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Indian Nard

Nardostachys jatamansi (D. Don) DC.


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Himalaya (Garhwal to Bhutan), Tibet, W. China.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Elevation Range

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3200-5000 m
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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provided by Plants of Tibet
Flowering from June to August; fruiting from August to September.
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Plants of Tibet


provided by Plants of Tibet
Nardostachys jatamansi is occurring in SE Gansu, S Qinghai, W Sichuan, Xizang, N Yunnan of China, Bhutan, India, Nepal.
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Plants of Tibet

General Description

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Caudex erect or oblique, robust, lignified, densely covered with fibrous or lamellar remains of old sheaths. Flowering stems 5-50 cm tall. Rosulate leaves narrowly spatulate or linear-oblanceolate, 3-25 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide, with 3 parallel veins, glabrous or sparsely puberulous, base attenuate into petiole nearly equal to leaf blade in length, margin entire, apex obtuse. Cauline leaves mostly 2- or 3-paired, lower ones elliptic to obovate, base attenuate into petiole; upper ones sessile, oblanceolate to lanceolate, sometimes sparsely serrate. Capitula of cymes, terminal, 1.5-2 cm broad; main inflorescence rachises and lateral rachises sometimes elongated; involucral bracts 4-6, lanceolate; bracts narrowly ovate to ovate, nearly equal to flowers in length; bracteoles 2, small. Calyx 5-lobed; lobes semi-orbicular to triangular-lanceolate, enlarged in fruit, usually ciliate. Corolla purple-red, campanulate, 4.5-9 mm, 5-lobed; lobes broadly ovate to oblong, 2-3.8 mm, outside hairy, occasionally glabrous, white villous. Stamens 4, nearly equal to corolla in length; filaments villous. Style nearly equal to stamens in length; stigma capitate. Achenes obovoid, 3-4 mm, totally or only above white hispid, to entirely glabrous; persistent calyx with lobes deltoid to ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm, obviously reticulate veined, margin usually white hispid, apex acuminate, rarely acute.
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Plants of Tibet


provided by Plants of Tibet
The chromosomal number of Nardostachys jatamansi is 2n = 16, 32 (Joshi and Joshi, 2001).
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Wen, Jun
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Plants of Tibet


provided by Plants of Tibet
Growing in alpine thickets and meadows; 2600-5000 m.
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Wen, Jun
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Plants of Tibet


provided by Plants of Tibet
Rhizome of Nardostachys jatamansi is used to treat fever, indigestion, wound and boils, cough and sneezing, its leaf is used to treat headache and used in high altitude sickness.
Wen, Jun
Wen, Jun
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Plants of Tibet

Nardus ( Afrikaans )

provided by wikipedia AF

Nardus (Nardostachys grandiflora of Nardostachys jatamansi; ook genoem muskus) is 'n blomplant van die Valeriaan-familie wat groei in die Himalaja-berge van China, Indië en Nepal. Die plant groei tot omtrent 1 m in hoogte en het pienk, klok-vormige blomme. Nardus risome (onderstok) kan vergruis word en gedistilleer word in 'n intens aromatiese amberkleurige eteriese olie met 'n baie taai konsistensie. Nardus-olie word gebruik as 'n parfuum, 'n wierook, 'n kalmeermiddel, en 'n kruie medisyne wat glo slapeloosheid, geboorte probleme en ander klein kwale beveg.

Laventel (genus Lavandula) was ook bekend by die antieke Grieke as naardus, nard, geneem van die Siriese stad Naarda.


Nardus kom in die Alpynse graslande van die Himalaja-state en dus in 'n gebied wat van Afghanistan in die weste tot by Mianmar en China in die ooste strek teen hoogtes van tussen 3 000 en 5 000 meter bo seevlak voor.[1] Die plant aard veral op droë, beskermde plekke. Die grootskaalse oes van wilde plante en die bedreiging van sy natuurlike habitat het die voorkoms van Nardusplante reeds duidelik verminder. Alhoewel nardus as 'n beskermde plant gelys word en beperkings op die handel met hele wortels of stukkies daarvan geplaas is, het die (wettige) handel met verwerkte produkte soos olie, pille en poeier toegeneem.[2]

Olfaktoriese gebruik

Nardusolie was bekend gewees in die antieke tyd en was deel van die Ayurvediese genesing en kruietradisies van Indië. Dit was bekom as 'n luuksheid in antieke Egipte, die Nabye Ooste en Rome, waar dit die hoofbestanddeel was van die parfuum nardinium. Die Romeinse wetenskaplike en skrywer Gaius Plinius Secundus lys in sy "Natuurgeskiedenis" (Naturalis historia) twaalf spesies van nardus, herkenbaar met wisselende sekerheid, in 'n reeks van laventel stoechas en tuberous valerian tot ware nardus (in moderne terme Nardostachys jatamansi).

Nardinium was die gewildste parfuum, en nardusolie die waardevolste salfolie wat slegs vir priesters, konings en hooggeplaaste ingewydes bestem was.[3] Dit is byvoorbeeld as 'n grafgif in die Egiptiese farao Tut-ank-Amon se graf gevind, en die koningin van Saba het dit as 'n geskenk aan Salomo gegee.[4]

Dit was gebruik as een van die Elf Kruie vir die Wierook van die Tempel in Jerusalem.

Nardusolie was 'n gewilde skoonheidsmiddel, maar het ook 'n belangrike spirituele rol gespeel en is by begrafnis-, maar ook geheimsinnige rituele en plegtighede gebruik.[5][6]

Nardus word twee maal genoem in die Bybelse liefdeslied, die Hooglied van Salomo verse (1:12 en4:13). In Markus 14:3 en Johannes 12:3 gebruik Maria, suster van Lasarus 'n pond egte, baie kosbare nardussalf om Jesus te salf, ontwaardig Judas Iskáriot onder andere, die dief wat van die bydraes geneem het (en wat Hom later sou verraai het), en veroorsaak dat Judas vra "Waarom is hierdie salf nie vir drie honderd pennings verkoop en die geld aan die armes gegee nie?" Vroeër in Jesus se verkondiging Lukas 7:37-50, het 'n ongenoemde sondares sy voete met salf gesalf, en het sy sy voete natgemaak met haar trane en hulle afgedroog met die hare van haar hoof. Die kosbare parfuum het uit 'n albaste fles gekom, wat aandui dat dit heel moontlik nardus was. 'n Fles van nardus in hierdie samelewing was baie duur. Nardus was nie inheems aan die Bybelse heilige land nie en is saam met ander geneeskundige plante en speserye soos cassia en kaneel op die tradisionele handelsroetes uit Indië ingevoer.[7]

Romeinse kookkuns

Indiese nardus (Latyns: Spica Indica, Nardostachyum), die aar van 'n balderjanplant (Nardiostachyus jatamansi),[8] is veral as 'n bestanddeel in souse gebruik wat by vleisgeregte bedien is. Die aar was uiters kosbaar en is teen 100 denarii per pond verhandel.[9] Een denarius was die loon wat 'n Italiese arbeider in die vroeë Keisertyd daagliks verdien het; met 'n halwe denarius per dag kon 'n mens destyds in sy basiese behoeftes voorsien.[10] Die Romeine het egter ook die blare gebruik wat tot klein koeëltjies saamgerol is en tussen 40 en 75 denarii gekos het.[11]

