Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus bowenae
ETYMOLOGY.—The species is named for Ms. Marcia Bowen, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, who collected the specimens.
HOLOTYPE.—USNM 156664, undissected ovigerous female in alcohol, length 1.11 mm.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Outer edge of continental shelf off New Jersey, R/V Columbus Iselin, sta F4-7, 183 m.
PARATYPES.—New Jersey, outer continental shelf, R/V Columbus Iselin: sta F4-7 (same sample as holotype): USNM 156912, 1 ovigerous female; USNM 156668, 42 specimens; USNM 156666A–C, 3 ovigerous females; sta A4-11: USNM 156948, 1 juvenile; USNM 156949, 1 adult female; USNM 156944, 1 juvenile female; USNM 156950, 15 specimens; sta A4-9: USNM 156955A,B, 2 A–1 males; USNM 156956, 1 juvenile male; USNM 156957, 1 2nd antenna of adult female.
DISTRIBUTION.—New Jersey shelf at depths of 136–196 m.
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 23–25; Plate 11).—Carapace (Figures 23, 24a): Elongate with fairly broad rostrum and very small caudal process, ribs absent.
Ornamentation: Surface with numerous shallow fossae (Plate 11a,b,d); long bristles abundant along ventral margin and on rostrum (Plate 11a), and widely scattered on valve surface (Plate 11d); 2 short bristles present on inner end of incisur (Figure 24c); inferior corner of rostrum with few minute nodes (Plate 11a,c); fossae with minute nodes with central pores (Plate 11b,d,e); area between fossae with similar nodes but having less relief than those in fossae (Plate 11d,f); surface between nodes with minute pustules (Plate 11e); areas not immediately surrounding nodes with peculiar surface structure (Plate 11f).
Infold: Rostral infold with 3 long bristles (Figure 24c); 1 bristle present near inner end of incisur; anteroventral infold with about 4 ribs, no bristles observed; infold of caudal process with 6 setose bristles along anterior edge of pocket (Figure 24b); 6 small bristles present along inner edge of infold in vicinity of caudal process.
Selvage: Wide lamellar prolongation in vicinity of incisur, narrower along ventral margin; prolongation with fringed edge in vicinity of incisur and rostrum and along ventral margin.
Size: USNM 156912, length 0.92 mm, height 0.64 mm; USNM 156666A, length 1.12 mm, height 0.67 mm; USNM 156666B, length 1.14 mm, height 0.65 mm; USNM 156666C, length 1.14 mm, height 0.66 mm; USNM 156664, length 1.11 mm, height 0.59 mm.
First Antenna (Figure 24d): 1st joint: bare. 2nd joint: spines forming rows along dorsal and ventral margins and on medial surface, and 1 dorsal bristle. 3rd joint: short with spines on medial surface and ventral margin and 3 bristles (2 dorsal, 1 ventral). 4th joint: spines on lateral surface and ventral margin, and 4 bristles (1 dorsal, 3 ventral). 5th joint: bent upward at slight angle (right limb of USNM 156912 bent at greater angle than left limb), and with lateral spines; sensory bristle with 1 short filament proximal to middle, 3 distal filaments, and tip of stem with 2 minute spines. 6th joint: short spinous medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle with short marginal spines; b-bristle shorter than sensory bristle of 5th joint, with 3 terminal filaments including stem; c-bristle about same length as sensory bristle, with 1 short proximal filament, 3 distal filaments, and tip of stem with 2 minute spines. 8th joint: d-and e-bristle bare, about same length as sensory bristle; f-bristle slightly shorter than sensory bristle, with 2 short proximal filaments, 3 distal filaments, and tip of stem with 2 minute spines; g-bristle same length as sensory bristle, with 2 short proximal filaments, 3 distal filaments, and tip of stem with 2 minute spines; tips of all filaments and tip of stem of b-bristle with single minute spine.
