In Panama this species has been collected South of Coiba Island (USNM 18265; Centroid Latitude: 6.50000, Centroid Longitude: -81.73333), Gulf of Chiriqui, eastern Pacific, by the R. V. Albatross, from a depth of 1015 m.
Fisher, W. K. (1907). The Holothurians of the Hawaiian Islands. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst, U. S. Nation. Mus., Proc. 32: (637-744).
Heding, S. G. (1942). Holothurioidea. Part II. Aspidochirota - Elasipoda - Dendrochirota. The Danish Ingolf expedition 1895-1896. Hagerup, Copenhagen. 4(13): 3-39, 2 pls.
Herouard, E. (1923). Holothuries provenant des campagnes des yachts Princesse-Alice et Hirondelle ii. (1898-1915). Res. camp. sci. Monaco 66: pp. 1-161.
Imaoka T, Irimura S, Okutani T, Oguro C, Oji T, Shigei M, Horikawa H. (1990). Echinoderms from the Continental Shelf and Slope around Japan. Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association. vol. I.1-159.
LSID peripatus Sluiter, 1901
Plicastichopus ingolfi Heding, 1942
Pseudostichopus (Trachostichopus) tuberculatus Imaoka, 1990
Pseudostichopus aleutianus Ohshima, 1915
Pseudostichopus lapidus Hérouard, 1923
Pseudostichopus marenzelleri Hérouard, 1923
Pseudostichopus occultatus var. plicatus Koehler & Vaney, 1905
Pseudostichopus propinquus Fisher, 1907
Pseudostichopus unguiculatus Ohshima, 1915