richard P. 1992. "Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces:Ostariophysi)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-137.