Description of Notila
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Notila is very close to Saccinobaculus, it has 4 flagella adhering to the cell body in their proximal portion and a ribbon-like contractile axostyle; differs by its axostyle which is not protruding and has no terminal sheath and contains many granules; in the gut of Cryptocercus punctulatus and reproduces by asexual mitosis between the moult of the host. Sexual processes including the sequence: gametogenesis, first fertilization, meiosis, second fertilization is correlated with the host moulting.
Description of Saccinobaculidae
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With contractile axostyle but no evident attachment apparatus like in Pyrsonympha and Oxymonas; flagella are not adherent to the cell body except in their proximal part; in the gut of the roach Cryptocercus and have sexuality.