Image of <i>Meranoplus diversoides</i> Schödl

Meranoplus diversoides Schödl

Taxonomic History

provided by Antweb
Meranoplus diversoides Schödl, 2007 PDF: 388, figs. 36, 37, 70, 83 (w.) AUSTRALIA. Australasia. AntCat AntWiki
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

(Figs. 36, 37, 70, 83)

HOLOTYPE WORKER. TL 6.10, HL 1.65, HW 1.90, FC 1.35, CS 1.78, SL 0.89, SI 1 47, SI 2 50, PML 1.15, PW 1.50, PMD 1.68, PMI 2 112, ML 1.43, PSL 0.68, PTLL 0.48, PTLH 0.66, PTDW 0.56, PPLL 0.43, PPLH 0.68, PPI 63, PPDW 0.56, PT / PP 100.

Mandible with three teeth. Clypeus in full face view not exceeding anterolateral frontal corners, medially bidentate, medial dentate section with slight upward flexion, sunk into prolonged lateral frontal projections, with additional wrinkles or carinulae. Head distinctly wider than long (CI 115), preoccipital lobes bulbously rounded, rear margin of head concave. Frontal carinae distinctly sinuate and translucently margined anteriorly, distinctly narrower than head width (FI 141), anterolaterally extended into narrowly rounded projections exceeding clypeal fork. Antennal scrobe in lateral view surpassing middle of length of head, irregularly transversely carinulate in posterior half, with additional shagreening, ill defined near posterior section of head. Genae and ventrolateral sides of head rugose, posterior lateral corners of head reticulate. Compound eyes relatively small (EL 0.29, REL 0.17, with 17 ommatidia in the longest row), situated distinctly in front of middle of lateral sides of head, dorsal ocular margin not reaching ventral margin of antennal scrobe.

Promesonotum markedly wider than long (PMI 130), concealing lateral sides of mesosoma and propodeal declivity, translucently margined to a greater extent. Propodeal declivity above middle of its length with two long slender, in dorsal view feebly diverging slightly arcuated lateral spines.

Petiole higher than long (PTI 72) in profile broadly triangular, with anterior face straight and unsculptured, posterior face convex, distinctly and regularly costate. Postpetiole in profile dorsally nodiform, distinctly tapering towards base, with ventral medium sized tooth, rugose throughout.

First gastral tergite entirely microreticulate, basally with fine longitudinal costulae. Dorsum of head longitudinally costulate with additional rugulae and only few transverse meshes, behind level of eyes reticulate, interspaces with faint microsculpture. Promesonotal shield coarsely rugoreticulate. All dorsal surfaces with pilosity of decumbent curved hairs and longer more or less erect ones.

Color dark brown to brown, with the gaster and appendages brighter.

WORKERS (n = 10). TL 5.80 - 7.10, HL 1.41 - 1.76, HW 1.61 - 1.82, FC 1.26 - 1.49, FI 128 - 142, CI 111 - 120, CS 1.51 - 1.90, SL 0.79 - 0.93, SI 1 45 - 49, SI 2 49 - 52, PML 1.07 - 1.38, PW 1.40 - 1.65, PMI 120 - 131, PMD 1.53 - 1.88, PMI 2 109 - 116, ML 1.25 - 1.63, PSL 0.53 - 0.80, PTLL 0.41 - 0.53, PTLH 0.59 - 0.75, PTI 69 - 72, PTDW 0.56 - 0.68, PPLL 0.41 - 0.48, PPLH 0.63 - 0.78, PPI 61 - 67, PPDW 0.53 - 0.68, PT / PP 96 - 110, EL 0.24 - 0.31, REL 0.16 - 0.19, with 14 - 17 ommatidia in the longest row.


The name refers to the close relationship to M. diversus .


Queensland : Collinsville , 3 km N Johnson-Johnson Farm , 28. ii. 2000 ( Buschinger ) ; Toowoomba , 4. v. 1951 ( F. A. Perkins ), ibid., picnic point & Prince Henry Dr. , 11. / 13. iv. 1962, 13. xii. 1973 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; Gatton , 12. ii. 51 ( S. G. Grimmett ) ; 8.5 km SWMt. Hutton , 6. iii. 2002 ( S. G. Wright ) ; Gumbardo , mulga, iv. 2001 ( T. Beutel ) ; Merigol , iv. 2001 , mulga ( T. Beutel ) ; St George's , nr. Balonne R. , 18. i. 1966 ( B. B. Lowery ), ibid., reddish soil plain, box pine scrub, 6. i. 1966 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 15 km WCloncurry , 12. v. 1980 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 80 - 100 miS. Sarinaxii. 1956 - vi. 1958 ( Darlingtons ) ; ( Sarina to) Rockhampton , iii. 1958 ( Darlingtons ) . Northern Territory : 3 miles SWAlice Springs , 28. vi. 1951 , mulga ( W. L. Brown ) ; Alice Springs , 26. xii. 2003 ( A. Narendra ) . (94 workers, 3 gynes in ANIC , MCZC , NHMW , QMBA , UQIC ) .


M. diversoides is closest to M. diversus but easily separated by the less prominently developed clypeal structure. The species is found throughout Queensland and southernmost Northern Territory.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Schoedl,, 2007, Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 370-424, vol. 80
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Plazi (legacy text)