Ziziphora clinopodioides is a scented shrublet of the Middle East mountains. In Mt Hermon it is considered as the best herb for tea. One can add a few of its small leaves and the drink becomes much better. Sometimes we add them to cold tab water and get a better taste. Herre u can see a close up of the flowering head. The shrublet is breeping, probably a great plant for a dry rock garden.
and here u can see the whole plant in its rocky habitat (my previous pic was a close up).
We escape the hot lowlands of Israel in Mt Hermon, the only cool place available. Blooming still takes place there. We saw the creeping cherry together with Ziziphora clinopodioides (a great herb for tea!).
Ziziphora clinopodioides is a beautiful mountain perennial. Its aromatic leaves ar used is hot drinks - the best local tea...
Ziziphora tenuior is a small annual common in the dry mountains of the whole Middle East and transcaucasus.
The scented leaves are used for tea.
This is a cute little annual of the Middle East Mts, the scented leaves are used for tea. In Israel it is endangered.