
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Websterinereis foli (Fauvel) new combination

Leptonereis foli Fauvel, 1930:520, fig. 3.

Laeonereis foli.—Hartman 1949:55; 1959a:245.

Ceratocephala [sic] corallicola Reish, 1968:215, fig. 4:1–5.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Ile des Pins, New Caledonia, 1928, Mm. A. Pruvot-Fol, collector—holotype of Leptonereis foli (MNHNP).

Bogen Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, 12 September 1956, D. Reish, collector—holotype and 7 paratypes of Ceratocephala corallicola (USNM 38392–3).

TYPE MATERIAL.—The holotype of L. foli consists of an anterior fragment of 62 segments, 17 mm long and 1 mm wide, including setae. The pharynx was not extended but had been slit.

The holotype of C. corallicola consists of about 90 segments, 12 mm long and 1 mm wide, including setae. The pharynx was not extended. Of the seven paratypes, four are complete and three consist of anterior fragments. The pharynx is partially or completely extended on four of them.

DESCRIPTION.—Length up to 20 mm, width up to 1 mm, including parapodia, segments up to 112. Prostomium with faint to deep mid-dorsal depression on anterior half, short tapered frontal antennae, and stout biarticulate palps; eyes moderately large, anterior pair being larger than posterior pair (Figures 10a, 11a). Tentacular segment longer than following segment; tentacular cirri with styles short to long, longest extending to about setiger 4 (2–7). Parapodia of first two setigers with dorsal cirrus, notopodial ligule, neuropodial postsetal lobe, lower ligule and ventral cirrus (Figure 10b); upper bundle of neurosetae composed of homogomph spinigers and heterogomph falcigers with relatively long blades (Figure 10e); lower bundle of neurosetae heterogomph falcigers (no heterogomph spinigers).

Parapodia of anterior region (Figure 11c,d) with dorsal cirri emerging from basal parts of upper notopodial ligules and extending beyond them; upper notopodial ligules rather large, subtriangular; lower notopodial ligules smaller, subconical; presetal notopodial lobes, between them, smaller than lower ligules; presetal and postsetal neuropodial lobes subequal in size to notopodial presetal lobe; lower neuropodial ligules slightly smaller than upper notopodial ligules; short subulate ventral cirri. Notosetae all homogomph spinigers (Figure 11g). Upper bundle of neurosetae composed of homogomph spinigers and heterogomph falcigers with short blades; lower bundle of neurosetae composed of heterogomph falcigers (Figure 11h).

Parapodia of middle region (Figures 10c,d; 11e,f) with notopodial presetal lobes diminishing in size; neuropodial presetal lobes indistinct from acicular lobes; upper bundle of neurosetae homogomph spinigers (Figures 10f; 11i) and single stouter heterogomph falciger with short blade (Figures 10g; 11j); lower bundle of neurosetae with heterogomph falcigers bearing short blades (Figures 10h; 11k). Posterior parapodia sometimes with single heterogomph spiniger having relatively short blade in lower bundle of neurosetae.

Pygidium with long anal cirri. Jaws of pharynx (Figure 11b bearing numerous sharp teeth; maxillary or distal ring bare, without paragnaths or papillae; oral or basal ring with large subconical papilla on dorsal surface (area VI) and row of seven papillae on ventral surface (areas VII-VIII).

DISTRIBUTION.—Central Pacific (New Caledonia, Marshall Islands). Associated with corals.
bibliographic citation
Pettibone, Marian H. 1971. "Revision of some species referred to Leptonereis, Nicon, and Laeonereis (Polychaeta: Nereididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-53. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.104