Plinius het in sy Natuurgeskiedenis ook na die verskillende geurstowwe verwys wat by wyn gevoeg is; wyn met nardus en cassia (Laurus cassia) was een van die eenvoudigste resepte.[12]

Moderne gebruik

Deesdae word nardusolie nie wyd gebruik nie soos baie van die balderjan verwante. Die eteriese olie word verkry deur stoom distillasie en is 'n basis geur met 'n aardse/muffe reuk. In die moderne esoterie word dit vir verskillende doeleindes soos meditasie en aanbidding gebruik en vergemaklik na bewering die spirituele eenwording met die Goddelike sfeer.[13] Fisies word die eteriese olie gebruik as 'n diuretikum, nuttig vir uitslae en vel allergieë, dit is 'n antifungaal en het 'n balanseerende uitwerking of die menstruale siklus. Emosioneel word hierdie olie gereserveer vir ingewortelde grief en ou pyn. In palliatiewe sorg help dit om die oorgang van lewe na die dood te versag.


  1. World Wildlife Fund: Indiese nardus
  2. World Wildlife Fund
  3. www.satureja.de: Eteriese olies
  4. Heinrich, Jessica: Das olfaktorische System beim Menschen. Der Einfluss von Gerüchen auf das Verhalten. München/Ravensburg: GRIN Verlag für akademische Texte 2006, bl. 5
  5. www.satureja.de: Eteriese olies
  6. Bybelplante: Nardostachys grandiflora (de)
  7. Bybelplante: Nardostachys grandiflora
  8. Vergelyk Plin. Nat. 12, 42-45
  9. André, Jacques: Essen und Trinken im Alten Rom. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun. 1998, bl. 179
  10. Pleticha, Heinrich en Otto Schönberger (reds.): Die Römer. Ein enzyklopädisches Sachbuch zur frühen Geschichte Europas. Bindlach: Gondrom 1992, bl. 169
  11. André (1998), bl. 179
  12. André (1998), bl. 147
  13. www.satureja.de: Eteriese olies


Hierdie artikel is oorspronklik vertaal vanaf die Engelse Wikipedia-artikel, Spikenard.
  • Dalby, Andrew: Dangerous Tastes. The Story of Spices. Londen: British Museum Press 2000, bl. 83-88. ISBN 0-7141-2720-5, US ISBN 0-520-22789-1
  • Dalby, Andrew: Spikenard. In: Davidson, Alan (red.): The Oxford Companion to Food. Tweede uitgawe. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006. ISBN 0-19-280681-5
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Nardus: Brief Summary ( Afrikaans )

provided by wikipedia AF

Nardus (Nardostachys grandiflora of Nardostachys jatamansi; ook genoem muskus) is 'n blomplant van die Valeriaan-familie wat groei in die Himalaja-berge van China, Indië en Nepal. Die plant groei tot omtrent 1 m in hoogte en het pienk, klok-vormige blomme. Nardus risome (onderstok) kan vergruis word en gedistilleer word in 'n intens aromatiese amberkleurige eteriese olie met 'n baie taai konsistensie. Nardus-olie word gebruik as 'n parfuum, 'n wierook, 'n kalmeermiddel, en 'n kruie medisyne wat glo slapeloosheid, geboorte probleme en ander klein kwale beveg.

Laventel (genus Lavandula) was ook bekend by die antieke Grieke as naardus, nard, geneem van die Siriese stad Naarda.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Asturian )

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Nardostachys jatamansi, llamáu popularmente nardo, ye una especie de l'antigua familia Valerianaceae, agora incluyida en Caprifoliaceae, que crez nos Himalayes de Nepal, según na rexón norte de la India y China.


Algama hasta un 1 d'altor y tien flores rosaes y acampanaes. De los sos rizomes estrayer un aceite esencial ambaráu y bien arumosu'l cual ye usáu como arume, inciensu, sedante, y na herboloxía. La Lavandula tamién foi conocida na antigua Grecia como nardo, en referencia a la ciudá síria Naarda.

Usu na antigüedá

L'arume de nardo foi bien apreciáu y cotizáu dende l'antigüedá. Na Biblia rellátase que cuando Xesús de Nazaret asistió a una cena na casa de María de Betania, ésta demostró la so devoción por él tomando una llibra d'arume de nardo xenuinu d'un frascu d'alabastru y unxó-y los pies col mesmu. Esta aición provocó la roxura de Judas Iscariote quien dixo que podría ser vendíu l'arume en 300 denarios p'ayudar a los probes.[1]


Los componentes químicos de Nardostachys jatamansi fueron ensayaes nun númberu de distintos estudios. Estos compuestos inclúin:[2]


Nardostachys jatamansi describióse por (D.Don) DC. y espublizóse en Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 624. 1830.[3]

  • Nardostachys grandiflora DC.
  • Patrinia jatamansi D. Don basónimu[4]

Ver tamién


  1. Juan
  2. «Study on the active components of Nardostachys chinensis». Zhong Yao Cai 30 (1): pp. 38-41. January 2007. PMID 17539300. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17539300. Consultáu 'l 12 de xunu de 2013.
  3. «Nardostachys jatamansi». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 21 d'ochobre de 2013.
  4. Nardostachys jatamansi en PlantList

Llectures encamentaes

  • Dalby, Andrew: "Spikenard", en Alan Davidson: The Oxford companion to food, segunda edición de Tom Jaine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN 0-19-280681-5.

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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Nardostachys jatamansi

Nardostachys jatamansi, llamáu popularmente nardo, ye una especie de l'antigua familia Valerianaceae, agora incluyida en Caprifoliaceae, que crez nos Himalayes de Nepal, según na rexón norte de la India y China.

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Yataman nardostaxisi ( Azerbaijani )

provided by wikipedia AZ

Yataman nardostaxisi (lat. Nardostachys jatamansi və ya Nardostachys grandiflora)[1] - Nardostaxis cinsinə aid bitki növü.[2]


  1. Nurəddin Əliyev. Azərbaycanın dərman bitkiləri və fitoterapiya. Bakı, Elm, 1998.
  2. Elşad Qurbanov. Ali bitkilərin sistematikası, Bakı, 2009.
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Yataman nardostaxisi: Brief Summary ( Azerbaijani )

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Yataman nardostaxisi (lat. Nardostachys jatamansi və ya Nardostachys grandiflora) - Nardostaxis cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Indische Narde ( German )

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Die Indische Narde (Nardostachys jatamansi), auch Nardenähre, Speichenähre oder Spikenard (lateinisch Spica nardi, auch Spica aromatica und Spica indica[1]) sowie Speik genannt (griechisch: nárdos, altpersisch: nárda, von sanskritisch nálada = die Wohlriechende), ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Valerianoideae. Es ist die einzige Art der Gattung Nardostachys.

Sie ist eine Nutz- und Heilpflanze aus dem Himalaya, deren Rhizom schon in der Antike bis in den Mittelmeerraum exportiert und zur Zubereitung kostbarer Öle und Salben verwendet wurde.


