“Neaera kerguelenensis, n. sp. (Pl. XXIV. figs. 8-8b).
Testa parva, subglobosa, postice breviter rostrata, concentric lirata, liris tenuibus valde elevates, supra rostrum flexuosis, ad liram obliquam medianam obsolctis. Margo dorsi anticus rectiusculus, declivis, posticus paulo concavus, minus obliquus. Margo inferior antice et in medio late curvatus, sub rostro distincte sinuatus. Umbones parvi, circa in medio, ad cacuminal leves. Valva dextra dente unico valido submarginali pone umbonem munita, valve sinistra contra edentula.
This little shell is rather globose, nearly equilateral, rounded in front, much contracted and beaked behind. It is white, and ornamented with about twenty, fine, much elevated, concentric, lamelliform lirae, which are attenuated and flexuous in a depression or constriction marking off the rostrate end, and terminate at a slight keel which runs from the umbones to the lower corner of the curved truncate beak. Above this carina there is a second finer one, but nearer to the dorsal edge. The front dorsal margin is somewhat oblique, but not much curved, the posterior being rather concave. The ventral outline is distinctly sinuate under the rostrate end, and greatly arouate at the lower part and in front. The umbones are small, nearly central, and smooth at the tips. The hinge is composed of a single strongish tooth in the right valve, situated within the dorsal margin just behind the umbo.
Length 4 ⅓ mm., height 3, diameter 2 ½.
Habitat. – Off Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen Island, in 120 fathoms.
A pretty little species, remarkable for its elevated thin lamelliform lirae."
(Smith, 1885: 46-47)