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The Pettalidae are a family of harvestmen with 75 described species in 10 genera.[1] Several undescribed species are known or assumed in some genera.[2]


Pettalus is a name from Greek mythology that appears in Ovid's Metamorphoses.[2]


All species except the cave-dwelling South African Speleosiro argasiformis spend their entire life cycle in leaf litter.

They are two to five millimeters long, usually with an oval shaped body.

Although all Pettalidae except Parapurcellia have eyes, these were long thought to be absent in the family, mainly because they cannot be seen by scanning electron microscopy. They are often incorporated at the base of the ozophores and typically lack lenses.[1]


The members of this family are distributed throughout former temperate Gondwana, with genera in Chile, South Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, eastern and western Australia, and New Zealand, where they are most diverse by far, with 29 species and subspecies found in three genera.[2]


Parapurcellia (eastern South Africa)

Neopurcellia (New Zealand)

Rakaia (New Zealand)

Aoraki (New Zealand)

Purcellia (western South Africa)

Chileogovea (Chile)

Karripurcellia (Western Australia)

Pettalus (Sri Lanka)

Austropurcellia (Queensland)

Phylogeny of most Pettalidae(after Boyer & Giribet 2007)

The family Pettalidae is monophyletic, although it is at the moment (2007) unclear what the nearest relatives are. It probably originated in the southern part of Gondwana.[1] Parsimony analysis suggests it could be a sister group to the remaining Cyphophthalmi, though this could also be the case for the Stylocellidae,[1] or it could be related to the Sironidae, or specifically to the sironid genus Suzukielus.[2] It is unrelated to the Troglosironidae that are endemic to New Caledonia.

The main lineages of the family may have arisen rapidly, possibly during the rapid expansion of Glossopteris forests that were predominant in temperate Gondwana. Pettalidae were likely present throughout the forests of Antarctica, which formed a land bridge between Australia and South America up until circa 50 million years ago (mya).

The Australian genera Austropurcellia (Eastern Australia: Queensland) and Karripurcellia (Western Australia) are not sister groups. It is possible that the Cyphophthalmi dispersed across Australia while the central region was covered with Nothofagus rainforest (until 37 mya), or that the ancestors of the two genera independently dispersed from adjacent landmasses now separate from Australia.[1]

Parapurcellia from eastern South Africa is sister to all other Pettalidae, while Purcellia from western South Africa is sister to the Chilean Chileogovea. Western South Africa and southern South America were last connected during the Late Jurassic, about 150 mya. Likewise, the monotypic Neopurcellia from New Zealand appears as the sister group to all Pettalidae except for Parapurcellia, instead of being monophyletic with the other two New Zealand genera, which themselves appear as sister groups in Bayesian analysis, but not in direct optimization parsimony analyses.[1]


The family Pettalidae contains the following genera and species:[3][4]

  • Aoraki Boyer & Giribet, 2007 (New Zealand)
  • Aoraki calcarobtusa calcarobtusa Forster, 1952
  • Aoraki calcarobtusa westlandica Forster, 1952
  • Aoraki denticulata denticulata Forster, 1948
  • Aoraki denticulata major Forster, 1952
  • Aoraki inerma inerma Forster, 1948
  • Aoraki inerma stephenensis Forster, 1952
  • Purcellia Hansen & Sørensen, 1904 (western South Africa)
  • Rakaia Hirst, 1925 (New Zealand)
  • Rakaia magna australis Forster, 1952
  • Rakaia magna magna Forster, 1948
  • Rakaia media insula Forster, 1952
  • Rakaia media media Forster, 1948
  • Rakaia sorenseni digitata Forster, 1952
  • Rakaia sorenseni sorenseni Forster, 1952

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f Boyer & Giribet 2007
  2. ^ a b c d Giribet, Gonzalo & Boyer, Sarah L. (2007): Pettalidae Shear, 1980. In: Pinto-da-Rocha et al. 2007: 99ff
  3. ^ Giribet, Gonzalo; Boyer, Sarah L.; Baker, Caitlin M.; Fernández, Rosa; Sharma, Prashant P.; Bivort, Benjamin L. de; Daniels, Savel R.; Harvey, Mark S.; Griswold, Charles E. (2016-11-01). "A molecular phylogeny of the temperate Gondwanan family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) and the limits of taxonomic sampling". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 178 (3): 523–545. doi:10.1111/zoj.12419. ISSN 0024-4082.
  4. ^ "Cyphophthalmi Checklist". giribet.oeb.harvard.edu. Archived from the original on 2016-03-06. Retrieved 2018-04-09.


  • Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog: Pettalidae
  • Checklist of the Cyphophthalmi species of the World (with pictures)
  • Juberthie, C. (1971): Les opilions cyphophthalmes cavernicoles. Notes sur Speleosiro argasiformis Lawrence. Bull. Mus. Natl Hist. Nat. 42: 864–871.
  • Pinto-da-Rocha, R., Machado, G. & Giribet, G. (eds.) (2007): Harvestmen - The Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press ISBN 0-674-02343-9
  • Boyer, S.L. & Giribet, G. (2007): A new model Gondwanan taxon: systematics and biogeography of the harvestman family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), with a taxonomic revision of genera from Australia and New Zealand. Cladistics 23(4): 337-361. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2007.00149.x
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Pettalidae: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

The Pettalidae are a family of harvestmen with 75 described species in 10 genera. Several undescribed species are known or assumed in some genera.

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Pettalidae ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Les Pettalidae sont une famille d'opilions cyphophthalmes, la seule de l'infra-ordre des Scopulophthalmi. On connaît 80 espèces dans dix genres.



Les espèces de cette famille se rencontrent en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Australie, au Chili, en Afrique du Sud, à Madagascar et au Sri Lanka[1].

Liste des genres

Selon World Catalogue of Opiliones (15/04/2021)[2] :

Publications originales

  • Shear, 1980 : « A review of the Cyphophthalmi of the United States and Mexico, with a proposed reclassification of the suborder (Arachnida, Opiliones). » American Museum Novitates, no 2705, p. 1–34 (texte intégral).
  • Giribet, Sharma, Benavides, Boyer, Clouse, de Bivort, Dimitrov, Kawauchi, Murienne & Schwendinger, 2012 : « Evolutionary and biogeographical history of an ancient and global group of arachnids (Arachnida: Opiliones: Cyphophthalmi) with a new taxonomic arrangement. » Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 105, no 1, p. 92–130.

Notes et références

  1. Giribet, 2000 : « Catalogue of the Cyphophthalmi of the world (Arachnida. Opiliones). » Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, no 2, p. 49-76 (texte intégral).
  2. World Catalogue of Opiliones (WCO-Lite 1.2.1) consulté le 15 avril 2021
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Pettalidae: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Les Pettalidae sont une famille d'opilions cyphophthalmes, la seule de l'infra-ordre des Scopulophthalmi. On connaît 80 espèces dans dix genres.

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Pettalidae ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NO

Pettalidae er en gruppe av edderkoppdyr som tilhører ordenen vekjerringer (Opiliones).


Små (kroppslengde 2-5 mm) vevkjerringer med forholdsvis korte bein og oval kropp. De fleste har øyne men disse er lite synlige.


Alle artene bortsett fra den hulelevende Speleosiro argasiformis lever mellom løvstrø.


Familien er utbredt i tempererte områder på den sørlige halvkulen: sørligste Sør-Amerika, Sør-Afrika, Madagaskar, Australia og New Zealand. Dessuten er den funnet på Sri Lanka.

Systematisk inndeling

Familiens utbredelse


Eksterne lenker

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wikipedia NO

Pettalidae: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

provided by wikipedia NO

Pettalidae er en gruppe av edderkoppdyr som tilhører ordenen vekjerringer (Opiliones).

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Pettalidae ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL
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Pettalidae - rodzina pajęczaków z rzędu kosarzy i podrzędu Cyphophthalmi zawierająca 52 opisane gatunki i podgatunki z 11 rodzajów[1][2].

Budowa ciała

Przedstawiciele tej rodziny posiadają zazwyczaj owalnego kształtu ciało długości od 2 do 5 mm. Rodzaj Parapurciella jest bezoki, pozostałe zaś posiadają oczy, są one jednak nie widoczne pod skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym z powodu umiejscowienia w podstawie ozoforu i częstego braku soczewki[2].


Kosarze te są rozprzestrzenione po całym terenie dawnej Gondwany. Występują w Chile, Południowej Afryce, na Sri Lance i Madagaskarze, w zachodniej i wschodniej Australii, a najliczniej na Nowej Zelandii[2].