Die Indische Narde ist eine ausdauernde krautige Pflanze die etwa 50 Zentimeter hoch wächst. An der Stängelbasis sind fibröse, buschige Blattscheidenreste. Die einfachen Laubblätter sind ganzrandig, die langen, spatelförmigen basalen Blätter sind gestielt und die kleinen, gegenständigen Stängelblätter sitzend mit Blattscheiden.

Die Indische Narde ist protogyn, also vorweiblich.[2] Es werden end- oder achselständige, vielblütige und doldige Blütenköpfe mit mehreren, zweireihigen Deckblättern gebildet. Die fünfzähligen und zwittrigen Blüten mit doppelter Blütenhülle sind anfänglich purpurfarben, später bläulich. Die dreieckigen Kelchzipfel sind klein. Die Krone ist becherförmig verwachsen mit kurzen, ausladenden Lappen. Es sind 4 unten in der Kronröhre angeheftete und vorstehende Staubblätter vorhanden. Der Fruchtknoten ist unterständig in einem behaarten Blütenbecher, mit einem schlanken, langen Griffel.

Es werden leicht behaarte Achänen mit kleinem Pappus (beständige Kelchzipfel) gebildet.


Die Pflanze wächst wild im Himalaya bis auf 5.500 Meter Höhe.[3] Sie kommt aus China (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan) und Bhutan, Indien (Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh) und Nepal.[4]

Durch unkontrollierte Wildsammlung ist sie mittlerweile vom Aussterben bedroht[5] und darf z. B. aus Nepal nicht mehr als Rohware exportiert werden.[6] In Nordindien und Nepal gibt es Versuche die Pflanze zu kultivieren.


Das Basionym Patrinia jatamansi wurde 1825 von David Don in Prodr. Fl. Nepal.: 159 erstbeschrieben. Die Umteilung in die neu aufgestellte Gattung Nardostachys zu Nardostachys jatamansi wurde 1830 von Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle in Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, Prodr. 4: 624 vorgenommen. Synonyme für Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC. sind Nardostachys grandiflora DC., Nardostachys gracilis Kitam. und Nardostachys chinensis Batalin. Eine andere Art ist Valeriana jatamansi Jones, Synonyme sind Valeriana wallichii DC., Valeriana spica Vahl, diese wird ebenfalls medizinisch genutzt. Sie hat gezähnte Blätter und an der Stängelbasis keine buschigen Blattscheidenreste.[4][7]

Es gibt auch noch andere Pflanzen die ähnliche Rhizome aufweisen, z. B. Selinum vaginatum und Cortia candollei (Syn.: Selinum candollei) die als Verfälschung benutzt werden.[8]


In der Medizin

Die (Indische) Narde wird bereits als Salböllieferant im Alten Testament (Hohelied 1,12 und 4,13 f.) und im Neuen Testament (Joh 12,3 und Mk 14,3) erwähnt. Nardostachys jatamansi auct. (Nardostachys grandiflora DC.) ist eine auch vom Frühmittelalter[9] bis in die Neuzeit[10] zur Herstellung eines heilsamen Öls („Speiköl“, Nardenöl, Oleum nardinum) Verwendung findende Pflanze und auch eine der klassischen Extraktpflanzen im Ayurveda, der traditionellen indischen Heilkunde. Sie wird im Sanskrit Jatamansi[4] genannt und findet – ähnlich wie der Baldrian in der europäischen Pflanzenheilkunde – Anwendung als Beruhigungsmittel bzw. für vatagene Nervenstörungen. Darüber hinaus wird ihr im Ayurveda eine „den Geist stärkende und das Bewusstsein fördernde“ Wirkung zugeschrieben.[11]

Als Räucherwerk

Eine weitere Verwendung findet die Indische Narde als Räucherwerk und wurde schon in den Tempeln des alten Ägyptens als Bestandteil von Räuchermischungen verbrannt.[12]


Im Periplus Maris Erythraei wird die Narde als Handelsgut aus dem indischen Hafen Barbarikon genannt. Ovid[13] und Horaz[14] berichten von Männern, die ihre Haare mit Nardenöl salben.

Nardenöl ist auch durch seine Erwähnung im Neuen Testament bekannt, aus der biblischen Erzählung von Jesu Salbung in Bethanien: Maria, die Schwester Marthas, salbte Jesus die Füße mit kostbarem Nardenöl. In der Bibel wird der Wert des dabei verwendeten Öls mit 300 Denar angeben, was in etwa dem Jahreslohn eines Arbeiters entsprach, also nach heutigem Wert etwa 20.000 €. Als einer seiner Jünger, Judas Iskariot, dies kritisierte, wies Jesus ihn zurecht (Joh 12,1–7 ). Zur Darstellung des Nardenöls in der christlichen Kunst siehe Echter Baldrian.

Im Lorscher Arzneibuch des ausgehenden 8. Jahrhunderts sind auf Blatt 69r zwei aus Indischer Narde und vielen weiteren Zutaten bestehende Zubereitungen von „Nardenöl“, wie sie in ähnlicher Form etwa auch bei Paulos von Aigina und Pedanios Dioskurides belegt sind, zu finden.[15]

Siehe auch


  • Robert Zander: Zander Handwörterbuch der Pflanzennamen. Hrsg. von Fritz Encke, Günther Buchheim, Siegmund Seybold. 15. Auflage, korrigierter Nachdruck der 14. Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1994, ISBN 3-8001-5072-7.
  • Lionel Casson: The Periplus Maris Erythraei: text, translation, and commentary. Princeton, Princeton University Press 1989.
  • Ingrid Schönfelder, Peter Schönfelder: Das neue Handbuch der Heilpflanzen. Franckh-Kosmos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2011, ISBN 3-440-09387-5.
  • Kamini Gautam, Ravinder Raina: Review of Nardostachys grandiflora: An Important Endangered Medicinal and Aromatic Plant of Western Himalaya. In: Forest Products Journal. 63(1), 2013, S. 67–71, doi:10.13073/FPJ-D-12-00092.
  • R. Hänsel, K. Keller, H. Rimpler, G. Schneider (Hrsg.): Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis. 5. Auflage, Drogen: E–O, Springer, 1993, ISBN 978-3-642-63427-7 (Reprint), S. 911–914.


