
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cambarus (Depressicambarus) reflexus Hobbs

Cambarus (Depressicambarus) reflexus Hobbs, 1981:120, figs.23c, 38a, 39h, 52, 53, 203.

TYPES.—Holotype, allotype, and morphotype, USNM 148116, 148117, 148118 (male I, female, male II); paratypes, USNM.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Savannah River floodplain at U.S. Highway 301, Allendale County, South Carolina.

RANGE.—Coastal plain of the Savannah through the Santee basins in Georgia and South Carolina.

HABITAT.—Burrows (primary burrower).
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1989. "An Illustrated Checklist of the American Crayfishes (Decapoda, Astacidae, Cambaridae, Parastacidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-236. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.480

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cambarus (Depressicambarus) reflexus

Cambarus (Depressicambarus) sp.—Hobbs III, Thorp, and Anderson, 1976:2, 5, 11, 20–21.

The single reference to this crayfish consists of a diagnosis, color notes, a statement of its occurrence in Burke and Effingham counties, Georgia, and Allendale and Barnwell counties, South Carolina, and ecological and life history notes; the diagnosis and life history notes were made available to the authors from an early draft of this report.

DIAGNOSIS.—Eyes small. Rostrum without marginal spines or tubercles and lacking median carina. Carapace with cervical tubercles only slightly larger than others nearby. Areola linear to 31 times as long as broad, constituting, in adults, 40.4 to 43.9 (average 41.7) percent of entire length of carapace (45.3 to 49.1, average 46.8, percent of postorbital carapace length), and never with more than 1 punctation in narrowest part. Suborbital angle broadly obtuse to obsolete. Postorbital ridge terminating cephalically without spine or tubercle. Antennal scale about 3 times as long as broad, widest at or slightly distal to midlength. Palm of chela with 6 or 7 (rarely 8) tubercles in mesialmost row. First pleopod of first form male with short, strongly arched central projection, its tip directed proximally, flanked by adjacent subapical notch; mesial process inflated but with slender apical portion; caudal knob well defined. Mesial ramus of uropod with spine at end of median ridge not reaching distal margin of ramus. Color reddish-orange tan or blue; abdominal terga without stripes or bands. Female with first pleopod present.

HOLOTYPIC MALE, FORM I.—Body subovate, compressed (Figure 52a,j). Abdomen narrower than cephalothorax (13.3 and 19.1 mm); maximum width of carapace greater than depth at caudodorsal margin of cervical groove (about 19, injury prevents accurate measurements, and 17.3 mm, respectively). Areola 41 times as long as broad with 1 punctation in narrowest part; length 43.9 percent of total length of carapace (49.1 percent of postorbital carapace length). Rostrum with convergent, slightly thickened margins, contracted suddenly at base of short triangular acumen, latter reaching midlength of penultimate podomere of antennular peduncle; dorsal surface of rostrum deeply concave with comparatively few punctations, more prominent ones caudally situated. Subrostral ridge weak and evident in dorsal aspect only along basal portion of rostrum. Postorbital ridge rather weak, truncate cephalically and prominently swollen caudally. Suborbital angle very broadly obtuse and little prominent; branchiostegal spine small and tuberculi- form. Cervical spines represented by 2 small tubercles no larger than those in hepatic region. Carapace punctate dorsally and granulate to tuberculate laterally, tubercles most prominent in anteroventral branchiostegal region and in hepatic region. Abdomen shorter than carapace (34.1 and 37.4 mm), pleura short, truncate ventrally and angular caudoventrally (Figure 39h). Cephalic section of telson with 2 spines in each caudolateral corner. Proximal podomere of uropod lacking spines; mesial ramus of uropod with well-defined submedian ridge terminating in short premarginal spine.

