Not much is known about longevity in Aotus nigriceps in the wild. Individuals in captive populations have been observed to live 15 to 20 years.
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 11 (high) years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 20 (high) years.
Black-headed night monkeys are primarily frugivorous, preferring ripened Ficus fruits. They also opportunistically feed on leaves and flowers as well as moths, beetles, and spiders. However, examinations of fecal matter from A. nigriceps have not yielded significant amounts of leaf fiber or insect matter. This is different from A. vociferans which appears to be more folivorous.
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: leaves; fruit; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Frugivore )
Because of their frugivory, black-headed night monkeys are likely to aid in seed dispersal, although little research has been done on their ecosystem roles.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds
Black-headed night monkeys are important members of native ecosystems.
Positive Impacts: research and education
There are no known adverse effects of black-headed night monkeys on humans.
Currently, black-headed night monkeys are considered a species of lesser concern by the IUCN. Their conservation status could change as continued development in the forested areas in which they live affects their habitat.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Resonant whoops and low-pitched hoots are the most common forms of vocal communication in Aotus. Whoops are usually used in intragroup encounters at the edges of territories and are used with visual displays and scent marking before aggressive interactions. Hoots are usually used in distance communication by unmated males and females and may be involved in mating rituals. Aotus males and females use both urine and skin secretions in scent marking behavior.
Communication Channels: visual ; acoustic ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: scent marks
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Aotus nigriceps (black-headed night monkey) is native to neotropical South America. Black-headed night monkeys are found in an area roughly within the boundaries of 5 to 15° south latitude and 75 to 55° west longitude. This area includes the Amazonian and Madeiran forests in Peru, Brazil, and Columbia and several forest areas found in the Huallaga, Ucayali, Yavari, Purus, and Madre de Dios river basins. It encompasses those areas south of the Amazon River to the Madeira River Basin and the northwestern part of the Tapajoz River Basin. Black-headed night monkeys are a species of "red-necked" or "southern" night monkeys.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
Black-headed night monkeys are usually found in lowland and hillside tropical forest areas. They are usually found in the higher canopy levels of the forest. They choose exclusive sleeping sites in the crooks of branches, especially in trees in the genus Miconia. These trees have large leaves and relatively thick canopy cover. Aotus species generally do not modify their sleeping environments. Other night monkey species, A.vociferans and A. nancymae, have been observed co-occupying sleeping sites with Potos flavus, Bassaricyon gabbi, Coendu bicolor, Tamandua tridactyla, Isothrix bistriatus and bat species.
Range elevation: 0 to 3200 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; rainforest
Black-headed night monkeys are small primates approximately the same size as a small squirrel. While there are few data concerning the mass of A. nigriceps specifically, Aotus species, both male and female, average 750 g as adults, reaching this size by 14 months of age. Their coats are short and thick. Adult A. nigriceps have dark grey-black agouti pelage on the upper back and forelimbs and orange-tan pelage on the lower back, outer rear legs, and onto the tail. They have three conspicuous black stripes that nearly converge on the forehead. Two of these stripes follow the sides of the face to the maxilla, the central stripe extends to the bridge of the nose. They have white patches over each eye, on the cheeks, and under the mouth. They also have bright orange pelage on the sides of the neck and onto the ventrum, extending from the lower neck, chest and stomach onto the arms, legs and ventral tail. Infants and sub-adults have the same basic coloration. Aotus species have disproportionally large, brown eyes, consistent with their nocturnal habits. They lack a tapetem lucidem. Night monkeys have small external ears that are hidden by their fur. Their digits are long and thin, with straight nails and wide fingertip pads.The second digit of each foot has a curved nail which may be used for grooming. They have an intermembral index of 74, typical of arboreal quadrupeds. The basal metabolic rate is 18 to 24% below that predicted for other 1 kg mammals.
Average mass: 750 g.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
There is little know about predation on Aotus species. Their nocturnality and arboreality helps to protect them from many predators. They rarely leave the trees, only leaving to occasionally cross into other forested areas to forage.
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Black-headed night monkeys are serially monogamous; mates can be displaced due to violence on the part of a same sex interloper. Males and females form bonds that last until one or the other is displaced. Fruitful mating does not occur until a mated pair has been together for one year. Males have small testicles which might be indicative of monogamy and low mate competition. There seems to be no signal that a female is receptive to mating and mating activity takes place both during and outside of the estrus period. Mating encounters are short in length lasting for 1 to 9 coital thrusts. The breeding period in the wild is between August and February, though Aotus species in captivity have been observed to breed year round.
Mating System: monogamous
Neither males or females seem to give reproductive signals and mating activity is independent of female estrus cycles. Reproductive activity in A. nigriceps usually occurs between August and February and the female produces one infant a year. Twins have been observed only rarely, in 1 out of 169 births. Males and females disperse from their natal range as sub-adults between 26 months and 5 years of age, averaging dispersal at 3 years old. The interbirth interval is from 166 to 419 days. The average weight of a newborn is 90 to 150 g. Full weaning occurs at around weeks 18 to 19. Sexual maturity is at 2 years in males and 3 to 4 years in females.
Breeding interval: Owl monkeys breed once yearly.
Breeding season: The breeding season occurs between August and February.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.
Average gestation period: 4 months.
Average weaning age: 19 weeks.
Average time to independence: 18 weeks.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 3 to 4 years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 (low) years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
Black-headed night monkey males are primary caregivers for their young. Females nurse their young every 3 hours but then drive the infant away by biting their feet or tail. Males take over care of the infant, except for nursing, after 2 weeks old. At about 8 weeks old, around the time of weaning, the males begin to drive their young away as well. Young sometimes usurp the territories of their parents after independence.
Parental Investment: pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Protecting: Male); post-independence association with parents; inherits maternal/paternal territory
La mona de nit de cap negre (Aotus nigriceps) és una espècie de primat originari de Sud-amèrica. Aquesta mona de nit viu a Bolívia, el Brasil, Colòmbia i el Perú.
La mona de nit de cap negre (Aotus nigriceps) és una espècie de primat originari de Sud-amèrica. Aquesta mona de nit viu a Bolívia, el Brasil, Colòmbia i el Perú.
Der Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffe (Aotus nigriceps) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Nachtaffen (Aotidae), innerhalb derer er zur südlichen Gruppe gezählt wird.
Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffen sind wie alle Nachtaffen relativ kleine Primaten mit einem langen, buschigen Schwanz. Sie erreichen ein Gewicht von rund 750 Gramm. Ihr Fell ist kurz und dicht, es ist am Rücken und an der Außenseite der Gliedmaßen grauschwarz gefärbt, der Bauch ist rötlichbraun. Der rundliche Kopf ist mit großen, braunen Augen versehen. Über jedem Auge, auf den Backen und unter dem Maul haben sie weiße Flecken. Entlang des Kopfes ziehen sich drei dunkle Streifen, jeweils einer außerhalb eines jeden Auges und einer über die Stirn bis zur Nase.
Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffen leben im westlichen Amazonasbecken südlich des Amazonas. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst das östliche Peru, das nördliche Bolivien und das westliche Brasilien. Ihr Lebensraum sind Wälder.
Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffen sind nachtaktive Baumbewohner, die sich eher in der oberen Kronenschicht aufhalten. Sie bewegen sich meist auf allen vieren fort, können aber auch gut springen. Sie leben in Familiengruppen aus zwei bis fünf Tieren, in denen das Männchen und das Weibchen monogam leben und oft lebenslang zusammenbleiben. Familiengruppen bewohnen feste Reviere von rund 9 Hektar Größe, die sie vehement gegen Artgenossen verteidigen.
Diese Primaten nehmen hauptsächlich Früchte zu sich. In geringerem Ausmaß fressen sie auch Blätter, Blüten und andere Pflanzenteile sowie Insekten. Durch ihre nachtaktive Lebensweise vermeiden sie Konkurrenz zu tagaktiven, dominanteren Arten.