  1. Otto Zekert (Hrsg.): Dispensatorium pro pharmacopoeis Viennensibus in Austria 1570. Hrsg. vom österreichischen Apothekerverein und der Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie. Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag Hans Hösel, Berlin 1938, S. 156.
  2. Kamini Gautam, Ravinder Raina: Review of Nardostachys grandiflora: An Important Endangered Medicinal and Aromatic Plant of Western Himalaya.
  3. Hans-Heinrich Rhyner, Birgit Frohn: Heilpflanzen im Ayurveda. Baden/München 2006, S. 186.
  4. a b c Nardostachys grandiflora im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  5. Vgl. Rhyner 2006, S. 187.
  6. Teresa Mulliken, Petra Crofton: Review of the status, harvest, trade and management of seven Asian CITES-listed medicinal and aromatic plant species. BfN, Bonn 2008, DNB 989151360, S. 48–50 (PDF).
  7. D. J. Mabberley, H. J. Noltie: A note on Valeriana jatamansi Jones (Caprifoliaceae s.l.). In: Blumea. 59, 2014, S. 37–41, (PDF).
  8. Niranjan Chandra Shah: On the history, botany, distribution, uses and conservation aspects of Nardostachys jatamansi in India. In: Medical Plant Conservation. Band 13, 2007, S. 8–12. (online auf researchgate.net).
  9. Ulrich Stoll (Hrsg.): Das ‚Lorscher Arzneibuch‘. Ein medizinisches Kompendium des 8. Jahrhunderts (Codex Bambergensis medicinalis 1): Text, Übersetzung und Fachglossar. Stuttgart 1992 (= Sudhoffs Archiv. Beiheft 28), S. 374–377.
  10. Carolus Clusius: Antidotarium sive De exacta componendorum miscendorumque medicamentorum ratione libri tres […]. Christopher Plantin, Antwerpen 1561, Blatt 106 f.
  11. Vasant Lad, David Frawley: Die Ayurweda Pflanzen-Heilkunde. Das Yoga der Kräuter. Übersetzung von Chr. Baker. Haldenwang 1987, S. 156.
  12. Indische Narde (Nardostachys grandiflora). Abgerufen am 19. Dezember 2015.
  13. Ovid wendet sich im dritten Buch seiner Liebeskunst an die Frauen und warnt vor Männern, die sich allzu sehr pflegen (Ov. ars III, 443): nec coma vos fallat liquido nitidissima nardo (Lasst euch nicht täuschen von einer Haarpracht, die speckig glänzt von flüssiger Narde).
  14. Horaz beschreibt einen nicht mehr jugendlichen, aber ganz den Freuden des Lebens zugewandten Mann (Hor. carm. II, 11, 16–17): Assyriaque nardo potamus uncti ([Warum] zechen wir nicht, gesalbt mit assyrischem [= indischem] Nardenöl?).
  15. Gundolf Keil (Hrsg.): Das Lorscher Arzneibuch. (Handschrift Msc. Med. 1 der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg); Band 2: Übersetzung von Ulrich Stoll und Gundolf Keil unter Mitwirkung von Altabt Albert Ohlmeyer. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1989, S. 137.
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Indische Narde: Brief Summary ( German )

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Die Indische Narde (Nardostachys jatamansi), auch Nardenähre, Speichenähre oder Spikenard (lateinisch Spica nardi, auch Spica aromatica und Spica indica) sowie Speik genannt (griechisch: nárdos, altpersisch: nárda, von sanskritisch nálada = die Wohlriechende), ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Valerianoideae. Es ist die einzige Art der Gattung Nardostachys.

Sie ist eine Nutz- und Heilpflanze aus dem Himalaya, deren Rhizom schon in der Antike bis in den Mittelmeerraum exportiert und zur Zubereitung kostbarer Öle und Salben verwendet wurde.

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Nardu ( Sicilian )

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Nardu è lu nomu cumunimenti datu a vari èrivi prufumati diffusi ntê pàsculi di l'ària miditirrània, comu lu nardu talianu e la citrunella.

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जटामसी ( Nepali )

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बैज्ञानिक नाम (ल्याटिन नाम) : नार्डोस्टाकिस ग्रान्डील्फोरा (Nardostachys grandiflora DC)

संस्कृत नाम : तपस्विनी , जटिला, लोमशा , जटामशी ,(जटामाँसी)।

अन्य नाम : नेवारीमा “नस्वां”

वनस्पति परिवार : भ्यालेरियानेसी (Valerianaceae)

Nardostachys grandiflora.jpg


हिमाली भेगका ३,००० देखि ४,५०० मीटरसम्मको उचाईमा ढुङ्गै ढुङ्गा भएको धूपी र हिमाली चिमालको बुट्यानका छेउछाउमा चिसो र ओसिलो ठाउँमा यो विरुवा बाहृमास पाइन्छ। यसको जरामा जटा जमेको हुन्छ। ती जटामा निकै सुगन्धित तेल जमेर बसेको हुन्छ। त्यसैले यस को नाम रहन गएको हो|

जमीनभित्र रहने मोटो काण्डलाई राता खैरो झुस , रौं जस्ता जटाहरूले छोपिराखेको हुन्छ। काण्डको लम्बाई ७ से.मी. र चौडाई ३ से.मी.को हुन्छ। यो सुगन्धित हुन्छ। यसको स्वाद तीतो र पिरो हुन्छ। यसको पातहरू तलैबाट पल्हाई आएको हुन्छ। यिनको नाप २ से.मी. सम्म चौडा र २० से.मी . सम्म लामो हुन्छ। पातहरू घाँसका पातका आकार तथा भालाका आकार र रौं नभएका हुन्छन्। पातका टुप्पा तिखा हुन्छन्। फूलको एउटै झुप्पा हुन्छ। यो गुलाफी – सेतो रंगको हुन्छ। फूलमा भाले तथा पोथी दुवै योनी पाइन्छन्। हिमाली जडीबुटीमध्ये जटामसी प्राचीनकालदेखि नै प्रचलित नाम हो। नेपालबाट निर्यात हुने बहुमूल्य तेलयुक्त सुगन्धित जडीबुटीमा जटामसी ज्यादै प्रख्यात छ। अहिले जटामसी प्रशोधन गरेर तेल निर्यात हुन थालेको छ। जटामसी नेपालको लोपोन्मुख जडीबुटी भएकाले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय व्यापारमा विशेष निगरानीका साथ आयात–निर्यात गर्ने/गराउने चलन छ। जटामसीको वैज्ञानिक नाम 'नार्डोस्टाकिस जटामन्सी' रहे पनि वनस्पति नामकरणको हालको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नियमबाट यसको नाम 'नार्डोस्टाकिस ग्राण्डिफ्लोरा' निर्धारण भएको छ। यो नामले जटामसीको जरालाई भन्दा फूलको विशेषतालाई बढी महत्व दिएको देखिन्छ।


जरा सहितको काण्डका टुक्राहरूबाट जटामसीका विरुवा उमारिन्छ। बीउबाट पनि यसको बोटहरू उमार्न सकिन्छ। यसरी उमारिएका विरुवाहरूलाई मल जल गरि तयार गरिएको बारीमा वा खेतमा सारिन्छ। एक ड्याङ्गमा सारिएका विरुवा आपसमा ३० से. मी. दुरीमा राखिन्छन् रएक ड्याङ्गबाट अर्को ड्याङ्ग ६० से. मी.को फरकमा हुनु पर्दछ। हरेक दुई महिनाको अन्तरमा गोड्नु पर्दछ। नेपालको निम्न लिखित जिल्लाहरूमा जटामसीको खेती गर्न सकिन्छ , ताप्लेजुङ्ग , संखुवासभा , सोलुखुम्बु , (खुम्जङ्ग , दूधकुण्ड , थ्यांगबोचे ) , गोरखा ( खरीबिरे , प्रोक , गम्दा , सिर्दिवास ) , लमजुङ्ग ( बाहुन डाँडा , चौधखोला , डुलिबेसि ), काश्की ( गोरुजुरे , माछापुच्छरे , हिमालफेंदी ) पर्वत ( धानढुगां , जलजल , नागी ) , वाग्लुङ्ग (तारा खोला मैकोट) , गुल्मी ( झुले , खुंजो ) , मुस्ताङ्ग , म्याग्दी , रोल्पा , दैलेख , जुम्ला , जाजरकोट आदि स्थान।


