provided by eFloras
Shrubby, profusely branched. Branches green to purple, straggling sometimes climbing, black dotted, stellate pubescent, glabrescent. Leaves 1-3 cm long, 1.5-5 cm broad, cordate at base, dotted and stellate pubescent on both sides, glabrescent, 5-7-nerved, basally middle nerve beneath with or without nectary, 3-5 lobed; lobes roundish, entire, mucronate or obtuse, sinuses narrow; stipules linear-lanceolate to ovate, 3-7 mm long, entire or serrate; petiole 1-3 cm long, stellate tomentose, black dotted. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicel up to 5 mm long, in fruit up to 1 cm long, stellate tomentose, black dotted. Epicalyx segments 3, foliaceous 1-2.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm broad, truncate or rounded at base, broadly ovate, laciniate, segments 8-12, linear-lanceolate, many nerved, black dotted and pubescent on both sides. Calyx 6-8 mm long, cupular, 5-dentate. Corolla 1.5-2 cm across, yellow with purple base, stellate pubescent, glabrescent; petals 2-3 cm long, 1-1.5 cm broad, obovate. Staminal tube ± 1 cm long, antheriferous throughout; anthers reniform. Capsule ovoid to sub-globose or oblong 1-2 cm long, ± 1 cm across, glabrous, black dotted, beaked, 3-5 celled. Seeds usually 2 in each cell, wedge-shaped, silky, hairs yellowish or brownish, never linted.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Distribution: Pakistan (Sind) South-east Arabia and Somaliland.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA