Olenecamptus bilobus is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1801, originally under the genus Saperda. It is known from Bhutan, Myanmar, India, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Laos, Seychelles, Madagascar, Australia, Sri Lanka, Japan, Sumatra, Java, Philippines and Taiwan.[1]
Olenecamptus bilobus is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1801, originally under the genus Saperda. It is known from Bhutan, Myanmar, India, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Laos, Seychelles, Madagascar, Australia, Sri Lanka, Japan, Sumatra, Java, Philippines and Taiwan.
Olenecamptus bilobus is een keversoort uit de familie van de boktorren (Cerambycidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1801 door Fabricius.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties五星白天牛(学名:Olenecamptus bilobus)为天牛科白天牛屬下的一个种[1][2]。舊屬Saperda(英语:Saperda)屬,本物種由约翰·克里斯蒂安·法布里丘斯於1801年描述。