हिँउ हटेपछि श्रावणदेखि कार्तिक सम्ममा जमीन विस्तारै खनी विरुवा पल्हाउने केही भाग त्यही छोडी काण्ड मात्र संकलन गर्नुपर्दछ। यसले गर्दा विरुवा मासिने डर रहन्न र प्रत्येक दुई वर्षमा यसको काण्ड प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ।

४. सुकाउने तथा संरक्षण संकलन गरिएको जरा र काण्डहरूबाट माटो राम्ररी झारेर वा बगेको पानीमा पखाली सकेपछि यसमा रहेका गुण , तत्त्व संरक्षण गरि राख्न हावामा राम्ररी सुकाउनु पर्दछ। त्यसपछि यसलाई बोराहरूमा बाँधेर सुख्खा ठाउँमा राखिन्छ।


आयुर्वेदिय प्रणाली अनुसार यसको विभिन्न उपयोगिता वर्णन गरिएको छ। यो तागत दिने , उत्तेजना , अपस्मार , मृगी , छारे , हृदय , कम्पा , अजीर्ण तथा वाल सम्बन्धि आन्द्राको बातशुल वा वात विष्फोटक , पेट दुखेको शमन गर्ने ,वायु शमन गर्ने , पिशाब गराउने र हैजा तथा रजस्वला गराउने इत्यादिका औषधिहरूमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। सुगन्धवालको सट्टा पनि यसको प्रयोग गरिन्छ।

यो पनि हेर्नुहोस्

सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू

बाह्य लिङ्कहरू

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू

जटामसी: Brief Summary ( Nepali )

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बैज्ञानिक नाम (ल्याटिन नाम) : नार्डोस्टाकिस ग्रान्डील्फोरा (Nardostachys grandiflora DC)

संस्कृत नाम : तपस्विनी , जटिला, लोमशा , जटामशी ,(जटामाँसी)।

अन्य नाम : नेवारीमा “नस्वां”

वनस्पति परिवार : भ्यालेरियानेसी (Valerianaceae)

Nardostachys grandiflora.jpg
विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू

ਜਟਾਮਾਂਸੀ ( Punjabi )

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ਜਟਾਮਾਂਸੀ (ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ ਨਾਮ: Nardostachys jatamansi) ਹਿਮਾਲਿਆ ਖੇਤਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਉੱਗਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਇੱਕ ਸਪੁਸ਼ਪੀ ਔਸ਼ਧੀ ਪਾਦਪ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਦਾ ਉਪਯੋਗ ਤੀਖਣ ਦੁਰਗੰਧ ਵਾਲਾ ਇਤਰ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਇਸਨੂੰ ਜਟਾਮਾਂਸੀ ਇਸਲਈ ਕਿਹਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਇਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਜੜ੍ਹਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਟਾ (ਬਾਲ) ਵਰਗੇ ਤੰਤੂ ਲੱਗੇ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ। ਇਸਨੂੰ ਜਟਾਮਾਸੀ ਨਾਮ ਵਲੋਂ ਵੀ ਜਾਣਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।

ਬਾਹਰੀ ਕੜੀਆਂ

  1. "TPL, treatment of Nardostachys jatamansi". The Plant List; Version 1. (published on the internet). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT). 2010. Retrieved March 16, 2013.
  2. Patrinia jatamansi (the basionym of Nardostachys jatamansi) was originally described and published in Prodromus Florae Nepalensis 159. 1825. "Name - Patrinia jatamansi D.Don". Tropicos. Saint Louis, Missouri: MOBOT. Retrieved March 16, 2013.
ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ ਲੇਖਕ ਅਤੇ ਸੰਪਾਦਕ

ஜாதமாசி ( Tamil )

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ஜாதமாசி (NARDOSTATHYS GRANDIFLORA) இது பூக்கும் தாவர இனத்தில் வலேரியன் குடும்பத்தைச் சார்ந்த மூலிகைத்தாவரம் ஆகும். இத்தாவரம் இமயமலைக் காடுகளில் அதிகமாக வளருகிறது. இத்தாவரத்திலிருந்து வாசனையுள்ள திரவியம் சீனா, நேபாளம் [2] போன்ற நாடுகளில் தயாரிக்கப்படுகிறது. முற்காலங்களில் இதன் மூலம் கிடைக்கும் திரவியங்கள் மத நம்பிக்கையின்படி தெய்வங்களுக்கும் படைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.


  1. "Nardostachys jatamansi", The Plant List, retrieved 2014-09-19
  2. Bakhru, H.K. (1993). Herbs that heal : natural remedies for good health (3. print. ). New Delhi u.a.: Orient Paperbacks. பக். 117. பன்னாட்டுத் தரப்புத்தக எண்:8122201334.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

ஜாதமாசி: Brief Summary ( Tamil )

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ஜாதமாசி (NARDOSTATHYS GRANDIFLORA) இது பூக்கும் தாவர இனத்தில் வலேரியன் குடும்பத்தைச் சார்ந்த மூலிகைத்தாவரம் ஆகும். இத்தாவரம் இமயமலைக் காடுகளில் அதிகமாக வளருகிறது. இத்தாவரத்திலிருந்து வாசனையுள்ள திரவியம் சீனா, நேபாளம் போன்ற நாடுகளில் தயாரிக்கப்படுகிறது. முற்காலங்களில் இதன் மூலம் கிடைக்கும் திரவியங்கள் மத நம்பிக்கையின்படி தெய்வங்களுக்கும் படைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்

జటామాంసి ( Telugu )

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జటామాంసి (Spikenard) ఒక రకమైన ఔషధ మొక్క.[1]

ప్రాంతీయ నామాలు

  • ఆంగ్లం : Muskroot
  • బెంగాలీ : జటామాన్సి
  • గుజరాతీ : కాలిచాద్, జటామాసి
  • హిందీ : బల్-చీర్, జటామాసి
  • కన్నడం : బల్-చీర్, జటామాసి
  • మలయాళం : బల్-చీర్, జటామాసి
  • ఒరియా : జటామాన్సి
  • తమిళం : జటామాన్షీ


  • ఇది నిటారుగా పెరిగే బహువార్షిక గుల్మం, 10-60 సెం.మీ. ఎత్తు పెరుగుతుంది. కాండం దృఢంగా ఉంటుంది.
  • పత్రాల కాడలు ఎర్రని-గోధుమ వర్ణపు నూగు కలిగివుంటాయి. పత్రాలు నలువైపులకు విస్తరించి సమాంతర ఈనెలతో ఉంటాయి.
  • పుష్పాలు లేత గులాబీ రంగులో లేదా నీలి రంగులో ఉంటాయి.


  • గుంప చేదు, తీపి, వగరు కలగలిసి ఉంటుంది. ఇది చలువచేసే గుణాన్ని కలిగివుంటుంది.
  • దీనిని దగ్గు, ఉబ్బసం, శ్వాసకోశ సమస్యలు, భుజపుటెముక నొప్పి, తలనొప్పి, అజీర్తి, శూల, కడుపు ఉబ్బరం, కాలేయ, మూత్ర సంబంధ వ్యాధులకు, బహిష్టు నొప్పి, రక్తపోటు, తలనెరియడం, జుట్టురాలిపోవడం వంటి వాటి చికిత్సకు ఉపయోగిస్తారు.


