provided by eFloras
Trees, to 20 m, d.b.h. to 50 cm, deciduous. Bark pale gray to blackish brown, thick, with a corky layer, longitudinally fissured. Branchlets thick, unwinged and usually without a corky layer, with yellow to brownish yellow lenticels; first year branchlets white to reddish brown, densely villous; second year branchlets grayish brown to dark brownish gray, ± pubescent or glabrescent. Winter buds ovoid, usually slightly compressed; bud scales densely pubescent. Petiole 1-12 mm, densely pubescent; leaf blade oblong-elliptic, narrowly elliptic, oblong-ovate, obovate-oblong, or obovate-elliptic, 8-15 × 3.5-6.5 cm, abaxially densely pubescent and with tufted hairs in vein axils, adaxially smooth or ± scabrous, densely hirsute when young, and glabrescent but ± pubescent on main secondary veins with age, base distinctly oblique, margin doubly serrate, apex long acute to cuspidate; main secondary veins depressed; secondary veins 16-35 on each side of midvein. Inflorescences fascicled cymes on second year branchlets. Perianth 4- or 5-lobed, glabrous or margin ciliate. Samaras tan, oblong-obovate, obtriangular-obovate, or obovate, 1.6-3 × 1-1.6 cm, glabrous except for pubescence on stigmatic surface in notch; stalk shorter than perianth, densely pubescent; perianth persistent. Seed toward apex of samara. Fl. and fr. Feb-Apr.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
* Broad-leaved forests; 500-1600 m.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Ulmus ferruginea W. C. Cheng; U. multinervis W. C. Cheng.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA