Homalogastra (hom-al-owe-gast-ra) small bacterivorous ciliate. This image shows cysts. Phase contrast micrograph.
Homalogastra (hom-al-owe-gast-ra) small bacterivorous ciliate. The lighter vacuoles are food vacuoles, the grey area anterior right is the macronucleus. Phase contrast micrograph.
Dorsal infraciliature of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W.Europ. J. Protistol.27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Right ventrolateral view of infraciliature of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).The oral aperture is in the posterior 1/3 of the cell. The blue arrowhead indicates the paraoral membrane to the right of the cytostome. The 2nd and 3rd adoral membranelles are indicated by the yellow and green arrowheads respectively. The small 1st adoral membranelle is not seen here. The two macronuclei indicate that this is an exconjugant specimen.Trophonts have a single spherical macronucleus and a spherical micronucleus. From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W.Europ. J. Protistol.27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Left ventrolateral view of infraciliature of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).The oral aperture is in the posterior 1/3 of the cell. The blue arrowhead indicates the paraoral membrane to the right of the cytostome. The small 1st adoral membranelle is indicated by the red arrowhead. The 2nd and 3rd adoral membranelles are indicated by the yellow and green arrowheads respectively. The two macronuclei indicate that this is an exconjugant specimen.Trophonts have a single spherical macronucleus and a spherical micronucleus. From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. Stained by the silver carbonate technique (see Foissner, W.Europ. J. Protistol.27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Dorsal view of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. DIC.
Optical section of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. DIC.
Right ventrolateral view of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. DIC.
Left ventrolateral view of the scuticociliate, Homalogastra setosa (KAHL,1926).From non-flooded petri dish culture of topsoil from a public park in Boise,Idaho. DIC.