  1. "బ్రౌన్ నిఘంటువులో జటామాంసి గురించిన వివరాలు". మూలం నుండి 2016-01-25 న ఆర్కైవు చేసారు. Retrieved 2010-12-28. Cite web requires |website= (help)
వికీపీడియా రచయితలు మరియు సంపాదకులు

Nardostachys grandiflora

provided by wikipedia EN

Nardostachys jatamansi is a flowering plant of the valerian family that grows in the Himalayas. It is a source of a type of intensely aromatic amber-colored essential oil, spikenard. The oil has, since ancient times, been used as a perfume, as a traditional medicine, and in religious ceremonies. It is also called spikenard, nard, nardin, or muskroot. It is considered endangered due to overharvesting for folk medicine, overgrazing, loss of habitats, and forest degradation.


Nardostachys jatamansi is a flowering plant of the honeysuckle family that grows in the eastern Himalayas, primarily in a belt through Kumaon, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan.[3] The plant grows 10–50 cm (4–20 in) in height and has pink, bell-shaped flowers.[4] It is found at an altitude of 3,000–5,000 m (9,800–16,400 ft). Rhizomes (underground stems) can be crushed and distilled into an intensely aromatic amber-colored essential oil, which is very thick in consistency. Nard oil is used as a perfume, an incense, a sedative, and an herbal medicine said to fight insomnia, birth difficulties, and other minor ailments.[5]


Preliminary research on the chemical components of Nardostachys jatamansi indicates the plant contains:[6]

In spikenard

Nardostachys jatamansi may have been used as an ingredient in the incense known as spikenard, although lavender has also been suggested as a candidate for the spikenard of classical times.[7]


  1. ^ Traditions), K. Ravikumar (Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health; Technology (IHST)), Debabrata Saha (Institute of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and; Ved, D. K.; Haridasan, K. (July 16, 2014). "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Nardostachys jatamansi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. ^ "Nardostachys jatamansi", The Plant List, retrieved 2014-09-19
  3. ^ Bakhru, H. K. (1993). Herbs that heal : natural remedies for good health (3rd print. ed.). New Delhi u.a.: Orient Paperbacks. p. 117. ISBN 978-8122201338.
  4. ^ Deyuan Hong; Fred R. Barrie; Charles D. Bell. "Nardostachys jatamansi". Flora of China. Vol. 1. Retrieved 6 June 2020 – via eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
  5. ^ Dalby, Andrew (2000), Dangerous Tastes: the story of spices, London: British Museum Press, ISBN 978-0-7141-2720-0 (US ISBN 0-520-22789-1) pp. 83–88
  6. ^ Zhang, X; Lan Z; Dong XP; Deng Y; Hu XM; Peng T; Guo P. (January 2007). "Study on the active components of Nardostachys chinensis". Zhong Yao Cai. 30 (1): 38–41. PMID 17539300.
  7. ^ Fernie, William Thomas (1897). Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel. p. 296. OCLC 1191267545.

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Nardostachys grandiflora: Brief Summary

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Nardostachys jatamansi is a flowering plant of the valerian family that grows in the Himalayas. It is a source of a type of intensely aromatic amber-colored essential oil, spikenard. The oil has, since ancient times, been used as a perfume, as a traditional medicine, and in religious ceremonies. It is also called spikenard, nard, nardin, or muskroot. It is considered endangered due to overharvesting for folk medicine, overgrazing, loss of habitats, and forest degradation.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Nardostachys jatamansi, llamado popularmente nardo, es una especie de la antigua familia Valerianaceae, ahora incluida en Caprifoliaceae, que crece en los Himalayas de Nepal, así como en la región norte de la India y China.


Alcanza hasta un metro de altura y tiene flores rosadas y acampanadas. De sus rizomas se extrae un aceite esencial ambarado y muy aromático el cual es usado como perfume, incienso, sedante, y en la herbología. La Lavandula también fue conocida en la antigua Grecia como nardo, en referencia a la ciudad síria Naarda.

Uso en la antigüedad

El perfume de nardo ha sido muy apreciado y cotizado desde la antigüedad. En la Biblia se relata que cuando Jesús de Nazaret asistió a una cena en la casa de Simón el leproso, María, la hermana de Lázaro (Juan 12 :1-3, demostró su devoción por él tomando una libra de perfume de nardo genuino de un frasco de alabastro y le ungió los pies con el mismo. Esta acción provocó la ira de Judas Iscariote quien dijo que podría haber sido vendido el perfume en 300 denarios para ayudar a los pobres.[1]


Los componentes químicos de Nardostachys jatamansi han sido ensayados en un número de diferentes estudios. Estos compuestos incluyen:[2]


Nardostachys jatamansi fue descrita por (D.Don) DC. y publicado en Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 624. 1830.[3]

  • Nardostachys grandiflora DC.
  • Patrinia jatamansi D. Don basónimo[4]

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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Nardostachys jatamansi, llamado popularmente nardo, es una especie de la antigua familia Valerianaceae, ahora incluida en Caprifoliaceae, que crece en los Himalayas de Nepal, así como en la región norte de la India y China.

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Nardostachys grandiflora ( French )

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Le genre Nardostachys comprend plusieurs espèces de plantes herbacées de la famille des Valérianacées.

Liste d'espèces

  • Le nard indien ou nard de l'Himalaya : Nardostachys grandiflora DC. (= Nardostachys jatamansi auct., Nardostachys chinensis Batalin), à partir duquel est extrait le nard, un parfum.
  • La valériane indienne, valériane des Indes, ou valériane du Bengale : Nardostachys jatamansi (Jones) DC. (= Valeriana jatamansi Jones ex Roxb.)


Nardostachys grandiflora DC. est native de Chine (Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan), du Bhutan, de l'Inde (Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh), et du Népal[1].


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Nardostachys grandiflora: Brief Summary ( French )

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Le genre Nardostachys comprend plusieurs espèces de plantes herbacées de la famille des Valérianacées.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Italian )

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Il nardo (Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC.) è una pianta della famiglia Valerianaceae (o Caprifoliaceae secondo la classificazione APG IV[1]) che cresce nell'Himalaia, in Cina, India e Nepal.[2] È l'unica specie nota del genere Nardostachys DC..[2]

La pianta è alta circa 1 metro ed ha i fiori di color rosa a forma di campana; è utilizzata per la produzione di profumi.


Insieme con l'aramaico e l'accadico lardu con lo stesso significato ebraico, probabilmente deriva dall'indo iraniano narda, in latino nadah, nalah, che significa "canna". Il latino nalad, dal greco nardos, forse deriva dal sanscrito. Tuttavia, secondo Manfred Mayrhofer la parola semitica probabilmente deriva dall'indiano naladam o nartik col significato di "guaina"[3].


Il rizoma del nardo, che si trova sottoterra, può essere schiacciato e distillato in un olio essenziale ambrato intensamente aromatico e molto denso, detto olio di nardo, usato come profumo e come fumogeno profumante tra le 11 erbe per l'incenso nel Tempio di Gerusalemme.
Altri usi, consigliati in erboristeria, qualche volta hanno provocato inconvenienti leggeri, come arrossamenti e bruciore[4].


