Plate4.16 Portion of a sperm-sac exhibiting a streaky and granular aspect from the varying nature of the contents
Plate4.14 Cephalic ganglia of Tetrastemma flavida
Plate3.9 Stylets of Tetrastemma flavida
Plate2.9 Structure of the stylet-region in Tetrastemma flavida
Dorsal view of anterior portion of bodyCoe, W. R. (1901). The Nemerteans of the Expedition. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3, 1-110.
Tetrastemma bilineatum: habitus
Tetrastemma quadrilineatum: habitus
Tetrastemma reticulatum: habitus
Tetrastemma reticulatum: Anterior portion of body of individual of the variety with confluent markings
Tetrastemma signifer: habitus
Tetrastemma signifer: Dorsal view of the head, showing typical form of cephalic marking
Tetrastemma signifer: Side view of head, showing position and extent of characteristic cephalic marking
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 3; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 10; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 11; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 2; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616771 - Specimen Image 1; Field number: 1616.002
USNM 1616771 - Specimen Image 3; Field number: 1616.002
USNM 1616771 - Specimen Image 4; Field number: 1616.002
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 7; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616782 - Specimen Image 1; Field number: 1616.001
USNM 1616771 - Specimen Image 2; Field number: 1616.002