The pictures to the left show the cleaned shell, the picture to the right shows the shell covered by a sponge. Haul DP0409-BT04, 36º21' N – 03º58' W, 349-365 m, project "DEEPER" of Instituto Español de Oceanografía Reproduced from: Gofas S., Moreno D. & Salas C. (eds.). 2011. Moluscos marinos de Andalucía. Volume 1, pp. i-xvi, 1-342. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Málaga. ISBN: 978-84-9747356-9. [page 284]
United Kingdom, Highland, Outer Hebrides, E of Mingulay, BIOSYS 2006, Sta. 11, by dredging, at 174 m depth, collected 10th July 2006, ex coll. J. Trausel. Image by Joop Trausel and Frans Slieker