Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Pholoe polymorpha (Hartmann-Schröder, 1962)
Sthenelanella polymorpha Hartmann-Schröder, 1962b:67, figs. 19–23 [part; not juveniles, not figs. 24, 25); 1965:88.
Pholoe minuta.—Wesenberg-Lund, 1962:34 [not Aphrodita minuta Fabricius, 1780].
Pholoe antipoda Hartman, 1967:40 [part; sta 558, 969].
Pholoe polymorpha.—Orensanz, 1975:12.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—CHILE: Mouth of Rio Andalien, medium sand, 10 Mar 1960, G. Hartmann collector, 8 paratypes (ZMH P-14074; USNM 60896). Seno Beloncari, 41°30′S, 42°58′W, tidal belt, Lund Univ. Chile Exp. sta M60, 29 Mar 1949, 1 specimen (ZMUC, as P. minuta by Wesenberg-Lund). Gulfo de Ancud, 41°49′S, 73°08′W, 45 m, sta M27, 31 May 1949, 2 specimens (ZMUC, as P. minuta by Wesenberg-Lund). Tierra del Fuego, 54°56′S, 65′W, 229–265 m, Eltanin sta 969, 10 Feb 1964, 1 specimen (USNM 55770, as P. antipoda by Hartman). Falkland Islands, 51°58′S, 56°38′W, 845–646 m, Eltanin sta 558, 14 Mar 1963, 1 specimen (USNM 55769, as P. antipoda by Hartman). Off Chile, 52°40′S, 74°58′W, 64 m, Eltanin sta 960, 6 Feb 1964, 2 specimens (USNM 126749).
DESCRIPTION.—Paratypes fragmented. Complete specimen from seno Beloncari (ZMUC) 5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, 42 segments. Elytra oval to subrectangular, surface showing reticular pattern and some blackish pigmentation, with scattered short papillae on surface and longer, filamentous papillae on lateral border (Figure 2D,E; Hartmann-Schröder, 1962b, fig. 23a–c).
Prostomium and tentacular segment fused; prostomium oval, bilobed; ceratophore of median antenna bulbous, in anterior notch of prostomium, with short style; without lateral antennae; 2 pairs of closely approximated eyes; tentaculophores lateral and anterior to prostomium; subequal dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri, longer than median antenna, with scattered papillae; palps large, emerging ventral and lateral to tentaculophores; no facial tubercle observed (Figure 2A–C; Hartmann-Schröder, 1962b, fig. 19). Second or buccal segment with first pair of bulbous elytrophores, biramous parapodia, and long ventral buccal cirri, similar to tentacular cirri (Figure 2A–C). Pharynx with 9 dorsal and 9 ventral border papillae and 2 pairs of hooked jaws.
Notopodia with subdistal bract encircling conical acicular lobe; neuropodia larger, each with conical presetal acicular lobe and shorter, rounded postsetal lobe; area between dorsal base of notopodium and elytrophore or dorsal tubercle ciliated (Figure 2F,G; Hartmann-Schröder, 1962b, fig. 20). Notosetae numerous, simple, slender, of 2 types: dorsal group geniculate, with prominent spines and short capillary tips; anterior and posterior groups nearly straight, finely spinose, tapering to capillary tips (Figure 2H). Neurosetae stouter than notosetae, compound; shafts with few distal spines; blades short, finely spinose, with tips falcate, entire; upper neurosetae with slightly longer blades (Figure 2I; Hartmann-Schröder, 1962b, fig. 22). Ventral cirri short, tapered, papillate (Figure 2F,G). Pygidium with pair of bottle-shaped anal cirri.
DISTRIBUTION.—South Pacific and South Atlantic, Chile, Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Islands, intertidal to 845 meters.
Laubierpholoe, new genus
TYPE SPECIES.—Pholoe antipoda Hartman, 1967.
DIAGNOSIS.—Body small, linear, with relatively few segments (up to 29). Elytra and elytrophores on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, continuing on alternate segments to 23, then on every segment to end of body. Dorsal tubercles on segments lacking elytra. Elytra delicate, with few short papillae on lateral border and on surface. Without dorsal cirri or branchiae. Prostomium and first or tentacular segment fused, ventrally forming anterior lip of mouth, without facial tubercle, with or without papillae. Prostomium rounded, bilobed; median antenna with certaophore in anterior notch of prostomium; lateral antennae absent; with or without 2 pairs of eyes. Tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, achaetous, each with long dorsal and very short ventral tentacular cirrus; palps stout, very long, emerging ventral and lateral to tentaculophores. Second or buccal segment with first pair of large elytrophores and elytra, biramous parapodia, long ventral buccal cirri, and forming lateral and posterior lips of mouth. Muscular pharynx with 9 dorsal and 9 ventral border papillae and 2 pairs of jaws. Parapodia biramous; notopodial conical acicular lobe, without subdistal bract; neuropodial conical acicular lobe, without distal papillae. Notosetae simple, slender, capillary, slightly curved and straight. Neurosetae stouter than notosetae, compound, shafts with or without distal spinules; blades unidentate, falcate, or capillary. Ventral cirri short, tapering, on all segments. Pygidium with pair of anal cirri. Interstitial species with relatively few large eggs, and development of embryos and juveniles within elytra (viviparity).
ETYMOLOGY.—The genus is named for Lucian Laubier, who described the interstitial polychaete Pholoe swedmarki, with developing young inside the elytra, and pointed out the differences from Pholoe. Gender feminine.
- bibliographic citation
- Pettibone, Marian H. 1992. "Contribution to the polychaete family Pholoidae Kinberg." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-22.