Second Antenna: Protopodite without medial bristle. Endopodite 2-jointed (Figure 24f,g): 1st joint with 1 short anterior bristle; 2nd joint minute, with long spinous terminal bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with long hairs along ventral margin and short, terminal, medial bristle; bristles of joints 2–8 with stout spines along ventral margin, no natatory hairs; 9th joint with 3 bristles, ventral bristle longer of 3 and with stout ventral spines, middle bristle and short dorsal bristle with short, slender, marginal spines, none with natatory hairs; joints 2–8 with short spines forming row along distal margin; basal spines absent.
Mandible (Figure 24e): Coxale endite consisting of spinous bifurcate process, no bristle observed near base. Basale: dorsal margin with 1 bristle distal to middle and 2 terminal bristles; medial surface spinous, with 3 bristles near ventral margin (2 short, proximal, and 1 longer, near middle); ventral margin with 1 spinous terminal bristle; lateral surface with 2 spinous bristles near ventral margin (1 near middle, 1 subterminal). Exopodite one-half length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, hirsute near tip, with 1 subterminal bristle. Endopodite: 1st joint with 3 ventral bristles (1 of these minute); medial surface with spines forming oblique rows; ventral margin of 2nd joint with distal bristles forming 2 groups, proximal group with 1 bristle, terminal group with 2; dorsal margin with 1 proximal bristle and 4 near middle; medial surface spinous; end joint with 3 claws and 2 bristles, dorsal claw about one-half length of other claws.
Maxilla (Figure 25a): Precoxale and coxale with fringe of dorsal hairs; coxale with stout spinous bristle near dorsal margin. Endite I with 6 spinous bristles; endite II with 5 bristles; endite III with 4 bristles; 1 proximal bristle present on margin between endites II and III (this bristle not observed on USNM 156666B). Basale with 2 long bristles. Exopodite with 3 bristles (1 short, 2 long). Endopodite: 1st joint with 1 α-bristle and 1 β-bristle; end joint with 2 stout, bare, unringed, clawlike bristles with blunt tips, 1 stout partly ringed bristle with few ventral teeth, and 4 slender ringed bristles. (Appendage examined was in twisted position on slide so that exact location of some of the bristles is uncertain).
Fifth Limb (Figure 25b): Endite I with 2 bristles; endites II and III each with about 5 bristles. Exopodite: main tooth of 1st joint consisting of 3 pronged tooth with short bristle at inner edge of base, and a 2nd large but poorly defined tooth inward from the 3-pronged tooth; outer edge of 1st joint with bulbous hirsute process; anterior distal margin of 1st joint with 2 bristles near outer edge of main 3-pronged tooth; 2nd joint with large squarish tooth; posterior side of 2nd joint with 3 bristles; outer lobe of 3rd joint with 2 bristles, inner lobe with 3; 4th and 5th joints with total of 5 bristles. Epipodial appendage with 38 bristles.
Sixth Limb (Figure 25c): 1 fairly long hirsute bristle in place of epipodial appendage; endite I with 2 bristles; endite II with 3 terminal bristles; endite III with 5 terminal bristles; endite IV with 4 terminal bristles; end joint not prolonged posteriorly, with 6 bristles (4 spinous anterior bristles and 2 hirsute posterior bristles), lateral surface of end joint hirsute except in vicinity of endites; medial surface of endites III and IV with faint spines forming rows.
Seventh Limb (Figure 25d): Each limb with 8 (rarely 7) bristles (2 (rarely 1) proximal, 6 terminal); each bristle with marginal spines and 2–4 bells; terminal comb with about 6 teeth opposite 2 pegs.
Furca (Figure 25e): Each lamella with 6 claws: claws 1, 2, and 4 stout; claws 3, 5, and 6 short slender; claw 3 shorter than claw 4; stout claws with teeth along posterior margin; claw 1 with 2 stout distal teeth oriented anteriorly; slender claws with proximal spines on anterior and posterior margins; hairs present on lamella following claws.
Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 25f): Elongate with about 5 sutures in middle part and broadening distal part with tapering tip.
Eyes: Medial eye bare, unpigmented (Figure 25f); lateral eyes not observed.
