Tetraphyllidea is a large tapeworm order that contains some 60 genera and about 800 described species. Tetraphyllideans are remarkable for their scolex morphologies, which are the most varied and morphologically complex amongst all tapeworm orders.
Tetraphyllidean cestodes also exhibit a remarkable degree of host specificity. The procercoid probably parasitizes copepods, which are eaten by the second intermediate hosts: teleost fishes, decapods or cephalopods, which may also serve as paratenic hosts. The verified definite hosts are sharks, skates and stingrays.[1] Occasionally found in cetaceans, the role of these apex predators in the tetraphyllidean life cycle is not well known; whales and dolphins may be definite or dead-end hosts.
Crossobothrium antonioi is a recently discovered species in the genus Crossobothrium, which belongs to the order Tetraphyllidea.[2] It is a parasitic tapeworm that infects Notorynchus cepedianus, the broadnose sevengill shark.[2] C. antonioi was discovered off the coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.[2] C. antonioi was recovered from the spiral intestine of N. cepedianus and named after the lead researcher's father, Antonio Ivanov.[2] C. antonioi is the smallest species in its genus and about 47.4-51.5 mm long; other species in the genus are about twice as long as C. antonioi.[2] It has 4 stalked bothridia ("sucking grooves") on its scolex.[2] Its proglottids, which are the segments of tapeworms that contain the reproductive structures, are longer than wide when immature, and become wider than long at maturity.[2] However, the proglottids at each stage are generally the same shape.[2] C. antonioi also have crenulated bothridial margins and a microthrix pattern that varies from other species in Crossobothrium.[2] The most notable and unique quality of C. antonioi is the large amount of testes per mature proglottid.[2] C. antonioi has more than 700 testes per proglottid, whereas other Crossobothrium species have ~150-300 testes per proglottid.[2]
Tetraphyllidea is a large tapeworm order that contains some 60 genera and about 800 described species. Tetraphyllideans are remarkable for their scolex morphologies, which are the most varied and morphologically complex amongst all tapeworm orders.
Tetraphyllidean cestodes also exhibit a remarkable degree of host specificity. The procercoid probably parasitizes copepods, which are eaten by the second intermediate hosts: teleost fishes, decapods or cephalopods, which may also serve as paratenic hosts. The verified definite hosts are sharks, skates and stingrays. Occasionally found in cetaceans, the role of these apex predators in the tetraphyllidean life cycle is not well known; whales and dolphins may be definite or dead-end hosts.
Crossobothrium antonioi is a recently discovered species in the genus Crossobothrium, which belongs to the order Tetraphyllidea. It is a parasitic tapeworm that infects Notorynchus cepedianus, the broadnose sevengill shark. C. antonioi was discovered off the coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. C. antonioi was recovered from the spiral intestine of N. cepedianus and named after the lead researcher's father, Antonio Ivanov. C. antonioi is the smallest species in its genus and about 47.4-51.5 mm long; other species in the genus are about twice as long as C. antonioi. It has 4 stalked bothridia ("sucking grooves") on its scolex. Its proglottids, which are the segments of tapeworms that contain the reproductive structures, are longer than wide when immature, and become wider than long at maturity. However, the proglottids at each stage are generally the same shape. C. antonioi also have crenulated bothridial margins and a microthrix pattern that varies from other species in Crossobothrium. The most notable and unique quality of C. antonioi is the large amount of testes per mature proglottid. C. antonioi has more than 700 testes per proglottid, whereas other Crossobothrium species have ~150-300 testes per proglottid.
Tetraphyllidea jest to rząd wieloczłonowych tasiemców, których skoleks zaopatrzony jest w cztery ruchliwe, podzielone niekiedy poprzecznymi przegrodami, nierzadko osadzone na szypułkach. Haki występują tylko na przedniej krawędzi bruzd. Stadium cysicerkoidu prawdopodobnie występuje u morskich skorupiaków, stadium plerocerkoidu obecne jest w jelicie morskich Teleostei oraz Cephalopoda. Dojrzałe tasiemce bytują na zastawce spiralnej ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych. Przedstawicielem tego rzędu są:
Do rzędu należą następujące rodziny:
Zoologia bezkręgowce, W. A. Dogiel.
Tetraphyllidea jest to rząd wieloczłonowych tasiemców, których skoleks zaopatrzony jest w cztery ruchliwe, podzielone niekiedy poprzecznymi przegrodami, nierzadko osadzone na szypułkach. Haki występują tylko na przedniej krawędzi bruzd. Stadium cysicerkoidu prawdopodobnie występuje u morskich skorupiaków, stadium plerocerkoidu obecne jest w jelicie morskich Teleostei oraz Cephalopoda. Dojrzałe tasiemce bytują na zastawce spiralnej ryb chrzęstnoszkieletowych. Przedstawicielem tego rzędu są:
Echeneobothrium fallax bytujący w jelicie płaszczki. Anthobothrium cornuscopia jego wielkość wynosi około 150-200 mm, bytuje on w jelicie różnych gatunków rekinów z rodzaju Mustelus, Carcharias, Trigon. Phyllobothrium lactuca ten tasiemiec także obecny jest u rekinów, ale należących do takich rodzajów: Mustelus, Galeus i Galeocerdo.Do rzędu należą następujące rodziny:
Cathetocephalidae Disculicipitidae Prosobothriidae Dioecotaeniidae Onchobothriidae Phyllobothriidae ChimaerocestidaeTetraphyllidea é uma ordem tradicional da classe Cestoda. Evidências moleculares demonstram que o clado é parafilético.[1][2]
Tetraphyllidea é uma ordem tradicional da classe Cestoda. Evidências moleculares demonstram que o clado é parafilético.
Tetrafilidele (Tetraphyllidea) este un ordin de cestode care au scolexul prevăzut cu patru botridii. Au corpul constituit din trei părți: scolex, gât și strobil.
Cele patru botridii de pe scolex, caracteristice pentru aceste cestode, au aspecte foarte variate: pedunculate sau sesile, netede sau cloazonate, uneori compartimentate. De regulă botridiile sunt lățite, alungite și lobate ca niște frunze, adesea pedunculate și foarte mobile. Suprafața lor poate să fie complicată prin formarea de septe și de areole. Pot exista pe scolex, de asemenea, cârlige sau spini puternici.
Tetrafilide au o forme în general alungită, cu multe proglote pe strobil, care se pot detașa înainte de maturarea aparatului genital, se pot mișca și împerechea reciproc; ele pot trăi independente în intestinul gazdei, unde are loc și împerecherea.
Ciclul evolutiv probabil cu 2 gazde intermediare. Primele gazdele intermediare sunt necunoscute, larvele sunt găsite în peștii teleosteeni marini (probabil a două gazdă intermediară sau gazdă paratenică).
Parazitează în intestin, majoritatea la peștii selacieni marini, unele la peștii dulcicoli sau la amfibieni și reptile. Pedibothrium longispine și Anthobothrium cornucopia sunt parazite în intestin la selacieni.
În acest ordin sunt incluse 60 genuri și circa 800 de specii descrise, repartizate în 7 familii (Cathetocephalidae, Disculicipitidae, Prosobothriidae, Dioecotaeniidae, Onchobothriidae, Phyllobothriidae și Chimaerocestidae).
Tetrafilidele (Tetraphyllidea) este un ordin de cestode care au scolexul prevăzut cu patru botridii. Au corpul constituit din trei părți: scolex, gât și strobil.