Nocturnal species, spending day underground in holes it digs with very strong elaborate claws. Saharan striped polecat feeds on small mammals (desert rodents, especially jerboa), ground-nesting birds, reptiles, insects and near houses it feed on domesticated birds, killing them by making a hole in the back of the skull. Forage solitarily. Saharan striped polecat probably territorial species and may play dead to avoid being attacked. The breeding season of the Saharan striped polecat is known to be from January to March and female gives birth of one to three naked young after a gestation period of not less than 37 days.
The Saharan striped polecat is a small and long haired weasel. It has distinctive coloration with longitudinal alternating black and white lines. Limbs short and tail longer than half of the body length. Ears and snout short. On the head between eyes and ears white spot. Three broad black lines extending along the body starting behind the ears, the central one dividing into 2-3 additional small lines middorsally and all joining together at the end of the body.
Narrow (mainly Mediterranean coast).
The Saharan striped polecat inhabits in sandy or stony desert and cultivated land.
Length: 23-28 cm. Weight: 200 gm.
Native, resident.