Nach einer rund vier- bis viereinhalbmonatigen Tragzeit bringt das Weibchen meist ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Nach der ersten Lebenswoche übernimmt der Vater die Hauptverantwortung für das Junge, er trägt es, schläft bei ihm und übergibt es der Mutter nur zum Säugen. Nach einigen Monaten wird das Junge entwöhnt. Nach zwei bis vier Jahren wird es geschlechtsreif und verlässt seine Geburtsgruppe.
Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffen sind regional durch die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes selten geworden, insgesamt ist die Art laut IUCN aber noch „nicht gefährdet“ (least concern).
In Europa wird die Art nicht mehr gepflegt, ehemaliger Halter ist Berlin.
Der Schwarzköpfige Nachtaffe (Aotus nigriceps) ist eine Primatenart aus der Gruppe der Nachtaffen (Aotidae), innerhalb derer er zur südlichen Gruppe gezählt wird.
The black-headed night monkey (Aotus nigriceps) is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.[2] The A. nigriceps in Peru were notably inhabiting areas that were degraded, and often these areas were disturbed either by human activities or natural occurrences in the ecosystem.[3] A black-headed night monkey is about the same size as a small squirrel. Black-headed night monkeys have small ears that are hidden by their fur. When they become adults they are about 750g and usually are about 14 months old. Black-headed night monkeys have three black stripes that meet on their forehead. These monkeys have white patches by their eyes, cheeks, and under their mouth. Their eyes are very large and brown.[4]
A newborn usually weighs about 90 to 150g. Sexual maturity for males is at 2 years and for females is about 3 or 4 years. They occur in between August and February. A female only gives birth to one infant each year. The males are the primary care givers to the infants. The female starts biting the infants feet or tail about 2 weeks after so they go with the male and about 8 weeks they start to leave them.[4]
Black-headed night monkeys live in small-family groups. Males attack other males and females attack the other females. These attacks can last in between 5 and 30 minutes. The reason why they attack is for territory. Whoever wins the attack gets to keep the territory along with any infants the losing pair have.[4]
Black-headed night monkeys are considered frugivorous. They usually eat leaves, flowers, moths, beetles and spiders.[4]
It is called ausisiti in the Kwaza language of Rondônia, Brazil,[5] and nu’nu’ in the Shawi language of Peru.[6]
A. nigroceps suffers from Plasmodium brasilianum malaria.[7] P. brasilianum was first found in A. nigroceps by Araújo et al. 2013.[7]
The black-headed night monkey (Aotus nigriceps) is a night monkey species from South America. It is found in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. The A. nigriceps in Peru were notably inhabiting areas that were degraded, and often these areas were disturbed either by human activities or natural occurrences in the ecosystem. A black-headed night monkey is about the same size as a small squirrel. Black-headed night monkeys have small ears that are hidden by their fur. When they become adults they are about 750g and usually are about 14 months old. Black-headed night monkeys have three black stripes that meet on their forehead. These monkeys have white patches by their eyes, cheeks, and under their mouth. Their eyes are very large and brown.
El mico nocturno de cabeza negra (Aotus nigriceps) es una especie de primate platirrino del género Aotus que habita en Bolivia, Brasil Perú y Colombia .[2]
El mico nocturno de cabeza negra (Aotus nigriceps) es una especie de primate platirrino del género Aotus que habita en Bolivia, Brasil Perú y Colombia .
L'aoto dalla testa nera (Aotus nigriceps Dollman, 1903) è un primate platirrino della famiglia degli Aotidi.
Vive nella zona amazzonica di Perù e Colombia, costeggiando a sud il Rio delle Amazzoni fino al Brasile centrale. Predilige le aree di foresta pluviale pedemontana ad altezze che arrivano oltre i 3000 m.
Misura circa 60 cm di lunghezza, per un peso che raggiunge i 750 g.