Upper Lip and Anterior Process (Figure 25f): Hirsute, may have anterior processes. Sclerotized anterior process present between upper lip and medial eye.
Genitalia (Figure 25f): Sclerotized oval on each side proximal to furca.
Eggs: USNM 156912 with 1; USNM 156666A with 3; USNM 156666B with 4 large unextruded; USNM 156666C with 1.
DESCRIPTION OF A–1 FEMALE (Figure 26a).—Carapace: Similar in shape to that of adult female.
Size: USNM 156948, length 0.93 mm, height 0.53 mm.
First Antenna: Not examined in detail, but in general similar to that of adult female.
Second Antenna (Figure 26a): Similar to that of adult female.
Mandible, Maxilla, 5th Limb, 6th Limb: Not examined in detail but in general similar to that of adult female.
Seventh Limb: Not examined in detail but bristles tapering distally.
Furca: Similar to that of adult female.
Rod-shaped Organ: Similar to that of adult female.
Eyes: Medial eye similar to that of adult female; lateral eyes not observed.
Genitalia: None observed.
DESCRIPTION OF A–2 OR A–3 MALE (instar III) (Figure 26b,c).—Carapace (Figure 26b): Similar in shape to that of adult female, but slightly more produced posteriorly.
Size: USNM 156956, length 0.83 mm, height 0.44 mm.
First Antenna: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd joints similar to those of adult female; 4th joint with 1 dorsal and 1 ventral bristle; joints 6–8 not examined in detail but, in general, similar to those of adult female.
Second Antenna: Protopodite and exopodite similar to those of adult female. Endopodite 2-jointed with partly developed suture distally on end joint indicating future 3rd joint (Figure 26c): 1st joint short with 1 short ventral bristle; 2nd joint elongate with 2 ventral bristles proximal to incipient suture and 1 short terminal bristle.
Mandible, Maxilla, 5th Limb, 6th Limb: Not examined in detail but, in general, similar to those of adult female.
Seventh Limb: Fairly short without bristles.
Furca: Similar to that of adult female.
Rod-shaped Organ: Similar to that of adult female.
Eyes: Medial eye similar to that of adult female; lateral eyes not observed.
Genitalia: None observed.
DESCRIPTION OF A–1 MALE (Figure 26d,e).—Carapace (Figure 26d): Similar to that of adult female but more elongate.
Size: USNM 156955A, length 1.08 mm, height 0.57 mm.
First Antenna: Similar to that of adult female except with only 2 ventral bristles on 4th joint.
Second Antenna: Protopodite and exopodite similar to that of adult female. Endopodite 3-jointed (Figure 26e): 1st joint short, with 2 short ventral bristles; 2nd joint elongate, with 1 long and 2 short ventral bristles proximal to middle; 3rd joint elongate with 2 short terminal bristles and with squarish tip.
Mandible, Maxilla, 5th Limb, 6th Limb: Similar to those of adult female.
Seventh Limb: Each limb with 3 or 4 terminal bristles and 1 or no proximal bristles; each bristle tapering distally and with 2 bells in addition to marginal spines.
Furca: Similar to that of adult female.
Rod-shaped Organ: Similar to that of adult female except sutures appearing weaker.
Eyes: Medial eye similar to that of adult female: lateral eyes not observed.
Genitalia: Not examined under high magnification but consisting of 2 or 3 lobes.
COMPARISONS.—The short 2nd joint on the endopodite of the female 2nd antenna distinguishes H. bowenae from previously described species in the genus. Harbansus bowenae occurs together with H. dayi. It is smaller than that species, and its caudal process does not project backwards as far as that of H. dayi. H. bowenae is the only known species in the family Philomedidae with only 1 bristle on the exopodite of the mandible, but it is possible that a minute bristle is present at the tip of the exopodite but cannot be detected at the resolving power of the available compound microscope. The dorsal claw on the end joint of the mandible is about one-half the length of the other 2 claws; on most species in the genus the dorsal claw is much smaller than that on H. bowenae. The distal ventral margin of the 2nd endopodial joint of the mandible bears only 3 bristles compared to 4 on other species in the genus.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. 1978. "Harbansus, a New Genus of Marine Ostracoda, and a Revision of the Philomedidae (Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus bowenae Kornicker, 1978
Harbansus bowenae Kornicker, 1978:38, figs. 23–26, pl. 11.—Bowen et al., 1979, fig. 3.