Cephalomedian lobe of epistome (Figure 52g) subtrapezoidal, narrow, and with prominent anteromedian projection; margins slightly thickened basally and elevated ventrally; main body with conspicuous submedian fovea; epistomal zygoma strongly arched. Ventral surface of proximal podomere of antennular peduncle with small subacute premarginal tubercle. Antennal peduncle without spines; flagellum reaching base of telson; antennal scale (Figure 52i) 2.8 times as long as broad, widest near midlength, mesial border forming broad are rather suddenly curved across base of distal fifth, distal spine almost reaching base of ultimate podomere of antennular peduncle. Mesial half of ventral surface of ischium of third maxilliped studded with irregular rows of long stiff setae and with submarginal lateral row of much smaller ones; distolateral angle acute.

Right chela (Figure 52l) 2.3 times as long as broad, mesial margin of palm occupying about one-third of its length. Mesial surface of palm with 2 well-defined rows of tubercles, mesialmost of 8 (left with 7) and adjacent one of 7; 2 additional tubercles present adjacent to rows ventrally, and dorsomesial half of palm with number of squamous tubercles decreasing in size laterally; lateral half of dorsal surface of propodus punctate, those flanking costa and on basal half of finger large and deep; ventral surface of median portion of palm tuberculate and 2 large tubercles present on marginal thickening opposite base of dactyl. Both fingers of chela with well-defined submedian longitudinal ridges dorsally and ventrally; opposable margin of fixed finger with row of 10 tubercles (left with 12), fourth from base largest, extending along almost entire length of finger; additional tubercle present on lower level slightly proximal to base of distal fourth of finger; opposable margin of dactyl with row of 12 tubercles (first and fourth from base larger than others) along proximal four-fifths of finger; narrow row of minute denticles between and distal to tubercles along distal half of both fingers; mesial surface of dactyl with cluster of large tubercles in basal fourth produced in single row, decreasing in size distally, to base of distal sixth of finger; punctations continuing distally.

Carpus of cheliped with distinct oblique furrow dorsally, flanked by setiferous punctations; mesial surface with 1 moderately large tubercle near base of distal fourth and several very small ones proximal to it; ventral surface punctate and bearing usual 2 large marginal tubercles distally. Merus with 2 premarginal tubercles disally, ventrolateral row of 5 tubercles and ventromesial one of 10 (left with 11); podomere otherwise polished and/or sparsely punctate. Ventromesial margin of ischium with row of 3 (left with 2) small tubercles.

Ischium of third pereiopod with simple hook extending proximally over basioischial articulation (Figure 52h), hook not opposed by tubercle on basis. Coxa of fourth pereiopod with obliquely vertically disposed caudomesial boss; that of fifth pereiopod lacking boss but with ventral membrane bearing scattered setae.

First pleopod (Figure 52b,d,f), reaching coxa of third pereiopod; central projection short, strongly recurved with tip directed proximally and bearing subapical notch; mesial process inflated, bent caudally at slightly more than 90 degrees, and with apical region suddenly and conspicuously slenderer than bulbous proximal part; caudal knob prominent.

ALLOTYPIC FEMALE.—Differing from holotype in following respects: rostrum almost reaching distal margin of penultimate podomere of antennular peduncle; suborbital angle very weak; both lobes of basal podomere of right uropod with spine; spine on antennal scale reaching base of ultimate podomere of antennular peduncle; right chela 1.9 times as long as broad; mesial surface of palm with 2 rows of 6 tubercles each; opposable margin of fixed finger with row of 7 (6 on left) tubercles, that of dactyl with 11 (10 on left); carpus with 1 or 2 major tubercles on mesial surface; merus with ventrolateral row of 5 (4 on left) and ventromesial row of 9 (10); mesial margin of ischium with 4 (3). (See “Measurements.”)

Annulus ventralis (Figure 52k) about 1.5 times as long as broad, strongly asymmetrical, and with small cephalic region distinctly less calcified than caudal, permitting hinge action across junction of 2 areas; cephalic semimembranous area with submedian trough, caudal portion of latter curved dextrally and disappearing with tongue beneath high dextral wall; sinus originating there, and, following elongate tilted S-shaped curve, ending on caudal wall sinistral to median line. Heavy caudodextral wall strongly convex ventrally as well as caudally; sinistral wall less inflated and concave. Postannular sclerite 2.6 times as broad as long, its width subequal to length of annulus and about two-thirds as wide, otherwise unremarkable. First pleopod reaching midlength of annulus when abdomen flexed.