Il fiore del nardo che simboleggia San Giuseppe, è riportato nello stemma papale di Papa Francesco a destra, nel canton sinistro della punta[5]. Inoltre si narra, nella tradizione dei Vangeli, l’acquisto, da parte di Maria di Betania, dell’olio di Nardo per i piedi di Gesù. L'olio, tra le cose più preziose che si potessero trovare, le costò ben trecento denari (vale a dire lo stipendio di un intero anno di un salariato). Il nardo, profumo sacro, era considerato il simbolo dell’amore divino (si pensava fosse dotato di considerevoli poteri mistici).


  1. ^ (EN) The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the ordines and families of flowering plants: APG IV, in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, n. 1, 2016, pp. 1–20.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC., su Plants of the World Online. URL consultato il 22/6/2020.
  3. ^ Etymology of nard dal Balashon Hebrew (Israelitic) Language Detective. The site investigate Hebrew - Biblical, Talmudic, Medieval and Modern - including slang; related languages like Aramaic, Arabic, Akkadian and Yiddish (pr.giddisc); and how foreign languages like Greek, Latin and English.
  4. ^ Aromaterapia, su anandaapothecary.com. URL consultato il 1º settembre 2008 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 settembre 2008).
  5. ^ ilsole24ore, su ilsole24ore.com.


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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il nardo (Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC.) è una pianta della famiglia Valerianaceae (o Caprifoliaceae secondo la classificazione APG IV) che cresce nell'Himalaia, in Cina, India e Nepal. È l'unica specie nota del genere Nardostachys DC..

La pianta è alta circa 1 metro ed ha i fiori di color rosa a forma di campana; è utilizzata per la produzione di profumi.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Latin )

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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Latin )

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Nardostachys jatamansi (binomen ab Augustino Pyramo de Candolle post Davidum Don anno 1830 statutum) est species plantarum florentium in montibus Himalayis orientalibus sponte crescentium, e quarum radicibus oleum essentiale aromaticum destillari potest.

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Spikenard ( Malay )

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Untuk kegunaan lain, sila lihat Spikenard (nyahkekaburan).

Spikenard (Nardostachys grandiflora atau Nardostachys jatamansi; juga dikenali sebagai nard, nardin, dan muskroot ) ialah tumbuhan berbunga daripada famili Valerian yang tumbuh di pergunungan Himalaya yang merentasi China, India dan Nepal. Ia membesar mencapai ketinggian sekitar 1 m dan mempunyai bunga berbentuk loceng merah jambu. Rizom tumbuhan ini dikisar dan disulingkan airnya menjadi minyak pati wangi kuat berwarna kuning ambar dengan kelikatan yang tinggi. Minyak nardin digunakan sebagai minyak wangi, setanggi, sedatif serta ubat herba yang dikatakan membantu melawan insomnia, komplikasi kesihatan sewaktu lahir dan sakit kecil yang lain.

Lavender (genus Lavandula) turut dahulunya dikenali oleh orang Yunani kuno sebagai naardus sempena Naarda, nama sebuah kota di Syria.

Penggunaan sejarah

The oil was known in ancient times and was part of the Ayurvedic herbal tradition of India. It was obtained as a luxury in ancient Egypt, the Near East, and Rome, where it was the main ingredient of the perfume nardinium. Pliny's Natural History lists twelve species of "nard", identifiable with varying assurance, in a range from lavender stoechas and tuberous valerian to true nard (in modern terms Nardostachys jatamansi).

It was used as one of the Eleven Herbs for the Incense in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Nard is mentioned twice in the biblical love poem, the Song of Solomon (1:12 and 4:13). In Mark 14:3 a woman anoints Jesus' head with expensive nard and John 12:3, Mary, sister of Lazarus uses an alabaster jar of pure nard to anoint Jesus's feet. Judas Iscariot, the keeper of the money-bag, asked why the ointment wasn't sold for three hundred denarii instead, (About a years wages, as the average agricultural worker received 1 denarius for 12 hours work: Matthew 20:2) and give the money to the poor. (Luke 7:37-50), she anoints his feet, washing them with her tears and drying them with her hair. The costly perfume she used came from an alabaster jar, indicating that it was most likely nard.

Spikenard is also mentioned in some Islamic traditions as the fruit which Adam ate in Paradise, which God had forbidden him to eat.

Penggunaan moden

Today, hodge oil of spikenard is not used as widely as that of its many valerian and erectile relatives.

Spikenard is known as a healing oil and is grown in India and China. The essential oil is obtained through steam distillation and it is a base note with an earthy/musty scent. Physically Spikenard essential oil is used as a diuretic, useful for rashes and skin allergies, it is anti-fungal and has a balancing effect on the menstrual cycle. Emotionally this oil is reserved for deep seated grief or old pain. It is used in palliative care to help ease the transition from life to death. It is mentioned in reference to hilchot shabbat in Tractate Shabbat 78b as well as Maimonides Hilchot Shabbat 18:16.


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Spikenard: Brief Summary ( Malay )

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Untuk kegunaan lain, sila lihat Spikenard (nyahkekaburan).

Spikenard (Nardostachys grandiflora atau Nardostachys jatamansi; juga dikenali sebagai nard, nardin, dan muskroot ) ialah tumbuhan berbunga daripada famili Valerian yang tumbuh di pergunungan Himalaya yang merentasi China, India dan Nepal. Ia membesar mencapai ketinggian sekitar 1 m dan mempunyai bunga berbentuk loceng merah jambu. Rizom tumbuhan ini dikisar dan disulingkan airnya menjadi minyak pati wangi kuat berwarna kuning ambar dengan kelikatan yang tinggi. Minyak nardin digunakan sebagai minyak wangi, setanggi, sedatif serta ubat herba yang dikatakan membantu melawan insomnia, komplikasi kesihatan sewaktu lahir dan sakit kecil yang lain.

Lavender (genus Lavandula) turut dahulunya dikenali oleh orang Yunani kuno sebagai naardus sempena Naarda, nama sebuah kota di Syria.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Polish )

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Nardostachys jatamansigatunek rośliny z rodziny kozłkowatych (Valerianaceae). Rośnie na wschodnich stokach Himalajów, na wysokości 3000-4000 m n.p.m. w Indiach, Sri Lance i Nepalu[3].


Mała aromatyczna roślina. Roślina ta ma charakterystyczne pęki czarnych, pokrytych włoskami łodyg o długości ok. 5 cm, które wyrastają prosto z korzenia. W górnej części rosną liście, a na szczycie — różowe kwiaty.


  • Z łodygi i korzeni uzyskiwano niegdyś olejek nardowy, nazywany także nardem lub spikanardem, używany jako perfumy, składnik kadzidła lub lekarstwo. O nardzie wspomina Biblia[4].
  • Jako lekarstwo nard w Indiach stosowany był przy kołataniu serca, bólach głowy, drżeniu i drgawkach. Przeprowadzone w Niemczech testy naukowe wykazały, że ma podobne działanie, jak waleriana, ale wykazuje mniejszą toksyczność. W Chinach jest nadal stosowany w medycynie naturalnej do zwalczania bólu w klatce piersiowej i brzuchu[5].
  • W czasach biblijnych olejku nardowego używano do namaszczania głowy znakomitych gości. Używany był także do namaszczania zmarłych (porównaj: J 12,7)[4].