Il pelo è corto e folto, di colore grigio-nerastro sul dorso e giallo-arancio sul ventre ed ai lati del collo. Sulla fronte sono presenti tre macchie nere, una centrale e due laterali, le quali scendono ai lati della faccia fino all'inizio della mandibola, mentre quella centrale attraversa la fronte fino alla punta del muso, che è corto e tozzo. Le sopracciglia, le guanche ed il mento sono bianchi.
Gli occhi sono molto grandi e bruni. Le mani possiedono lunghe dita dai polpastrelli rigonfi, con l'unghia dell'indice modificata per il grooming.
Si tratta di animali notturni, che vivono in piccoli gruppi familiari formati da una coppia progenitrice con 2-3 cuccioli di parti precedenti. Ogni gruppo occupa un territorio di circa un ettaro, che difendono tramite vocalizzazioni d'avvertimento: qualora degli intrusi sconfinino, ogni sesso interagisce aggressivamente con animali dello stesso sesso. Qualora l'aggressione si risolva violentemente con la sconfitta del gruppo residente, l'animale vincitore prende possesso del territorio e del compagno dello sconfitto: a differenza di altri animali con abitudini simili, come i leoni, in questa specie non c'è infanticidio al momento del "cambio di proprietà" del territorio, ma i maschi si prendono cura dei cuccioli dei loro predecessori come se fossero i propri.
All'interno dei territori, gli animali si muovono percorrendo rotte fisse alla ricerca di cibo, dalla lunghezza di circa un chilometro.
Questi animali sono prevalentemente frugivori, in particolare prediligono i frutti ben maturi di Ficus: a differenza di altre specie di aoto, la quantità di insetti e foglie ritrovate nelle feci di questa specie è praticamente irrilevante.
La stagione degli accoppiamenti coincide col periodo delle piogge, fra agosto e febbraio: vista la virtuale instabilità del rapporto di coppia a causa dell'eventuale spodestamento di uno dei due sessi a causa di intrusi, il maschio e la femmina non si accoppiano prima di aver convissuto un anno. L'accoppiamento è indipendente dal ciclo estrale della femmina.
La gestazione dura quattro mesi, al termine dei quali viene dato alla luce un unico cucciolo, che viene svezzato attorno ai 5 mesi d'età e può dirsi indipendente appena dopo lo svezzamento, anche se raramente si allontana prima dei 3 anni d'età. La maturità sessuale viene raggiunta attorno ai due anni dai maschi, mentre per le femmine ci vuole il doppio del tempo.
In natura, questi animali vivono fino a 11 anni, mentre in cattività arrivano ai vent'anni.
L'aoto dalla testa nera (Aotus nigriceps Dollman, 1903) è un primate platirrino della famiglia degli Aotidi.
De roodneknachtaapje (Aotus nigriceps) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de nachtaapjes (Aotidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Dollman in 1909.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesAotus nigriceps é um macaco-da-noite, um Macaco do Novo Mundo da família Aotidae e gênero Aotus. Ocorre no Brasil, Peru e Bolívia.[3]
Aotus nigriceps é um macaco-da-noite, um Macaco do Novo Mundo da família Aotidae e gênero Aotus. Ocorre no Brasil, Peru e Bolívia.