HOLOTYPE.—USNM 156664, adult female in alcohol.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Outer edge of continental shelf off New Jersey, R/V Columbus Iselin, sta F4–7, 183 m.
MATERIAL.—See “Station List and Material Examined.”
DISTRIBUTION.—Bowen et al. (1979, fig. 3) reported this species in the Middle Atlantic Bight between roughly 37°N and 39°N (Map 3). The range is extended herein north to Canada (46°45′N). Known depth range is 42–196 m.
DIAGNOSIS.—Carapace surface with small fossae but without lateral ribs (Figure 42). 2nd joint of 1st antenna with 1 dorsal bristle on both adult male (Figure 43a) and female. Female 2nd antenna: 1st endopodial joint with 1 short bristle; minute 2nd joint with long spinous terminal bristle; exopodite without natatory bristles. Ventral margin of 2nd endopodial joint of mandible of both males and females with bristles forming 2 groups having 1 bristle in proximal group and 2 in distal group (Figure 43c). Female 7th limb with 7 or 8 bristles and 2 terminal pegs; male 7th limb with 4 or 5 bristles and 1 terminal peg (Figure 43g). Each lamella of furca with 6 claws; claw 3 thinner than claw 4. Males and females without lateral eyes.
SUPPLEMENTARY DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 44).—Carapace with anterior margin of rostrum extending past straight or slightly concave valve edge (Figure 44a).
Fifth Limb: USNM 156912 with 4 minute teeth (could be interpreted as 2 teeth, each with 2 cusps) near inner margin of large tooth forming 2nd exopodial joint (Figure 44b).
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT MALE (Figures 42, 43).—Carapace elongate with prominent rostrum and short caudal process (Figure 42); ribs absent.
Ornamentation (Figure 42): Surface with numerous shallow fossae; long bristles present along caudal process and anteroventral margin, and widely scattered over valve surface; 2 short bristles present at inner end of incisur.
Infold: Rostral infold with 2 or 3 long bristles with short marginal spines; 1 short bristle present just ventral to inner edge of incisur; infold of caudal process with 5 or 6 setose bristles along anterior edge of pocket; few small bristles along inner edge of infold in vicinity of caudal process.
Size: USNM 158867A, length 1.07 mm, height 0.74 mm; USNM 158867B, length 1.09 mm, height 0.50 mm.
First Antenna (Figure 43a): 1st joint with medial hairs forming rows. 2nd joint with medial and lateral spines and 1 spinous dorsal bristle. 3rd joint short, with small medial spines and 2 spinous dorsal bristles. 4th joint with 1 spinous dorsal bristle. 5th joint wedged ventrally between 4th and 6th joints, sensory bristle with bulbous proximal part bearing numerous long thin filaments, and stem with 3 filaments near middle and 2 spines at tip. 6th joint with spinous medial bristle. 7th joint: a-bristle spinous, about same length as bristle of 6th joint; b-bristle broken, with 4 marginal filaments on remaining part; c-bristle with 6 marginal filaments and 2 spines at tip. 8th joint: d- and e-bristles broken, bare; f-bristle with 6 or 7 marginal filaments and 2 spines at tip; g-bristle with 6 marginal filaments and 2 spines at tip.
