Description: Deutsch: Bauer mit
Ochsen in
Tamil Nadu,
Indien im Jahr 1993. English: Farmer with
oxen in
Tamil Nadu,
India in the year 1993. Français : Un fermier mène deux
boeufs. Photo prise en 1993 dans le
Tamil Nadu, en
Inde. മലയാളം:
കാളകളുമായി പോകുന്ന കർഷകൻ, 1993-ൽ
ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തമിഴ്നാട്ടിൽ നിന്നെടുത്ത ദൃശ്യം. Tiếng Việt: Người nông dân cùng những con
bò ở
Tamil Nadu, Ấn Độ năm 1993. Date: 1993. Source: Own work. Author:
Michael Gäbler.
Camera Model Olympus OM-3.
Shutter speed.
Exposure compensation.
Film speed (ISO).
Focal length.
Focal length (35 mm equiv.).
Flash. Support.
Developer. Sensor size {{{Sensor size}}}.
Scanner Nikon Coolscan V ED. Notes. [
: :. This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (
Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination [[Commons:|here]]. This is a featured picture on the Vietnamese language Wikipedia (
Hình ảnh chọn lọc) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination
here. If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a
suitable copyright license, be sure to
upload it,
tag it, and
nominate{box-sizing:border-box;clear:both;width:100%;margin:0.5em auto;border:2px solid #e5d4a1;background-color:#faf5e6;border-spacing:8px}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day td{padding:0}.mw-parser-output.template-picture-of-the-day.potd-icon{width:64px;text-align:center} : This image was selected as
picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for
28 November 2010. It was captioned as follows:English: Farmer walking with
oxen in
Tamil Nadu,
India in the year 1993. Other languages: Català : Un granger caminant amb una parella de
bous Bos taurus indicus a l'estat
Tamil Nadu de l'Índia, el 1993.Čeština : Farmář v
indickém Tamilnádu vede
zebu (1993)Dansk: Landmand med
zebuokser i
Tamil Nadu i
Indien i 1993.Deutsch:
Indische Bauern bestellen mit
Ochsen ein Feld in der Provinz
Tamil Nadu (im Jahr 1993)English: Farmer walking with
oxen in
Tamil Nadu,
India in the year 1993.Español : Granjero con
cebúes en
Tamil Nadu,
India en 1993.Íslenska: Bóndi með uxa í héraðinu Tamil Nadu, Indlandi, árið 1993.Italiano : Un contadino con i suoi
Tamil Nadu (
India)Magyar : Földművelő két
zebuval (Bos indicus) az indiai
Tamilnádu államban (1993)Nederlands:
boer met twee
zeboe's in de Indiase deelstaat
Tamil Nadu (1993).Polski: Rolnik prowadzący
woły, stan
Tamil Nadu w Indiach, 1993.Português : Trabalhador rural em
Tamil Nadu,
Índia.Svenska: En bonde med två
oxar i Tamil Nadu i
Indien, 1993.Македонски : Земјоделец со ѕевгар
волови во
Тамил Наду,
Индија (1993).Русский : Крестьянин ведёт быка в штате
Индия (
1993)മലയാളം :
കാളകളുമായി പോകുന്ന കർഷകൻ, 1993-ൽ
ഇന്ത്യയിലെ തമിഴ്നാട്ടിൽ നിന്നെടുത്ത ദൃശ്യം.한국어:
인도 타밀나두 주의 농부와
소. 1993년.日本語:
タミル・ナードゥ州にて。中文: 印度
瘤牛,拍摄于1983年العربية : فلاح يسير مع
الأبقار في
اقليم التاميل،
الهند في سنة 1993. : This image was selected as
picture of the day on Bengali Wikipedia.