Section through part of a mucous sheath to show one of the surface lapillae (sl).
Part of an ovary in transverse section showing a fertilised egg (fo) enclosed by a distinct hyaline membrane (arrowed).
Transverse section through an ovary to show the difference between mature (mo) and immature (io) ova.
Transverse section through the cerebral region of the holotype showing the cerebral ganglia (cg)...Transverse section through the cerebral region of the holotype showing the cerebral ganglia (cg), posterior portion of the proboscis (pr). stomach {st } and blood vessels (arrowed)
Drawing of a typical central stylet and basis.
Drawing of recently fed individual closely adhering to the surface membrane of an egg of Naxia aurita, showing the...Drawing of recently fed individual closely adhering to the surface membrane of an egg of Naxia aurita, showing the transversely banded appearance of the worm.
Drawing of small but mature female to show the general appearance of the living worms. cg. cerebral ganglia; it, intestinal...Drawing of small but mature female to show the general appearance of the living worms. cg. cerebral ganglia; it, intestinal diverticulum; ov, ovary; st, stomach.