Description of Binucleospora
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The type species is B. elongata Bronnvall and Larsson, 1995 in adipose and connective tissues and hemocytes of ostracods of the genus Candona (Crustacea, Cyprididae). Monomorphic, diplokaryotic except that in spores the two nuclei are not closely associated. Meiosis unknown. Transmission unknown. Merogony: plasmodia with at least 8 large diplokarya divide by plasmotomy. Sporogony: rounded plasmodia with 16-32 small diplokarya become ribbon-like, while secreting a sporophorous vesicle, which originates as small blisters and culminates as a fine, fragile envelope, which follows the contours of the irregular ribbon and fragments when the spores are mature. The nuclei remain paired but the close diplokaryotic association is broken. Binucleate sporoblasts become binucleate spores. Spores: 5.4-7.2 x 2.0-2.3 µm (fresh), rod-shaped and slightly curved. Polaroplast is made up of 3 regions, anterior close-packed lamellae, median wide lamellae and posterior tubules. Polar tube is isofilar with 11-14 coils in one irregular row. Nuclei central, separated by several concentric layers of endoplasmic reticulum.