Image of <i>Meranoplus wilsoni</i> Schödl

Meranoplus wilsoni Schödl

Taxonomic History

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Meranoplus wilsoni Schödl, 2007 PDF: 394, figs. 16, 17, 60, 88 (w.) AUSTRALIA. Australasia. AntCat AntWiki
California Academy of Sciences
bibliographic citation
AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

(Figs. 16, 17, 60, 88)

HOLOTYPE WORKER. TL 5.35, HL 1.23, HW 1.41, FC 1.20, CS 1.32, SL 0.75, SI 1 53, SI 2 57, PML 1.03, PW 1.30, PMD 1.44, PMI 2 111 ML 1.28, PTLL 0.38, PTLH 0.55, PTDW 0.45, PPLL 0.38, PPLH 0.58, PPI 65, PPDW 0.45, PT / PP 100.

Mandible with four teeth. Anterior margin of clypeus in full face view medially excavated, acutely bidentate, particularly laterally carinulate, moderately exceeding anterolateral frontal margins. Head moderately wider than long (CI 115), with preoccipital margin shallowly concave. Frontal carinae posteriorly almost parallel-sided, anteriorly broadly translucent and evenly narrowed towards clypeus, moderately narrower than head width (FI 118). Antennal scrobe reaching far beyond middle of lateral side of head, distinctly transversely carinulate in posterior half, only weakly demarcated from remainder of head at the rear. Genae and ventrolateral sides of head carinate to rugose, postocular section reticulate. Compound eyes moderately large (EL 0.25, REL 0.20, with 15 ommatidia in the longest row) situated at about middle of lateral sides of head, dorsal ocular margin almost touching ventral scrobal margin.

Promesonotum wider than long (PMI 127) and rather flat, outline distincly translucently margined, concealing lateral sides of mesosoma and propodeal declivity. Propodeal spines of medium length (PSL 0.53) situated above middle of length of declivity, acute and slightly arcuate when seen from above.

Petiole higher than long (PTI 68), in profile triangular with anterior face straight and unsculptured, posterior face convex, distinctly and regularly costate. Postpetiole elongately nodular, tapering towards base, with ventral medium sized tooth, rugose throughout.

First gastral tergite with irregular microreticulum, with interspersed glossy spots, basally with additional carinulae. Dorsum of head only anteriorly rugose, from about level of eyes on rugo-reticulate. Promesonotal shield with coarse rugoreticlum. Dorsal surfaces covered with evenly distributed pilosity consisting of short decumbent and long, more or less erect outstanding stiff hairs, similar to that of preceding species.

Concolorous brown.

WORKERS (n = 10). TL 4.60 - 5.35, HL 1.13 - 1.30, HW 1.26 - 1.70, FC 1.06 - 1.28, FI 114 - 121, CI 112 - 118, CS 1.20 - 1.39, SL 0.71 - 0.83, SI 1 53 - 57, SI 2 57 - 62, PML 0.9 - 1.2, PW 1.15 - 1.45, PMI 119 - 131, PMD 1.25 - 1.63, PMI 2 109 - 112, ML 1.18 - 1.43, PSL 0.43 - 0.56, PTLL 0.33 - 0.38, PTLH 0.49 - 0.55, PTI 67 - 71, PTDW 0.43 - 0.55, PPLL 0.30 - 0.41, PPLH 0.50 - 0.63, PPI 60 - 66, PPDW 0.40 - 0.55, PT / PP 92 - 106, EL 0.21 - 0.25, REL 0.18 - 0.20, with 14 - 15 ommatidia in the longest row.


Named for Prof. Edward O. Wilson, outstanding scientist and one of the pioneers of modern myrmecology.


Queensland : ' Queensland' , 1902 - 319. / [overleaf]: 22.4.02 ( F. P. Dodd ) ; Townsville , 13. i. 1997 ( D. Grund ) ; Allinga , Chinchilla , Charleys Ck. , 18. i. 1986 ( G. Lithgow ) ; Woodstock , 1. iv. 1980 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; 4 mi WNWYelarbon , 1. xii. 1949 ( T. Greaves ) ; 40 km WWarwick , Gore Rail Res. , 4. i. 1966 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; St Georges , nr. Balonne River , 7. i. / 18. i. 1966 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; Gladstone , ii. 1915 ( F. H. Taylor ) ; MacKay , ii. 1915 ( F. H. Taylor ) ; Mount Elliot , Lingum Townsville , 2. iii. 1958 ( P. F. Darling ) . New South Wales : Mungindi , 21. i. 1966 ( B. B. Lowery ) ; Legume , 20. ix. 1974 ( P. J. M. Greenslade ). (62 workers, 3 gynes in ANIC , BMNH , MCZC , NHMW , QMBA , SAMA ) .


This is a uniform taxon that shows only similarities with mars (see under that species). Distributed in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin to NE coastal Queensland.

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Schoedl,, 2007, Revision of Australian Meranoplus: the Meranoplus diversus group., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 370-424, vol. 80
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Plazi (legacy text)