
Aphelonema (Planthoppers)

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There are 2 species listed on BoldSystems.org: Aphelonema decorata Aphelonema simplex Their specimen of Aphelonema decorata was in Canada, with Aphelonema simplex in America. BugGuide.com has some info on Aphelonema simplex. They are 3-4 mm. Males are Reddish, while Females are tan. According to Dr. Andy Hamilton, they are widespread, from Florida to South Korea. With this being said, BugGuide.com only has 2 reports of the species: One in Texas and One in Louisiana. As for their habitat, Dr. Hamilton says, "Adults can be found in cord grass (Spartina) in freshwater situations." BugGuide says they are found in July to August in Minnesota.
BoldSystems, BugGuide
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This information is from BugGuide.com Dr. Andy Hamilton on BugGuide.com BoldSystems.com
(Teddison NC)
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