MORPHOTYPIC MALE, FORM II.—Differing from holotype in following respects: areola reduced to line along midlength with no punctations in narrowest part; pleura of abdominal segments rounded caudoventrally; antennal scale broadest distal to midlength; cephalic lobe of epistome without cephalomedian projection, and slightly broader; ischium of third maxilliped truncate distolaterally; right chela (left regenerated) with mesial surface of palm bearing 6 tubercles in mesialmost row and 5 in flanking row; opposable margin of fixed finger with row of only 7 tubercles, that of dactyl with 9. Hook on ischium of third pereiopod much reduced, not reaching basioischial articulation; boss on coxa of fourth pereiopod also much reduced. (See “Measurements.”)

First pleopod (Figure 52c,e) differing from that of holotype chiefly in noncorneous texture and expanded central projection being contiguous with mesial process throughout most of its length, in less attenuate distal portion of mesial process, and in lacking caudal knob.

COLOR NOTES (Figure 38a).—Ground color of dorsum and hepatic region of carapace reddish-orange tan; margins of rostrum and postorbital ridges lacking tan suffusion; tubercles in hepatic region very pale orange, and branchiostegites pinkish cream laterally; no distinct markings on carapace although dark reddish brown in small areas at junction of branchiocardiac and cervical grooves. Abdomen with cephalic section of tergum of first segment almost black and caudal section very dark but diluted with red; terga of following segments progressively lighter although little different in color from fifth and sixth, all with narrow red band across caudal margin; sixth tergum with dark marking resembling bat with spread wings cephalically. First abdominal pleuron pink and caudal three-fourths of succeeding ones pale pink with small white spot; cephalic fourth of each pinkish cream, fifth and sixth with oblique brownish stripe extending caudoventrally from articular knob. Telson and uropods pinkish tan with brown edging on lateral margins and with similarly colored submedian ridges. Antennular and antennal peduncles dark reddish brown to olive with pinkish cream articular membranes; flagella tan to brown with dark bluish brown bands; antennal scale bright pink with lateral longitudinal brown stripe. Cheliped with basal podomeres and ventral surface of distal ones pink; dorsal part of distal half of merus dark brown with pink tubercles and with distal margin almost black; entire dorsum of carpus similar to coloration of distal half of that of merus; chela orange with brown suffusion, latter intense on dactyl; distal portions of fingers and lateral costa of propodus pinkish orange; tubercles on entire chela pinkish cream to orange. Remaining pereiopods pink basally and ventrally; distal podomeres of dorsum of merus through dactyl suffused with blue, rendering them light to dark lavender, darkest on distal portions of merus and carpus.

Some of the specimens examined were darker, more suffused with brown, but the basic reddish brown to orange coloration seems to be typical of the species, except in one locality in Burke County. In burrows along Newberry Creek at River Road, all of the specimens collected were almost entirely blue, the cobalt blue dorsum of the carapace fading ventrally on the branchiostegites through turquoise to pale powder blue ventrally. The pattern on the abdomen does not differ conspicuously from that described above but the colors are blue and cream. The cream tubercles on the dark blue background of the chelipeds provide a most striking contrast.

TYPES.—The holotypic male, form I, allotypic female, and morphotypic male, form II (numbers 148116, 148117, and 148118, respectively), are deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, together with the paratypes comprising 2I, 4II, 9, 8j, 6j, 1 ovigerous , and 1 with young. Specimens from localities 2, 3, 8, 9, and 12 (see “Specimens Examined”) are excluded from the type series.

Measurements (mm)

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Savannah River floodplain at U.S. Highway 301, Allendale County, South Carolina. There the holotype was dug from a complex burrow near one of the bridge pilings and not far removed from a small sand-bottomed stream.

RANGE.—Coastal plain of the Savannah and Ogeechee basins in Georgia and South Carolina.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—I have examined a total of 41 specimens from the following localities in Georgia and 4 specimens from South Carolina. GEORGIA. Burke County: (1) burrows along Rosemary Creek, about 7 mi S of Waynesboro, 1 with young, 29 Aug 1941, HHH, collector; (2) burrows at Brinson's Mill (on Rosemary Creek) about 8 mi S of Waynesboro, lj, 14 Apr 1944, HHH; (3) burrows along Newberry Creek at River Rd, 1.6 mi SE of St Rte 80, 2, 1j, 1 ovig , 17 Apr 1977, C. E. Carter, C. W. Hart, Jr., J. E. Pugh, HHH. Effingham County: (4) Savannah River Bluff, 6.8 mi ENE of Kildare, 2I, lj, 1 Jan 1971, G. K. Williamson; 1II, 3, 2j, 30 Jan 1971, GKW; (5) Savannah River Bluff, 6.7 mi NW of Clyo off Rte S953, lj, lj, 2 Sep 1972, GKW, W. Seyle; 1I, 1, 2j, 9 Sep 1972, WS, R. Daniel; (6) Savannah River Bluff, 0.2 mi NW of St Rte 119, 1, date ?, GKW, WS; (7) Savannah River Bluff, 0.5 mi NW of St Rte 119, 1II, 1, 1j, 1j, 20 Apr 1974, D. J. Peters, HHH; 1I, 1II, 3, 2j, 3j, 1 ovig , 19 Apr 1977, CEC, CWH, JEP, HHH. Glascock County: (8) burrows 2.1 mi E of Mitchell on St Rte 102, 1, 1j, 27 Apr 1966, E. T. Hall, Jr., HHH. Warren County: (9) burrows 5.9 mi N of Glascock Co line on St Rte 80, 2, 27 Apr 1966, ETH, HHH. SOUTH CAROLINA. Allendale County: (10) type-locality, 1, 31 Aug 1941, HHH; (11) 11.2 mi N of Allendale on US Hwy 278, 1, 15 Aug 1947, HHH. Barnwell County: (12) burrows along trib to Meyers Branch, 0.7 mi W of Rte 9 on Rte 14A, 2II, 13 May 1976, H. H. Hobbs III.

VARIATIONS.—In the very limited series, particularly of adult specimens, the range of variation is comparatively small. The rostrum is almost invariably short, rarely overreaching the base of the ultimate podomere of the antennular peduncle, and its shape departs little from that illustrated in Figure 52j. The suborbital angle, obtuse at best, is frequently obsolete. The range of variation in the width and length of the areola is pointed out in “Diagnosis.” The mesial margin of the chela bears a row of six or seven (rarely eight) tubercles subtended by a row of four to six, and a tuft of setae may or may not be present at the mesial base of the fixed finger; the carpus of the chela may have one or two major tubercles mesially and the number of smaller ones varies from two to five; the ventrolateral row of tubercles on the merus consists of from three to five, and the ventromesial from eight to 11; the ischium bears two to four tubercles. Among the first form males, the variations in the secondary sexual characteristics seem negligible. The annuli ventrales of the females are remarkably similar except that mirror images of that illustrated for the allotype are present among the specimens.

SIZE.—The largest specimen available is the ovigerous female from Effingham County in which the carapace length is 37.6 (postorbital carapace length, 33.1) mm. The smallest first form male has corresponding lengths of 33.9 and 30.5 mm. The single female on the abdomen of which young were clinging when collected has corresponding lengths of 34.6 and 30.5 mm, and those of the smaller ovigerous female, 36.9 and 33.1 mm.
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1981. "The Crayfishes of Georgia." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-549. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.318

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cambarus (D.) reflexus: 17, 51, 62, 149

10. Cambarus (D.) striatus: 8, 23, 27, 28, 31, 38, 41, 42, 46, 49, 57, 64, 67, 71, 72, 74, 84, 87, 94, 100, 102, 105, 107, 112, 114, 115, 118, 128, 131, 143, 146, 150, 155, 158
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1981. "The Crayfishes of Georgia." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-549. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.318