Lagena semistriata sensu Jones, R.W. 1994. The Challenger Foraminifera. Image source: Brady, H.B. (1884) Pl. 57 Fig. 16 is probably Lagena striaticollis (d'Orbigny, 1839) (http://www.marinespecies.org/foraminifera/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=1539910)
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1923. The Foraminifera of the Atlantic Ocean. Part 4. Lagenidae. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. 104.
Image source: Goës, A. 1894. A Synopsis of the Arctic and Scandinavian recent marine Foraminifera hitherto discovered. Kong. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 25(9): 1-127 + 25 pls. (Notae numerorum tenues mensuram indicant millimetricam).
Image source: Cushman, J.A. 1933. The Foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”. Part 2. Lagenidae to Alveolinellidae. Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus 161: vi+79 pp.+19 pls.
Lagena semistriata.