Pattalidae są rodziną monofiletyczną, jednak ich pokrewieństwo z innymi grupami w 2007 roku było nadal niejasne. Ich ojczyzną jest prawdopodobnie południowa część Gondwany. Badania molekularne sugerują pokrewieństwo z Stylocellidae lub Sironidae[2], szczególnie z rodzajem Suzukielus[1].


Nazwa rodzajowa Pettalus pochodzi z mitologii greckiej, z Metamorfoz Owidiusza[1].


Rodzina liczy 11 rodzajów i 60 gatunków[3].


  1. a b c Pinto-da-Rocha, R., Machado, G. & Giribet, G.: Harvestmen - The Biology of Opiliones (pl.: Biologia Kosarzy). Harvard University Press, 2007. ISBN 0-674-02343-9.
  2. a b c d Boyer, S.L., Giribet, G.. A new model Gondwanan taxon: systematics and biogeography of the harvestman family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), with a taxonomic revision of genera from Australia and New Zealand.. „Cladistics”. 23 (4). s. 337-361. DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2007.00149.x.
  3. Lista Cyphophthalmi świata.
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Pettalidae: Brief Summary ( Polish )

provided by wikipedia POL

Pettalidae - rodzina pajęczaków z rzędu kosarzy i podrzędu Cyphophthalmi zawierająca 52 opisane gatunki i podgatunki z 11 rodzajów.

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Pettalidae ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Подтип: Хелицеровые
Отряд: Сенокосцы
Подотряд: Cyphophthalmi
Семейство: Pettalidae
Международное научное название

Pettalidae Simon, 1879

Распространение Pettalidae


на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 1012453NCBI 118632EOL 3187647

Pettalidae (лат.) — семейство паукообразных из подотряда Cyphophthalmi отряда сенокосцев. Включает около 75 видов.


Южная Америка, Южная Африка, Мадагаскар, Шри-Ланка, Австралия, Новая Зеландия[1].


Мелкие сенокосцы с короткими ногами, похожие на клещей. Имеют длину тела от 2 до 5 мм. Глаза развиты у всех родов (но малозаметные, расположены у основания озофоров и обычно без линз), кроме слепых Parapurcellia. Все виды, кроме обитающих в пещерах южноафриканских Speleosiro argasiformis, проводят весь свой жизненный цикл в опавших листьях[1].


Parapurcellia (Южная Африка)

Neopurcellia (Новая Зеландия)

Rakaia (Новая Зеландия)

Aoraki (Новая Зеландия)

Purcellia (Южная Африка)

Chileogovea (Чили)

Karripurcellia (Австралия)

Pettalus (Шри-Ланка)

Austropurcellia (Австралия)

Филогения Pettalidae (по Boyer & Giribet 2007)

В семейство включают около 75 видов в следующих родах[2][3][4]:


  1. 1 2 Pinto-da-Rocha R., Giribet G. Taxonomy // Harvestmen — The Biology of Opiliones / Pinto-da-Rocha R., Machado G. & Giribet G. (eds.). — Cambridge (штат Массачусетс): Harvard University Press, 2007. — P. 88—246. — 597 p. — ISBN 0-674-02343-9.
  2. Giribet, Gonzalo; Boyer, Sarah L.; Baker, Caitlin M.; Fernández, Rosa; Sharma, Prashant P.; Bivort, Benjamin L. de; Daniels, Savel R.; Harvey, Mark S.; Griswold, Charles E. (2016-11-01). “A molecular phylogeny of the temperate Gondwanan family Pettalidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) and the limits of taxonomic sampling”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society [англ.]. 178 (3): 523—545. DOI:10.1111/zoj.12419. ISSN 0024-4082.
  3. Cyphophthalmi Checklist (неопр.). giribet.oeb.harvard.edu.
  4. Shear, 1980. A review of the Cyphophthalmi of the United States and Mexico, with a proposed reclassification of the suborder (Arachnida, Opiliones). American Museum Novitates, n. 2705, p. 1—34.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Pettalidae: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Pettalidae (лат.) — семейство паукообразных из подотряда Cyphophthalmi отряда сенокосцев. Включает около 75 видов.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии