
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Upogebia bermudensis

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—BERMUDA: MCZ 12873, (holotype), Castle Harbor, Mowbray, 4 Oct 1902.

DIAGNOSIS.—Projections to either side of rostrum obsolete, lateral rostral ridge originating behind orbital margin in rather blunt spine. Postocular-antennal margin bearing 2–3 spines and additional tubercles. Abdominal sternites unarmed; AVI lacking hooked anterolateral spine. T subrectangular, distal margin concave. Merus of cheliped with row of spines on ventral margin; carpus with strong anterodorsal spine and strong spine on anteromesial margin; palm with row of strong dorsal spines and 3 strong spines on distal of ventral margin. Merus of P2 lacking proximal mesioventral spine, but with 2 or 3 distal spines dorsally; carpus with 4 or 5 dorsal spines and 1 distoventral spine. Merus of P2 with 2 subdistal dorsal spines, merus of P3 spineless.

DESCRIPTION.—Rostrum lance-shape in dorsal outline, straight, bearing slight mid-dorsal ridge, median ventral keel bearing 3 strong spines curved anteroventrally, tip rounded, exceeding eyestalks by slightly more than once again their length; densely setose dorsally but sparsely spinose, continuous with setal tract extending at each side along dorsolateral aspect of cephalic region, but decreasing in density posteriorly to leave gastric region nearly smooth and glabrous; gastric region flanked on either side by shallow, slightly sinuous groove; each groove bounded in turn by lateral ridge originating behind orbital margin in rather blunt spine, terminating near cephalic groove, and bearing crest of few obsolescent spines and tubercles. Shoulder lateral to cervical groove acutely angled, bearing about 3–6 tiny spines below intersection with thalassinidean line; latter continued obscurely but uninterruptedly to posterior margin; gastroorbital region bearing few low spines and tubercles. Anterolateral margin bearing 2–3 postocular spines, and small spiniform tubercles near base of A2 peduncle.

Abdominal sternites unarmed.

T subrectangular, lateral margins converging somewhat posteriorly, posterior margin concave; obscure transverse proximal ridge confluent with slight lateral thickening at each side.

Eyestalk stout, horizontal, reaching nearly to midlength of rostrum; prominent terminal cornea slightly ovate in lateral view, longer than stalk and greater in diameter.

A1 peduncle fully as long as A2 peduncle, its proximal 2 articles together slightly longer than terminal article; middle article with ventral spine; flagellum missing.

A2 peduncle with terminal article extending beyond tip of rostrum; penultimate article bearing strong subdistal ventral spine; minute scale rounded, flagellum missing.

Mxp3 apparently lacking epipod.

Epistomial projection rounded in lateral view, bearing tiny apical spine.

Chelipeds with merus reaching beyond level of major postorbital spine, bearing row of 5 small spines on ventral margin; 2 rather widely separated distal spines dorsally on left side, 3 on right. Carpus trigonal, dorsolateral surface more or less hollowed, obscurely rugose, punctate, and rather densely setose; lateral ridge bearing row of 6–7 anteriorly directed spines; strong anterodorsal spine preceded by 2 strong anteriorly curved spines on dorsal crest; anteromesial margin with single strong spine in middle. Palm somewhat compressed, chl about 2.6 times chh; lateral surface similar to that of unspined part of carpus, but setae very sparse, mesial surface covered with very fine short setae; dorsal and ventral surfaces bearing prominent plumose setae; strong dorsal ridge bearing row of 9–10 acute, widely separated, recumbent spines hidden in plumose setae and directed anteromesially; ventral keel bearing 3 strong acute spines on distal . Fixed finger strongly deflexed, hooked, much shorter than dactyl, drawn to acute tip, 2 acute hooked spines on proximal of prehensile margin; dactyl much stouter than fixed finger and far overreaching it, longitudinally ridged proximal part opposing fixed finger rhomboid in cross section, longer distal part more or less triquetrous in cross section, all ridges bearing rows of thickly distributed long setae.

P2 reaching about to distal of palm; propodus with small proximal spine on dorsal margin; carpus bearing row of 3–4 slender, widely spaced dorsal spines and nearly equal distoventral spine; merus with slender distal and subdistal spines on dorsal margin, lacking proximal mesioventral spine; coxa with spine on mesial margin. Coxa of P3 with spine lateral to apparently nonfunctional gonopore and 2 or 3 accessory spinules nearby. P4 with spineless merus. P5 missing.

Two arthrobranchs arranged in biserial rows of undivided entire lamellae on Mxp 3 and P1–4.

U with tiny acute spine on protopod above base of mesial ramus; rami overreaching T, lateral ramus suboval and longer than mesial ramus, subtriangular in outline.

MEASUREMENTS (in mm).—Holotype , acl 1.6, cl 2.46, chl 1.92, chh 0.74.

KNOWN RANGE.—Confined to the type locality.
bibliographic citation
Williams, Austin B. 1993. "Mud shrimps, Upogebiidae, from the western Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-77. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.544