provided by eFloras
Herbs annual. Stems 20-45 cm, retrorse puberulent. Leaves mostly basal, 1- or 2-pinnate; petiole 1-2.5 cm; terminal leaflet 0.8-2.5 × 0.7-2 cm, ± membranous, adaxially finely strigose, abaxially glabrous, pubescent along veins, base obliquely cuneate to shallowly cordate, margin irregularly lobulate to coarsely crenate, apex acute to obtuse; lateral leaflets subsessile, subcircular, much smaller. Inflorescences densely glandular pilose; verticillasters 2-5-flowered, lower ones widely spaced, upper crowded, in terminal racemes or panicles ca. 14 cm; bracts lanceolate, shorter than pedicels. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Calyx tubular, ca. 5 mm, to 6-6.5 mm in fruit, puberulent on veins or subglabrous, glabrous inside, tube ca. 3.3 mm, upper lip broadly subtriangular; lower lip 2-cleft, teeth narrowly triangular, apex acuminate. Corolla ca. 6.5 mm, slightly exserted, sparsely pubescent; tube pilose annulate inside, ca. 4.5 mm, ca. 1 mm wide at base, slightly constricted at hairy annulus, gradually dilated above hairy annulus, to 1.5 mm wide at throat; upper lip straight, ca. 1 mm; lower lip elongated, ca. 2.5 × 3.5 mm, lateral lobes ovate. Stamens nearly exserted; filaments ca. 1.5 mm; connectives ca. 3 mm, lower arms ca. 1/2 as long as upper arms. Style included. Nutlets brownish, oblong, ca. 1.5 × 0.5 mm. Fl. and fr. Apr-May.
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- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA