Image of Euphrosine notialis Ehlers 1900
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Euphrosine notialis Ehlers 1900


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Euphrosine notialis Ehlers, 1900
Plate XIV, figs. 3-5

Euphrosyne notialis Ehlers, 1900b, pp. 207-208. Strait of Magellan, in 150 fms.

Ehlers, 1901. pp. 38-39, pl. 1, figs. 12-15. Cape Valentyn, off southwestern South America, in 150 fms.

Gravier, 1906c, p. 536. Biscoe Bay, in 270 m.

Gravier, 1907a, p. 34. Biscoe Bay.

Diagnosis: Length 10 to 16 mm; width 5 to 6 mm; segments number 26 to 29. Body long, oval, dorsum exposed medially for a sixth of its width. Prostomial caruncle brown, extends back to fifth segment, is laterally compressed, longitudinally furrowed. Median antenna tapers distally, is shorter than caruncle. Eyes 2 pairs, black, the dorsal pair at sides of caruncle, the ventral pair in front of palpal bases. Paired an­tennae small and threadlike. Branchiae number to 6 pairs on a parapodium; each is 2- or 3-branched, with short base (fig. 3). Median cirrus located be­tween second and third branchial pairs. Dorsal, mid­dle, and ventral cirri resemble one another. Setae include furcate ones in which tines are unequal, some smooth, others with the longer tine dentate along in­ner side (fig. 4), and ringent setae (fig. 5) with long smooth tips.

Distribution: Magellan area; Antarctic Peninsula."

(Hartman, 1964)