Species: Kotschya strigosa (Benth.) Dewit & P.A. Duvign. var. strigosa Date: 2009-05-19 Location: Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique Habitat:
Species: Kotschya strigosa (Benth.) Dewit & P.A. Duvign. var. strigosa Date: 2009-05-19 Location: Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique Habitat:
Species: Kotschya strigosa (Benth.) Dewit & P.A. Duvign. var. strigosa Date: 2009-05-19 Location: Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique Habitat:
Species: Kotschya strigosa (Benth.) Dewit & P.A. Duvign. var. strigosa Date: 2008-04-21 Location: Muqueche Bridge on road to Mt Namuli, Serra de Gurue, Zambezia. Habitat: Roadside vegetation
Species: Kotschya strigosa (Benth.) Dewit & P.A. Duvign. var. strigosa Date: 2008-04-21 Location: Muqueche Bridge on road to Mt Namuli, Serra de Gurue, Zambezia. Habitat: Roadside vegetation
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2009-05-18 Location: Upper Nhamadzi basin, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Montane grassland on quartzite
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2011-05-05 Location: Slopes of Mt Pheza, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2011-05-05 Location: Slopes of Mt Pheza, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2009-05-18 Location: Upper Nhamadzi basin, Binga area, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Montane grassland on quartzite
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2009-05-18 Location: Upper Nhamadzi basin, Chimanimani Mts Habitat: Montane grassland on quartzite
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2004-02-05 Location: Circular Drive, Nyanga National Park. Habitat: Montane grassland and scrub
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2004-02-05 Location: Circular Drive, Nyanga National Park. Habitat: Montane grassland and scrub
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2004-02-05 Location: Circular Drive, Nyanga National Park. Habitat: Montane grassland and scrub
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2006-05-17 Location: Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2006-05-17 Location: Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Montane grassland
Species: Kotschya thymodora (Baker f.) Wild subsp. thymodora Date: 2006-05-17 Location: Plateau below Nhandore peak, Mt Gorongosa Habitat: Montane grassland