Brief Summary
provided by IABIN
Diagnosis A medium-sized Atelognathus (snout-vent length 31.7-35.3 mm) differing from all its congeners mainly by the presence of a round, protruding structure (pupillary nodule) on the lower border of the iris.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
Known only from the type locality in the Region XI in Chile near Argentinian border.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Molecular Biology
provided by IABIN
Artemisiae herba, óleo essencial, princípios amargos,resina,tanino,mucilagem,inulina, vitaminas A1 B1 B2 e C (1)
Diagnostic Description
provided by IABIN
Description of holotype Head wider than lone: snout rounded in dorsal and lateral protile; canthus rostralis rounded; loreal regon flat; nostrils notably protuberant dorsolaterally, located at anterior terminus of snout; eye large; interocular distance smaller than eve diameter and eqlual to eye-nostril distance; pupil circular; a small, round protruding structure (enlargement of ventral pupillary nodule) on the lower border of the iris, tvmpanum absent; tympanic fold -thick, 'extending from posterior comer of eye to forelimb; vomerine teeth in two close watches between. and at posterior level of oval choanae, pre maxillary and maxillary; teeth tongue round, not notched posteriorly, free posteriorly; forelimbs moderately slender; lengths of fingers: I =II < IV < III: fingers with faint dermal fringes; webbing absent; one large, conical subarticular tubercle present proximally on each finger; distal subarticular tubercles on Fingers III and IV; small supernumerary palmar tubercles: inner and outer metacarpal tubercles rounded, subequal in size; faint, unpigmented nuptial pads on pollex and, less evident, on second finger; hind limbs slender, when adpressed, tibiotarsal articulation reaching posterior comer of eye; tarsal fold present, extending approximately two-thirds length of tarsus, confluent distally with fringe along inner margin of Toe I; inner metatarsal tubercle oval: outer metatarsal tubercle smaller and conical; subarticular tubercles conical, distributed on toes as follows: I(l), II(l), III(2), IV(3), V(2); plantar supernumerary tubercles absent; lengths of digits: I < II < IIII = V < IV; toes webbed; with dermal fringe to tip; skin of dorsum granular, with rounded, flat glandular warts, usually encircled by dark, pigmented areas; skin of venter smooth; posterior surfaces of thighs granular; discoidal fold present; skin of sides loose. Color in life: dorsal color of head, body, and upper surfaces of the appendages pale yellow with irregular, pale brown spots and reddish warts usually surrounded bv dark brown blotches. A well I defined, pale yellow, w-shaped, transverse band across the anterior interorbital region. A distinct, pale yellow spot on neck, and a pale yellow, rhomboidal interscapular spot. Venter white, immaculate. Posteroventral, granular surface of thighs reddish. Iris gold, with irregular dark reticulations; evident pigment concentration ventral to the pupil, and at anterior and posterior borders of eye. Color in alcohol: dorsum creamishgray with irregular brownish-gray spots and pale rose warts surrounded by dark gray; venter whitish. Measurement of holotype (in mm): snout-vent length 33.0, head length 10.9, head width 11.4, shank length 14.3, foot length 22.1, eye diameter 3.2, interorbital distance 2.6, eye-nostril distance 2.6, internarial distance 2.2.. Variation The range of measurements (in mm) of adult paratypes are (n = 4, average given in parenthesis): snout-vent length 31.7-35.3 (33.8), head length 10.3-11.2 (10.8), head width 11.2-11.7 (11.5), shank length 13-15.4 (14.1), foot length 20.7-24.1 (22.6), eye diameter 3.33.9 (3.5), interorbital distance 2.6-2.8 (2.7), eye-nostril distance 2.6-2.7 (2.6), internarial distance 2.2-2.3 (2.3). No notable differences in coloration were observed. In some specimens, the dorsal creamish or yellowish spot on neck and the interscapular spot are continuous. Juveniles with brilliant red warts, and brilliant red strip along the upper eyelids and in the midline of the snout. No external differences between sexes in juvenile specimens were observed. Mature males are recognized externally by the presence of faint, velvety nuptial pads on thumb and second finger. The nuptial pads on second finger are more evident in male specimen. No variation was observed with regard tuberculation and webbing among adult specimens. Tarsal fold and webbing are slightly less developed in juveniles.
- author
- Esteban O. Lavilla
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by IABIN
antiespasmódico, emenagogo,febrifugo, tônico, vermífugo (1). febre. Planta inteira, Folha, Flor. Infusão, tintura extrato fluido, essencia (21)