Aotus nigriceps[2][3][4] är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Guy Dollman 1909. Aotus nigriceps ingår i släktet nattapor och familjen Aotidae.[5][6] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade.[5]
Den korta och täta pälsen har på ovansidan och på överarmarna en gråsvart färg. På undersidan och på svansen får pälsen en orange till ljusbrun färg. Även nedre halsen och strupen är orange. Kännetecknande är tre breda svarta band på huvudet. Två band bildar en ram kring ansiktet och den tredje går från hjässan till näsan. Regionerna över ögonen, de övre kinderna och hakan är vita. Kring de stora bruna ögonen finns en smal mörk ring. Fingrar och tår är allmänt utrustade med flata naglar. Vid ett finger per hand respektive tå per fot förekommer en böjd nagel. Den används troligen för pälsvården.[7]
Kroppsvikten är cirka 0,8 till 1,0 kg.[1]
Denna nattapa förekommer i nordvästra Brasilien (delstater Acre, Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará och Rondônia), norra Bolivia och östra Peru. Arten vistas där i olika fuktiga och torra skogar.[1]
Liksom de andra nattaporna är Aotus nigriceps aktiv mellan skymningen och gryningen. Den äter frukter, blad, blommor och små ryggradslösa djur som till exempel insekter. Ett föräldrapar bildar en mindre flock tillsammans med sina ungar eller de vuxna individerna lever utanför parningstiden ensam. Revirets storlek varierar mellan 5 och 18 hektar.[1]
Individerna vandrar vanligen 340 till 1025 meter per natt. De försvarar reviret mot artfränder av samma kön. Framgångsrik parning sker först efter ett år med flera parningsförsök. Det finns inga synliga tecken som visar att honan är brunstig. I naturen är fortplantningen kopplad till den varma årstiden (augusti till februari på södra jordklotet). Dräktigheten varar cirka fyra månader och sedan föds oftast en unge, mycket sällan tvillingar. Ungen väger vid födelse 90 till 150 g och diar sin mor 18 till 19 veckor. Den lämnar föräldrarnas territorium efter 2 till 5 år. Könsmognaden infaller efter 3 till 4 år för honor och redan efter 2 år för hannar.[7]
Aotus nigriceps är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Guy Dollman 1909. Aotus nigriceps ingår i släktet nattapor och familjen Aotidae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade.
Aotus nigriceps là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Aotidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Dollman mô tả năm 1909.[2]
Aotus nigriceps là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Aotidae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được Dollman mô tả năm 1909.
Aotus nigriceps (Dollman, 1909)
Ареал Охранный статусЧерноголовая мирикина[1] (лат. Aotus nigriceps) — вид млекопитающих надсемейства широконосых обезьян из Южной Америки.
Небольшой примат, и самцы и самки весят около 750 г, достигая этого веса к возрасту 14 месяцев. Шерсть густая и короткая, тёмно-серая на спине и передних лапах, оранжево-ржавая на нижней части спины, внешней поверхности задних конечностей и хвосте. На макушке полосы чёрной шерсти. Вокруг глаз светлые отметины. Оранжевая шерсть по бокам шеи и на брюхе, груди и внутренней поверхности конечностей и нижней части хвоста. Глаза большие, карие, являются приспособлением к ночному образу жизни. Отсутствует тапетум. Уши маленькие, скрыты шерстью. Пальцы длинные и тонкие, с прямыми ногтями и широкими подушечками. Второй палец на несёт изогнутый коготь, используемый для груминга. Половой диморфизм не выражен.[2]
Населяет как первичные, так и вторичные леса. Ночное животное, наиболее активно на закате и рассвете. В рационе в основном фрукты, нектар, цветы, листья и небольшие животные, такие как насекомые.
Моногамен, образует небольшие группы, состоящие из взрослой пары и их потомства. В воспитании потомства принимают участие как самки, так и самцы. Размер территории группы составляет от 7 до 14 га.[3]
Достигает половой зрелость к двухлетнему возрасту. Размножаться начинает в возрасте 3—4 лет в неволе и 4—5 лет в дикой природе. В помёте обычно один детёныш. Роды проходят в период с декабря по март.[3]
Встречается в центральном и верхнем течении Амазонки в основном в Перу и Бразилии, а также в Боливии.[4]
Черноголовая мирикина (лат. Aotus nigriceps) — вид млекопитающих надсемейства широконосых обезьян из Южной Америки.
검은머리올빼미원숭이(Aotus nigriceps)는 남아메리카에 사는 올빼미원숭이의 일종이다. 볼리비아와 브라질, 콜롬비아 그리고 페루에서 발견된다.