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Eupanthalis edriophthalma (Potts 1910)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eupanthalis edriophthalma (Potts, 1910)

Panthalis edriophthalma Potts, 1910:345, pl. 19: fig. 19, pl. 21: figs. 56, 57.

Eupanthalis edriophthalma.—Augener, 1922:10 [footnote].—Hartman, 1959:110, 111.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—WESTERN INDIAN OCEAN. Maldives, Saya de Malha, 86 m, mud with little shell material, Percy Sladen Trust Exp. 1905, 2 syntypes (BMNH 1924.3.1.71–72).

TYPE MATERIAL.—Both syntypes females with large yolky eggs in body cavity, incomplete posteriorly, 11–14+ mm long, 5–6 mm wide with setae, with 29–42+ segments.

DESCRIPTION.—Elytra oval, nearly covering dorsum, delicate, transparent, sometimes somewhat inflated, others with small lateral pouch (Figure 13B).

Prostomium oval, with faint median longitudinal groove, with 2 pairs of lateral sessile eyes, anterior pair twice as large as posterior pair, lateral antennae with short ceratophores on anterior border of prostomium, with styles longer than prostomium; palps stout, tapered, smooth, without papillae (Figure 13A; Potts, 1910, pl. 19: fig. 19). Tentacular segment distinct dorsally (nearly hidden when crowded); tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, without setae; dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri subequal in length, longer than lateral antennae, about as long as palps (Figure 13A; Potts, 1910, pl. 19: fig. 19).

Second segment with first pair of elytrophores and ventral buccal cirri similar to tentacular cirri, longer than following ventral cirri; notopodium small, rounded acicular lobe on anterodorsal side of larger neuropodium, without notosetae; neuropodium rounded, with neurosetae all similar, spinous, lanceolate (Figure 13A,C,D). Pharynx not extended (not examined).

Notopodia of segments 3–8 similar to notopodia of segment 2, without notosetae; dorsal cirri of segments 3, 6, and 8 with short cirrophores on posterodorsal sides of notopodia, with styles longer, subulate on segment 3 and shorter, basally inflated on segment 8 (Figure 13E,I,L): few upper neurosetae slender, lanceolate (Figure 13F,M); numerous lower neurosetae slightly curved, lanceolate, with close-set spines distally (Figure 13H,N); middle row of neurosetae stout, acicular, with distal hairs, with or without aristae (Figure 13G,K).

Notopodia from segment 9 larger, rounded, flattened, on anterodorsal sides of larger neuropodia, with development of internal spinning glands, and row of short capillary notosetae on lower side; neuropodia with presetal subconical acicular lobes and truncate postsetal lobes, with slightly developed lower bracts (Figures 13O, 14A,B,E). Upper group of neurosetae, emanating from upper anterior bract nearly hidden by notopodium, of 2 types: (a) longer, slender, spinous, lanceolate (Figures 13Pa, 14Ca,Fa; Potts, 1910, pl. 21: fig. 56); (b) shorter, slender, with whorls of widely spaced spines (Figure 13Pb). Middle row of stout acicular neurosetae with slightly hooked tips with distal spines and subdistal spines along one side, with hairy aristae (Figures 13Q, 14D,G; Potts, 1910, pl. 21: fig. 57). Lower group of neurosetae, within lower bract, similar to anterior ones (Figures 13R; 14H). Dorsal cirri with short wide cirrophores, with styles short, inflated basally; ventral cirri short, tapered (Figure 14B,E). No distinct branchial vesicles but parapodial integument delicate, transparent, with internal organs visible.

DISTRIBUTION.—Indian Ocean (Maldives). In 86 meters.
bibliographic citation
Pettibone, Marian H. 1989. "Revision of the aphroditoid polychaetes of the family Acoetidae Kinberg (=Polyodontidae Augener) and reestablishment of Acoetes Audouin and Milne-Edwards, 1832, and Euarche Ehlers, 1887." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-138. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.464