“Euphrosine notialis Ehlers, 1900
Plate XIV, figs. 3-5
Euphrosyne notialis Ehlers, 1900b, pp. 207-208. Strait of Magellan, in 150 fms.
Ehlers, 1901. pp. 38-39, pl. 1, figs. 12-15. Cape Valentyn, off southwestern South America, in 150 fms.
Gravier, 1906c, p. 536. Biscoe Bay, in 270 m.
Gravier, 1907a, p. 34. Biscoe Bay.
Diagnosis: Length 10 to 16 mm; width 5 to 6 mm; segments number 26 to 29. Body long, oval, dorsum exposed medially for a sixth of its width. Prostomial caruncle brown, extends back to fifth segment, is laterally compressed, longitudinally furrowed. Median antenna tapers distally, is shorter than caruncle. Eyes 2 pairs, black, the dorsal pair at sides of caruncle, the ventral pair in front of palpal bases. Paired antennae small and threadlike. Branchiae number to 6 pairs on a parapodium; each is 2- or 3-branched, with short base (fig. 3). Median cirrus located between second and third branchial pairs. Dorsal, middle, and ventral cirri resemble one another. Setae include furcate ones in which tines are unequal, some smooth, others with the longer tine dentate along inner side (fig. 4), and ringent setae (fig. 5) with long smooth tips.
Distribution: Magellan area; Antarctic Peninsula."
(Hartman, 1964)