Udział w kulturze

  • W Biblii nard wymieniony jest kilkakrotnie: w Pieśni nad Pieśniami (1,12) oraz w Ewangeliach. W Ewangelii Jana (12,3-5) jest werset: „Maria zaś wzięła funt szlachetnego i drogocennego olejku nardowego i namaściła Jezusowi nogi, a włosami je otarła. A dom napełnił się wonią olejku.” Olejek nardowy był bardzo drogi. Z Ewangelii Mateusza (20,2) wynika, że w czasach Jezusa funt olejku nardowego kosztował tyle, co wynagrodzenie za rok pracy robotnika rolnego. Użycie tak drogiego olejku wywołało oburzenie Judasza i faryzeuszów[4].
  • Kwiat Nardostachys jatamansi z którym w tradycji ikonograficznej krajów hiszpańskojęzycznych przedstawia się św. Józefa jest jednym z elementów współtworzących herb papieża Franciszka[6].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-04-29].
  2. a b c The Plant List. [dostęp 2014-12-27].
  3. Dalby, Andrew (2000), Dangerous Tastes: the story of spices, London: British Museum Press, ​ISBN 0-7141-2720-5​ (US ​ISBN 0-520-22789-1​) s. 83–88
  4. a b c Zofia Włodarczyk: Rośliny biblijne. Leksykon. Kraków: Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera PAN, 2011. ISBN 978-83-89648-98-3.
  5. Valerian and Nardostachys. [dostęp 2014-12-27].
  6. Symbole w papieskim herbie stały się bardziej czytelne (pol.). Radio Vaticana, 2013-03-27. [dostęp 2013-05-08].
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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Nardostachys jatamansi – gatunek rośliny z rodziny kozłkowatych (Valerianaceae). Rośnie na wschodnich stokach Himalajów, na wysokości 3000-4000 m n.p.m. w Indiach, Sri Lance i Nepalu.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Portuguese )

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O nardostachys jatamansi, comummente conhecido como nardo,[2] é uma planta angiospérmica da família da valeriana, que cresce nos Himalaias. É a fonte de um tipo de óleo essencial muito aromático, de cor âmbar.

Esse óleo ou bálsamo, também denominado «nardo»,[2] tem sido usado como um perfume, como medicamento e em contextos religiosos. Uma abonação célebre, em que figura a utilização do óleo nardo, é o episódio bíblico em que Jesus visita a casa de Lázaro, altura em que Maria lhe unge os pés com esse bálsamo fragrante.[3]

Nomes comuns

Dá ainda pelos seguintes nomes comuns: nardo-indiano[4], nardo-da-índia[5] e espicanardo.[6]


A Nardostachys jatamansi é uma planta angiospérmica da família das caprifoliaceae que cresce na região Leste dos Himalaias, nomeadamente em Kumaon, Nepal, Siquim e Butão.[7] A planta cresce até uma altura de 1 metro e tem flores cor-de-rosa em forma de sino. Encontra-se a uma altitude de 3000 a 5000 metros. Os rizomas podem ser esmagados e destilados, retirando-se, daí, um óleo essencial muito aromático, de cor âmbar, e muito espesso. O óleo é usado como perfume, incenso e sedativo, e, na medicina herbal, diz-se que combate as insónias, as dificuldades no parto e outras pequenas maleitas.[8]


  1. «Nardostachys jatamansi», The Plant List, consultado em 19 de setembro de 2014
  2. a b Infopédia. «nardo | Definição ou significado de nardo no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2021
  3. «João 12 Bíblia King James Atualizada». bibliaportugues.com. Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2021 João 12:3 «Então, ofereceram-lhe um jantar; Marta servia, enquanto Lázaro era um dos convidados, sentado à mesa com Jesus. Maria pegou numa libra de bálsamo de nardo puro, um óleo perfumado muito caro, ungiu os pés de Jesus e enxugou-os com os seus cabelos. E a casa encheu-se com a fragrância daquele bálsamo.»
  4. Infopédia. «nardo-indiano | Definição ou significado de nardo-indiano no Dicionário Infopédia da Língua Portuguesa». Infopédia - Dicionários Porto Editora. Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2021
  5. «Dicionário Online - Dicionário Caldas Aulete - Significado de nardo-da-índia». aulete.com.br. Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2021
  6. «Espicanardo». Michaelis On-Line. Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2021
  7. Bakhru, H.K. (1993). Herbs that heal : natural remedies for good health 3. print. ed. New Delhi u.a.: Orient Paperbacks. p. 117. ISBN 8122201334
  8. Dalby, Andrew (2000), Dangerous Tastes: the story of spices, ISBN 0-7141-2720-5, London: British Museum Press (US ISBN 0-520-22789-1) pp. 83–88

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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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O nardostachys jatamansi, comummente conhecido como nardo, é uma planta angiospérmica da família da valeriana, que cresce nos Himalaias. É a fonte de um tipo de óleo essencial muito aromático, de cor âmbar.

Esse óleo ou bálsamo, também denominado «nardo», tem sido usado como um perfume, como medicamento e em contextos religiosos. Uma abonação célebre, em que figura a utilização do óleo nardo, é o episódio bíblico em que Jesus visita a casa de Lázaro, altura em que Maria lhe unge os pés com esse bálsamo fragrante.

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Nard pravý ( Slovak )

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Nard pravý alebo nardovník jatamanský (ľudovo himalájska valeriána, indiánska valeriána; lat. Nardostachys jatamansi alebo Nardostachys grandiflora) je ázijská liečivá rastlina z čeľade zemolezovité.

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  • Spolupracuj na Commons Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Nard pravý
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Nard pravý: Brief Summary ( Slovak )

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Nard pravý alebo nardovník jatamanský (ľudovo himalájska valeriána, indiánska valeriána; lat. Nardostachys jatamansi alebo Nardostachys grandiflora) je ázijská liečivá rastlina z čeľade zemolezovité.

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Nardostachys jatamansi ( Vietnamese )

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Nardostachys jatamansi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Kim ngân. Loài này được (D. Don) DC. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1830.[3]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “TPL, treatment of Nardostachys jatamansi. The Plant List; Version 1. (published on the internet). Royal Botanic Gardens, KewMissouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT). 2010. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 3 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Patrinia jatamansi (the basionym of Nardostachys jatamansi) was originally described and published in Prodromus Florae Nepalensis 159. 1825. “Name - Patrinia jatamansi D.Don”. Tropicos. Saint Louis, Missouri: MOBOT. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 3 năm 2013.
  3. ^ The Plant List (2010). Nardostachys jatamansi. Truy cập ngày 18 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Nardostachys jatamansi: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Nardostachys jatamansi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Kim ngân. Loài này được (D. Don) DC. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1830.

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감송 ( Korean )

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감송(甘松, 학명: Nardostachys jatamansi)은 인동과 마타리아과 감송속에 속한 식물이다. 뿌리줄기를 캐어 한약으로 쓰며, 향수로도 가공된다. 현재 환경 파괴에 따라 몹시 보기드문 식물이 되었다.


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