Second Antenna (Figure 43b): Protopodite bare. Endopodite 3-jointed: 1st joint short with 3 short anterior bristles; 2nd joint elongate with 2 long proximal bristles; 3rd joint elongate, reflexed, with 2 short bristles near sclerotized beaklike tip. Exopodite: 1st joint elongate with 2 rows of long hairs distally on ventral margin, and with minute, terminal, medial bristle; 2nd to 9th joints decreasing in length distally; bristle of 2nd joint reaching past end of 9th joint with natatory hairs, no spines; bristles of joints 3–8 about twice length of bristle of 2nd joint, with natatory hairs, no spines; 9th joint with 3 bristles (dorsal bristle short, with few slender ventral spines, no hairs; middle bristle of medium length; ventral bristle long, both with natatory hairs, no spines); joints 2–8 with short spines forming row along distal margin, no basal spines.
Mandible (Figure 43c): Coxale with slender lateral spines forming row; endite not observed. Basale: medial and lateral surface with hairs and slender spines, and 2 proximal bristles (longer of these ringed), and 1 ringed bristle near middle, all bristles near ventral margin; ventral margin with 1 long spinous subterminal bristle; lateral surface with 2 long bristles with bases near or on ventral margin (bristles proximal to subterminal ventral bristle); dorsal margin with 3 long bristles (2 terminal, 1 near middle). Exopodite with hirsute tip reaching to midlength of dorsal margin of 1st endopodial joint, with single long subterminal bristle. Endopodite narrow: 1st joint with medial spines and 3 ventral bristles (2 long, 1 minute); 2nd joint with ventral margin with bristles forming 2 groups (proximal group with 1 bristle, distal group with 2); dorsal margin with bristles forming 2 groups (proximal group with 1 bristle, distal group with 4); medial surface with spines forming rows; end joint with 3 claws (dorsal claw about length of middle claw), and 2 slender bristles.
Maxilla (Figure 43d): Limb reduced, some bristles of endopodite broad, flat; exopodite relatively well developed, with 3 ringed bristles.
Fifth Limb (Figure 43e): Endites and exopodite weakly developed. Endite I with 2 weakly developed bristles; endite II with 4 weakly developed bristles; endite III with about 7 bristles (3 broader than others and unringed). Exopodite: 1st joint with slender bristle and finger-formed bristle; 2nd joint with 1 ringed bristle, 1 unringed bristle, and 1 finger-formed bristle; 3rd joint with 2 slender unringed bristles on outer lobe and 2 unringed bristles on inner lobe; 4th and 5th joints fused, with 5 bristles. Epipodial appendage with 37 hirsute bristles.
Six Limb (Figure 43f): 1 fairly long hirsute bristle in place of epipodial appendage. Endite I and 1 or 2 hirsute bristles; endite II with 3 bristles (2 hirsute, 1 spinous); endite III with 3 hirsute and 2 spinous bristles; endite IV with 2 hirsute and 2 spinous bristles. End joint with 6 bristles (2 spinous and 1 hirsute anterior bristles, 1 spinous midbristle, and 2 stout hirsute posterior bristles); indentation in margin of end joint near base of inner of the 2 posterior bristles. Limb hirsute.
Seventh Limb (Figure 43g): Each limb with 4 terminal bristles (2 on each side) and 1 or no proximal bristle; terminal bristles with 3 or 4 bells; proximal bristle with 1 bell; all bristles with marginal spines. Terminal comb with 6 or 7 spinous recurved teeth; 1 peg opposite comb.
Furca: Each lamella with 6 claws; claws 1, 2, 4, long stout; claws 3, 5, 6 short slender; claw 3 about same length as claw 4; stout claws with teeth along posterior margin; slender claws with proximal spines on anterior and posterior margins; lamellae with few hairs on anterior margin and following claws; claw 1 without stout distal medial teeth present on female.
Bellonci Organ (Figure 43h): Elongate with about 7 sutures in proximal two-thirds; tip rounded.
Eyes (Figure 43h): Medial eye bare, unpigmented. Lateral eyes absent.
Upper Lip (Figure 43h): With anterior projection.
Genitalia: Each limb elongate, lobate, with terminal process with marginal teeth; lobes with total of about 6 small bristles.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. 1984. "Philomedidae of the Continental Shelf of Eastern North America and the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Ostracoda: Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-78.