Saroeca attenuata Thomsen, 1979. Cell solitary, planktonic. Cell 4 x 2 microns (3-5.5 x 2-3 microns), flagellum 10-14 microns long, surrounded by a ring of tentacles. Lorica 25 microns long (20-30 microns), lorica chamber (i.e. lorica exclusive of anterior spines and posterior pedicel) 10 microns long (7.5-13.5 microns), pedicel 5 microns long (3-10 microns). Spines commonly six or seven, rarely eight. Longitudinal costae converging at posterior end of lorica chamber and connected to each other in different ways before transition into pedicel. One transverse costa, 5 microns in diameter (4-6.5 microns), mostly composed of 10 or 11 costal strips, crosses the exceptionally long and slender anterior longitudinal costal strips at the point where these strips are widest. The junctions are mostly "T" -junctions (i.e. the point of attachment is on the middle of the transverse costal strip).